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Low volume training..really?

Add Lee Labrada to the low volume, high intensity, high reward group too.
Some splits for high intensitiy, low volume, high frecuency?

I thought of this... ever repeat one day in the same week, first exercise to failure and the others to -1

Train monday tuesday thrusday friday

day1 supersets Chest+back :
bench press + pull downs 4x6
incline bench press + bent over barbell row 4x8
flyes dumbell + flyes for back 3x12

day2 shoulders + supersets arms
barbell shoulder press 4x8
Side Lateral Raise 3x12
barbell curl + triceps pushdown
Alternate Dumbbell Curl + Lying Close-Grip Barbell Triceps Extension Behind The Head

day3 legs
barbel squat 4x8
Leg Extensions 4x15
seated leg curl 4x15
Well last night, I thought I would give Low Volume training a try...now of course its not DC style...but more Yates style training.... total of 7 working sets and I was out the door....

instead of spliting the body up, I continued to focus yesterday on shoulders... but instead of doing 3 work sets for each excersise, I did a good warm up for the first set at least 4 sets...then balls to the wall from their...

1)Reverse Military....did to failure, then rest/pause, then negative, then drop set..

(2)Lateral raise... to failure, rest/pause, then negative (with wifes help), then drop set

3) Front raise...same as the rest

4) Reverse pec dec...to failure, rest/pause, tripple drop with rest pause on each drop (to hard to spot for negatives)

5)upright Rows...to failure, rest/pause, negative, dropset

6)Shrugs...To failure, rest/pause, negatives (on smith machine so wife could spot), then drop set

7)Abs...even did abs for one set in same fashion..

***what I noticed...shoulders felt like the had a awesome work, but walking out of the gym I did not feel like I was also just mentally fried and had just ran a marathon.

****also noticed I was stronger on some of the last movements then ussuall, because I had not done 15 sets already when I was about to do somee upright rows or what have you.

workout took a grand total of about 45min...have to say I really enjoyed it. I might try a split like this for awhile during bulking and see how it works.

I like doing the one bodypart a day, except bi/tri...they get their own day and at the end of chest or back day.... but maybe this will allow my body plenty of time to recover not only physically, but mentally too.

Like I had said earlier in the the thread..I had been going 100% in all my workouts when I do the marathon 16 sets or whatever....but its all relative compared to last night. 100% at the end of 16 sets, is not the same as 100% at the end of 6 sets. LOL... I now this is not DC training due to the split, but it is more like Yates training, and I like it...we will see the results or lack of in time I guess.
next time just duplicate the workout with 10 to 15 pounds extra weight on all your lifting poundages,
you will understand the exact meaning of low volume training high intensity training:).
I havent seen you complain that you arent making gains so i dont know why you are changing lifting styles if you like lifting with very high volume.

Someone else said : if it aint broke dont fix it....I agree with that assesment.
I havent seen you complain that you arent making gains so i dont know why you are changing lifting styles if you like lifting with very high volume.

Someone else said : if it aint broke dont fix it....I agree with that assesment.

i appreciate the advice..but that is why I started looking around on more information on this, or theory behind it so I could maybe tailor something to me and how my body responds...

my problem is for the past couple years...my offseason weight has not gone up, I get stuck at a sticking point around 265ish, then after dieting am back close to the same point as the year before ...tried eating more, but that just made me softer...tried training even harder, but that just made me hate going to the gym. ... so maybe something lower volume is what I need to break thru that platue and keep me from getting burned out this bulking season...

so I really wanted to change things up a bit before I hit that platue weight.
I've only been BB "training" for several months now. Coming from more of a weightlifting/powerlifting mix for many years. Just getting older and tired of all the joint pain and decided to focus more on how I look . . . ect . . . and makes the wife happier.

So here is my question for anyone. Why wouldn't you want to adjust your frequency/volume per your phase of training and supplementation? From my reading on this site and others, I thought you pretty much wanted to run lower volume and lift heavier during a bulking up phase or "offseason" with a "cruise" type level of GH and Test and eat progressively ect (assuming you live in a country were it is legal to do so).

Then as you get closer to your show, you start increasing your supplementation and at the same time you increase your volume of training focusing more on higher sets/reps vs moving heavyier weights, as higher GH/AAS and other super supps allow faster recovery, so you can train with more volume and less joint issues without the heavy weights.

Am I just completely not understanding this? I've read several of these posts about frequency/volume and I was under the impression you do both, depending on what phase of training you are currently doing?
I've only been BB "training" for several months now. Coming from more of a weightlifting/powerlifting mix for many years. Just getting older and tired of all the joint pain and decided to focus more on how I look . . . ect . . . and makes the wife happier.

