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Low dose t3 the hole time I'm on hgh?

i disagree i've been gaining muscle and staying leaner this off season from using 40mcg a day i haven't been in a calorie deficit though so muscle wasting hasn't been an issue

How much you weighing right now and what AAS are you running along with that dose

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I'll never touch t3 again...last time I got ripped I used it and it shut down my adrenals so bad I had to go to the hospital and try and find out what was wrong with me...I could barely get out of bed, my body quit producing energy

and in my opinion its not even needed...got even more shredded by doing short runs of dnp every time I hit a fat-loss plateau, 5-7days at 500mg then off for a few weeks
i disagree i've been gaining muscle and staying leaner this off season from using 40mcg a day i haven't been in a calorie deficit though so muscle wasting hasn't been an issue

ive been running 50-60mcg t3 for my last 2 bulk blasts...
i actually ate less than i usually do and these were by far my most successful blasts.

i did use quite a lot of aas and pre workout slin with it (of course lol)

i believe that by using it intelligently t3 can actually INCREASE anabolism.
it increases protein turnover - so both protein retention and degradation.
HOWEVER i believe you can tip this towards your favor (for even MORE anabolism) by combining AAS and slin with t3 in appropriate dosages.

we (as in bodybuilders) probably eat way too much protein than our bodies can handle anyway and t3 might just enable you to assimilate a greater portion of that of that efficiently.

catabolism of muscle tissue should not be an issue at all in a caloric surplus and with a good amount of anabolic agents anyway.
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I'll never touch t3 again...last time I got ripped I used it and it shut down my adrenals so bad I had to go to the hospital and try and find out what was wrong with me...I could barely get out of bed, my body quit producing energy

and in my opinion its not even needed...got even more shredded by doing short runs of dnp every time I hit a fat-loss plateau, 5-7days at 500mg then off for a few weeks

did you happen to use a shitton of t3?

im not gonna lie, i had a near death experience from staying on 150+ mcgs t3 for too long. probably the most retarded thing ive ever done
(and ive done quite a lot of stupid shit regarding dnp and insulin too)

not quite sure of the actual reasons but i assume that it completely depleted my body of magnesium and/or potassium, basically making ANY muscle contraction impossible and causing cramps EVERYWHERE. i basically couldnt move out of bed and stand up straight. i would just fall down.
probably the scariest night of my life.

some guy on getbig actually had a similar experience because he had gotten t3 labeled as t4 and took 200 or 300mcg a day for weeks on end... he said he started losing weight like crazy, increased calories more and more so that in the end he ate like 5000 kcals a day but still lost a total of 70lbs or so, got completely shredded but lost tons of muscle too and ended up in the hospital nearly dead.

t3 is nothing you should EVER high dose. the effects are not immediate but over time it WILL fuck you up. its no joke
ive been running 50-60mcg t3 for my last 2 bulk blasts...
i actually ate less than i usually do and these were by far my most successful blasts.

i did use quite a lot of aas and pre workout slin with it (of course lol)

i believe that by using it intelligently t3 can actually INCREASE anabolism.
it increases protein turnover - so both protein retention and degradation.
HOWEVER i believe you can tip this towards your favor (for even MORE anabolism) by combining AAS and slin with t3 in appropriate dosages.

we (as in bodybuilders) probably eat way too much protein than our bodies can handle anyway and t3 might just enable you to assimilate a greater portion of that of that efficiently.

catabolism of muscle tissue should not be an issue at all in a caloric surplus and with a good amount of anabolic agents anyway.

I agree with the part you bolded. When I eat hig protein in the off season i get bloating and sometimes cramps but T3 at 25mcgs helps with the assimilation of food.
Here's an article about t3/t4 and HGH


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I read that article a while back and have t4 a good try, my buds did too. I found it alot harder to regulate the effect. I either felt real tired or super restless. IMHO the shorter and faster action of t3 makes it a better compound. Also if you are already hypothyroid your body is not going to be converting t4 at the same ratios
t3 won't make you "shrivel up" if you are already shriveled up..

you can only get so small

come at me bro
t3 won't make you "shrivel up" if you are already shriveled up..

you can only get so small

You talk a lot of shit.post up some pics so we can all learn from you!
I never see you post anything usefull so let's see them pics already!!!

come at me bro

I put up a couple pics in the "pic you took today" thread. I think on page 168 or 178 or something..

im not the biggest guy by any means.. I was about 255 in the second pic at 5'9.

the information I posted in this thread is useful.. you just don't agree with it.

im assuming that since you made a thread inquiring about t3, you don't have much experience with it.. perhaps it would behoove you to take the advice of those who have extensive experience with it, and have suffered its very catabolic effects.

but what do I know.. im just a dog.
IMO, not significant amount. Well done!

I think people usually over stimate the amount of muscle mass that they have.

Thanks. And I agree. People think they bigger than are
WHOLE different league getting stage ready....
I'm real. Don't carry a lot of muscle. Long muscle bellies. And not round. Don't think zero t3 is the secret and I'll go HEATH mode. Lol

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Thanks. And I agree. People think they bigger than are
WHOLE different league getting stage ready....
I'm real. Don't carry a lot of muscle. Long muscle bellies. And not round. Don't think zero t3 is the secret and I'll go HEATH mode. Lol

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no one is suggesting this... or even implying it.

so you've done preps with t3 (and im assuming some clen/eca)..

would you consider doing a prep with the same dose of clen/eca, and 250mg DNP thrown in there?

I can just about guarantee (based on my experience with both drugs) that the latter will provide vastly greater results.

maybe thrown in an oral like halotestin or superdrol or anadrol or methyltrienolone to help preserve strength (assuming you only run the standard pre-contest injectables).
Why? Or u being an idiot

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whoooaaaa buddy, no need to start throwing names around.

I was just playin. I couldn't really grasp what you were saying in your last post.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but HGH use decreases your T3 levels. Normally, T4 is converted to T3 as your body finds it necessary. Supplementing with T3 signals to your body that T4 is not necessary, which created the problem of low T4 levels. So....is it beneficial to supplement T4 instead?

T4 is the way to go IMO. I use 100mcg which converts to roughly 25mcg of T3
How much you weighing right now and what AAS are you running along with that dose

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500 sust 20mg dbol 257 last time i weighed myself i havent checked scales in 4 weeks messes with my head, but this is the first time ive used t3 in an off season as a little experiment (won't be whole off season) and im loving it great fat loss effects and had no ill effects on strength or muscle gains for me.My dose is fairly low though by the looks of how much some of you boys run ive never used over 40mcg before not felt the need too
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ive been running 50-60mcg t3 for my last 2 bulk blasts...
i actually ate less than i usually do and these were by far my most successful blasts.

i did use quite a lot of aas and pre workout slin with it (of course lol)

i believe that by using it intelligently t3 can actually INCREASE anabolism.
it increases protein turnover - so both protein retention and degradation.
HOWEVER i believe you can tip this towards your favor (for even MORE anabolism) by combining AAS and slin with t3 in appropriate dosages.

we (as in bodybuilders) probably eat way too much protein than our bodies can handle anyway and t3 might just enable you to assimilate a greater portion of that of that efficiently.

catabolism of muscle tissue should not be an issue at all in a caloric surplus and with a good amount of anabolic agents anyway.

i agree, i'm amazed people can handle doses over 50mcg too be honest i have too have 1-2 naps a day from 40 lol thank god im not working at the moment

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