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Mark Bells TRT Perspective

What gear users that are well know and have publicly stated they used far bigger doses of gear then TRT non stop for decades can you bring up? The more we can can look at the better.
I’d say really any pro bodybuilders. Their 4-6 week “clean out” isn’t doing anything, so they are essentially on blast non-stop
I personally don't care what one calls his trt. If your taking 500mgs A week and want to just call it trt...great. You're on Trt at 3500wk I don't even care. In fact I am only on trt now. Just started a minute ago.
The 3 seconds of the video that i listened to talk about short erm gains and not long term health. Didn't figure there was any reason to watch more.
Yup this is for guys that are after size. 150 mgs and lower can improve health markers. 200 mgs and over negative effects can happen, esp long term and the older one gets. Again, lab results are a must.

If you're not competing and think you can still go further than you've been while being relatively healthy, don't do this. Competing in Classic for six years, I'd always go down to 10-20 mgs daily for 4-6 months out of the year.

If ones has a dream of bodybuilding time is ticking , that's the only reason to do this . I don't think most realize how short time can be in bodybuilding competition. And it's still a good idea that goes down to 150 mgs here and there esp when coming off a cycle, for a couple to few weeks.
My friend is on 175mg of test a week for trt and his faces has aged horrible was fine before
Also had to give blood as was too thick he is a smaller guy but fuck knows what running 500mg would do to you long term jesus
Some guys might be fine but I doubt most would be
Dr Keith didn't even recommend that dose mark bell is just cut and pasting a small snippet of the full conversation
My goal is to age like Vince Taylor.

Paraphrasing, "I always have my coca cola and hamburgers with ketcup. And scotch too." Claimed this was precontest too, but you know how it is with these stories, a lot of exaggerations lol.
Right off the bat if i have to take a drug to counteract the side effects of the drug i am taking i tend to think that is the bodies way of saying i am doing something unhealthy. Course then there are the side effects of the secondary drug and on we go. When i look at guys that have taken gear for decades such as Louie Simmons i can't see where they are living well into old age. He was 75 so not bad for how he lived. I have made my decision to shave years off. I can make arguments to make myself feel better about my choices. I prefer not to shave to many decades off i hope. In my decades of reading i can't say where i have really seen anything that shows being bigger, eating more doing drugs etc. is not bad for my health. I just get the best info i can to make a informed decision for myself. Others will have their own comfort zone.

It brings up an interesting example. I was around the westside guys a lot in early/mid 00's. They took a lot...like a lot a lot but it was mostly blasting their face off with test and some deca. And when I saw "blast face off" I mean 500-1,000 of test all the time and deca whenever. They kind of had the 90's bodybuilder mentality of "I'm always on test then eh, I just take whatever is laying around". But they were never harder cutting drugs.

A lot of those guys had health issues related to serious rec drug abuse and serious mental health issues. Outside of that, most are kicking pretty good in their 60's now. Most were fat-ish and I can tell you first hand they ate like absolute dogcrap.

It makes me wonder is it the increase in the doses and the kinds of drugs used now that is really becoming the issue? None of what they were doing is healthy and in no way am I suggesting to stay on 500-1,000 mgs of test 24/7 but I also get the feeling a lot of those guys are going to live at least until upper 70's/low 80's. Time will tell though and they may have 5-8 years shaved off their life verse 15-20 years it seems for many now.
Paraphrasing, "I always have my coca cola and hamburgers with ketcup. And scotch too." Claimed this was precontest too, but you know how it is with these stories, a lot of exaggerations lol.
heard those words come directly out of his mouth. he spoke for an hour straight, great guy very down to earth. literally everything he said was completely against the grain but at least it was honest. log books, pushing calories, training to failure, eating every 2-3 hours, heavy weights.......yea, no. i realized at that moment that this "sport" was unique in that genetic response to drugs was the 500lb gorilla in the room that is what determined how successful you would ultimately be. was a tough pill to swallow and my young naivety at that time thought i could just work harder. young & dumb.