So here is my question for anyone. Why wouldn't you want to adjust your frequency/volume per your phase of training and supplementation? From my reading on this site and others, I thought you pretty much wanted to run lower volume and lift heavier during a bulking up phase or "offseason" with a "cruise" type level of GH and Test and eat progressively ect (assuming you live in a country were it is legal to do so).

Then as you get closer to your show, you start increasing your supplementation and at the same time you increase your volume of training focusing more on higher sets/reps vs moving heavyier weights, as higher GH/AAS and other super supps allow faster recovery, so you can train with more volume and less joint issues without the heavy weights.

Am I just completely not understanding this? I've read several of these posts about frequency/volume and I was under the impression you do both, depending on what phase of training you are currently doing?

For a guy who has only been bb training for a few months....i do like your thought process....respect.
I've only been BB "training" for several months now. Coming from more of a weightlifting/powerlifting mix for many years. Just getting older and tired of all the joint pain and decided to focus more on how I look . . . ect . . . and makes the wife happier.

So here is my question for anyone. Why wouldn't you want to adjust your frequency/volume per your phase of training and supplementation? From my reading on this site and others, I thought you pretty much wanted to run lower volume and lift heavier during a bulking up phase or "offseason" with a "cruise" type level of GH and Test and eat progressively ect (assuming you live in a country were it is legal to do so).

Then as you get closer to your show, you start increasing your supplementation and at the same time you increase your volume of training focusing more on higher sets/reps vs moving heavyier weights, as higher GH/AAS and other super supps allow faster recovery, so you can train with more volume and less joint issues without the heavy weights.

Am I just completely not understanding this? I've read several of these posts about frequency/volume and I was under the impression you do both, depending on what phase of training you are currently doing?

my thought process has always been...try to put on as much muscle as I can when I can have the extra food to convert to muscle..when I can train heavy and have the energy to do so... then when I move into contest mode, I train to maintain the gains I have made in the offseason, and peel the fat off the top. it would be great to lift heavier and heavier as you get closer to a show, just never seen it done in real life before, as most people I know are so fatiuged and working on very low calories..you tend to get weaker as the show gets closer...i have never seen anyone get stronger as the show got closer.
he said "vs"

focusing more on higher sets/reps vs moving heavyier weights, as higher GH/AAS and other super supps allow faster recovery, so you can train with more volume and less joint issues without the heavy weights.
Thank you DC for answering my question. I thought I understood things correctly but nice to have a vet give some reassurance. Appreciated.
Please keep you SHIRT on!

Low volume workouts. Yah, you guys keep your shirt on…Please!
I’ve seen so many different variations of what a workout should be in the last 25 years it never fails when a new version is superior to all else comes along. Here’s how this routine should be viewed and has been for as long as I can remember. During your regular routine there comes a point when you might reach a sticking point. Once you’ve reached that staged you could incorporate this balls to the wall routine for that muscle group you need to inject upon. It works on this premise. I use it as many others have with great results. But it’s not on an every week case that is subscribed here. Those that use this routine weekly on every muscle group, as I stated…keep you shirt on and please make sure it doesn’t have a gym or fitness logo on it.Thanks.
he said "vs"

focusing more on higher sets/reps vs moving heavyier weights, as higher GH/AAS and other super supps allow faster recovery, so you can train with more volume and less joint issues without the heavy weights

this makes sense to me. ive never understood when guys say you should train the same way whether on AAS or not. it seems obvious that your body could handle more work load while supplemented.
I can't speculate on the guys that prefer high volume training as there's no way to know if a DC style approach would work better for them. They would have to try it with 100% conviction. I know that personally nothing has ever worked so well.
Some splits for high intensitiy, low volume, high frecuency?

I thought of this... ever repeat one day in the same week, first exercise to failure and the others to -1

Train monday tuesday thrusday friday

day1 supersets Chest+back :
bench press + pull downs 4x6
incline bench press + bent over barbell row 4x8
flyes dumbell + flyes for back 3x12

day2 shoulders + supersets arms
barbell shoulder press 4x8
Side Lateral Raise 3x12
barbell curl + triceps pushdown
Alternate Dumbbell Curl + Lying Close-Grip Barbell Triceps Extension Behind The Head

day3 legs
barbel squat 4x8
Leg Extensions 4x15
seated leg curl 4x15

so where's the fourth day ?

he said "vs"

focusing more on higher sets/reps vs moving heavyier weights, as higher GH/AAS and other super supps allow faster recovery, so you can train with more volume and less joint issues without the heavy weights

this makes sense to me. ive never understood when guys say you should train the same way whether on AAS or not. it seems obvious that your body could handle more work load while supplemented.

