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Male hormone panel results


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Well let me start with my background: I am 21 years of age and have done 2 testosterone cycles over the past year (split 6 months apart). Both were very successful and were planned to the T. No short cuts in any way (first was 12 weeks plus 4 for taper, second at 250mg was 10 weeks with 2 week taper). HCG was administered for a week, a week before succession of testosterone administration at a low dose of 250 iu every other day. After succession of my first testosterone cycle (ran at 375mg/week) I tapered down and began the use of nolvadex once below the natural testosterone mark of injections (100 mg). I ran the nolvadex for 3 weeks and aside from slight fatigue for a week or so I had never felt better. There was one concern, once dropping below 100 mg of testosterone for a few days I had pain in my testicles. Felt like being punched in the package. I attributed this to the rush of blood going to fire up my unit and found a few posts noting that it can be normal (?). I do not want to get into the fact that I jumped on at a young age. What's been done is done and to the wiser now. It was part of my protocol to follow up with blood results but after feeling so great after the first cycle I decided that it was unnecessary. I finally got the saliva test done 3 weeks ago after being off pct for over 4 months. Saliva sample taken in mid morning.
Here are my results in free fractions of 6 hormones of expanded male hormone panel by Diagnos-Techs,inc.:
Progesterone: 31 (5-95 pg/ml)
DHEA: 9 (3-10 ng/ml)
Androstenedione: 142 (151-350pg/ml)
Testosterone: 112 (60-110 pg/ml)
DHT (I believe, faxed copy looks vague): 52 (22-72)
Estrone: 22 (30-58 pg/ml) - Depressed
FSH: 74 (normal <125 uIU/mL)
**** LH: 107 (normal 10 - 25 uIU/mL) - Elevated

My major concern is the indication of testicular damage noting the extremely elevated LH on the panel. After running through various causes I believe I may have varicocele. A condition that results in poor circulation to my testicles. I have self examined and found there to be inflamation (lumpy tubes) on both testicles. My left testicle is slightly smaller but they are not small by any means and recovered to normal after slight atrophy. I am looking for advice as I have an appointment with the doctor a week from today to get further evaluated. In my self evaluated conclusion is that the varicocele is causing restrictive blood flow to my unit and therefor upregulating the amount of serum LH in my blood. As for how much damage has been done I am unsure of but noting that my testicles are producing adequate testosterone leads me to believe there is a chance of successful surgery of the condition and proper recovery.

The reason for the thread is for those that may be able to give me advice or possible suggestions. Maybe even note other issues with in the panel as seen.

Truly appreciated
i have to say that i havent heard about this before and ive been around for several years,sorry I couldnt help.....
I think your doctor is the one you should be talking to about this.
I will no doubt be going to the doctor and plan on it being a fairly long road to resolution but the initial appointment isn't for a week. Thought I'd ask around. Thanks for the time.
don't know about that logic....varicocele are basically varicose veins in your balls, meaning the veins are dialated, which would causeincreasedblood flow, not restricted.
don't know about that logic....varicocele are basically varicose veins in your balls, meaning the veins are dialated, which would causeincreasedblood flow, not restricted.

No, the enlarged blood vessel choke off the blood supply.
First, saliva tests are useless. You need serum tests.

Second, the high LH value is very possibly just a lab error.

Then, even serum LH tests are not too reliable, since LH pulses every hour or so. Depending on which part of the pulse you get, it can be high or low. I believe FSH gives a better indication of hypothalamus-pituitary activity.

The pain in the testicle is possibly just from the atrophy starting to reverse after the LH kicked in. I think this is not uncommon.
An anti-aging Dr. that i have gone to that is well known has said numerous times that saliva testing that you had done is useless and will not mimic blood tests. Get some blood tests done. And have your Dr. check for the other condition as it can cause lowered testicular function.

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