It is very apparent that the body can take more stress from training with higher intensity and/or volume when ON aas....one must reduce training volume when coming OFF and then slowly increase volume and/or intensity after natural levels become normal.
Low volume workouts. Yah, you guys keep your shirt on…Please!
I’ve seen so many different variations of what a workout should be in the last 25 years it never fails when a new version is superior to all else comes along. Here’s how this routine should be viewed and has been for as long as I can remember. During your regular routine there comes a point when you might reach a sticking point. Once you’ve reached that staged you could incorporate this balls to the wall routine for that muscle group you need to inject upon. It works on this premise. I use it as many others have with great results. But it’s not on an every week case that is subscribed here. Those that use this routine weekly on every muscle group, as I stated…keep you shirt on and please make sure it doesn’t have a gym or fitness logo on it.Thanks.

That is exactly what I was thinking about using low volume training for....for short breaks from my High volume training...almost to rejuvinate my body a bit to keep it going in the gym...rather then getting burnt out and taking any time off... (I normally take 2 full weeks off a year, 1 every 6 months)

Like I said in a previous post... after 17 years of doing this, I have seen "big beyond belief" "hit" "push/pull" and millions of others routines people preached as the word of bible. And each has come and gone. My main reason to learn more about the low volume theory was for as previous state short breaks in typical training routine. What I have found, I think it would be great for that. As for using it Day in and day out...I guess that is a personal choice, but a routine is only as good as the persons genetics who wrote it, or should I say vice versa... Just because arnold could write a bicep routine, doesn't mean it would work... he naturally has the genetics to grow very large biceps, this does not mean a cookie cutter routine will be best for everyone.

My best words of advice...READ READ READ. how can one swear by LV/HT if they have 1 or 2 years under their belt?.. LEARN YOUR OWN BODY, not someone elses...Incorportate routines and movements that work for you..throw out the ones that dont. At the end of the day your routine will be YOUR routine.

Thanks for the links and more information about this type of training. After a few days, mentally I am already feeling better. Not expecting the mirror to change..for the worse or better yet..but I can tell you honestly, I feel better mentally.
Last edited:
That is exactly what I was thinking about using low volume training for....for short breaks from my High volume training...almost to rejuvinate my body a bit to keep it going in the gym...rather then getting burnt out and taking any time off... (I normally take 2 full weeks off a year, 1 every 6 months)

Like I said in a previous post... after 17 years of doing this, I have seen "big beyond belief" "hit" "push/pull" and millions of others routines people preached as the word of bible. And each has come and gone. My main reason to learn more about the low volume theory was for as previous state short breaks in typical training routine. What I have found, I think it would be great for that. As for using it Day in and day out...I guess that is a personal choice, but a routine is only as good as the persons genetics who wrote it, or should I say vice versa... Just because arnold could write a bicep routine, doesn't mean it would work... he naturally has the genetics to grow very large biceps, this does not mean a cookie cutter routine will be best for everyone.

My best words of advice...READ READ READ. how can one swear by LV/HT if they have 1 or 2 years under their belt?.. LEARN YOUR OWN BODY, not someone elses...Incorportate routines and movements that work for you..throw out the ones that dont. At the end of the day your routine will be YOUR routine.

Thanks for the links and more information about this type of training. After a few days, mentally I am already feeling better. Not expecting the mirror to change..for the worse or better yet..but I can tell you honestly, I feel better mentally.

so where's the fourth day ?

It is very apparent that the body can take more stress from training with higher intensity and/or volume when ON aas....one must reduce training volume when coming OFF and then slowly increase volume and/or intensity after natural levels become normal.

Third day, repeat. 3 days split and 4 days workout, ever repeat one day.

depends if you are in gear. Obviously if you were on cycle you would want to take advantage of a benefit of the gear in recovery and maybe throw in another 2-4 working sets (depending on body part) than you would off cycle. I would do low volume for about the first month, after coming off cycle, until your test levels come back.

This is just an absolutely uneducated response. Why would you increase training volume simply because you go on cycle? So you are saying that while on cycle low volume programs won't work? Yes, while on gear you may have better recovery. So why not use that better recovery to grow, rather than add sets to your program? You're not gonna grow any more by adding a few more sets.If you know how to train intensely enough while doing low volume, you won't need to add anything. Muscles don't grow in the gym, they grow at the table and in bed, which happen to be 2 recovery factors, food and rest...
One Question

Whenever you guys put your balls to the wall in the gym, does it leave a mark on the wall for the janitor to have to clean up? Or do you just wipe it off with a towel?

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