if Vince would come onto this message board behind a random username and posted what he did the he would be belittled by the powers that be here and ignored.
Paraphrasing, "I always have my coca cola and hamburgers with ketcup. And scotch too." Claimed this was precontest too, but you know how it is with these stories, a lot of exaggerations lol.
No he really did drink scotch pre contest. I talked to him at the Arnold years ago (he was competing) [2007] and he told me that while he of course had a scotch in his hands sipping...LOL
It brings up an interesting example. I was around the westside guys a lot in early/mid 00's. They took a lot...like a lot a lot but it was mostly blasting their face off with test and some deca. And when I saw "blast face off" I mean 500-1,000 of test all the time and deca whenever. They kind of had the 90's bodybuilder mentality of "I'm always on test then eh, I just take whatever is laying around". But they were never harder cutting drugs.

A lot of those guys had health issues related to serious rec drug abuse and serious mental health issues. Outside of that, most are kicking pretty good in their 60's now. Most were fat-ish and I can tell you first hand they ate like absolute dogcrap.

It makes me wonder is it the increase in the doses and the kinds of drugs used now that is really becoming the issue? None of what they were doing is healthy and in no way am I suggesting to stay on 500-1,000 mgs of test 24/7 but I also get the feeling a lot of those guys are going to live at least until upper 70's/low 80's. Time will tell though and they may have 5-8 years shaved off their life verse 15-20 years it seems for many now.
If my old memory serves me. Louie said on Ragas podcast he had been on gear since 1970. And another interview I think he said 500mg/week was his usual dose and he didn't worry about long term.

As for Vince Taylor without knowing what he really takes it is just a moot point for me. I find looking good doesn't necessarily mean healthy or doing well. He is just starting to get up in age the next 10 years will start to tell more for me.
If my old memory serves me. Louie said on Ragas podcast he had been on gear since 1970. And another interview I think he said 500mg/week was his usual dose and he didn't worry about long term.

As for Vince Taylor without knowing what he really takes it is just a moot point for me. I find looking good doesn't necessarily mean healthy or doing well. He is just starting to get up in age the next 10 years will start to tell more for me.

I remember being there and whether it was Louie or just other dudes the answer would be basically this when I ask what to take: "hell...damnit kid (I was 22 at the time) I don't know take a bunch of test all the time and don't worry about it!". And they'd literally just all be taking a bunch of time all the time. It wasn't even coordinated. Half those guys may take 400mgs one week and 1,400 the next and 600 the week after.
Some of these powerlifters would take a horse NSAID that was banned in humans for shutting you kidneys down. But it made you bloated (great sign for a kidney toxic drug) which was great for making the ridiculous powerlifting suits work better.
Dave Tate said they had a saying for what would be bad for your powerlifting: crack and strippers in combination.
So basically Mark is talking about his “cycle” now at 47. 🤣

What @b-boy and @emeric delczeg are doing is true “TRT”.

More click bait IMO. But this is why I don’t watch this stuff. 🤷‍♂️
Yes I felt it was click bate as well,,,this would not in any way constitute TRT protocol lol.
taking true TRT dosing then using supraphysiological doses of GH to offset is deceptive if one echoes the benefits of said TRT protocol.
My friend is on 175mg of test a week for trt and his faces has aged horrible was fine before
Also had to give blood as was too thick he is a smaller guy but fuck knows what running 500mg would do to you long term jesus
Some guys might be fine but I doubt most would be
Dr Keith didn't even recommend that dose mark bell is just cut and pasting a small snippet of the full conversation
Your friend has some bad luck or bad genetics. Me and a lot of other guys have been on 500+mg a week of test for decades and lots of other things and my health is great as are lots of guys my age 53 or older.
I remember watching him on YouTube when he started carnivore..he wanted to cook a steak in the air fryer in his office.couldnt figure it out and an employee had to do it for him…

Now, the same damn guy that couldn’t figure out how to turn on the air fryer is giving out this type type of advice? Lol
A true TRT doctor doesn't treat numbers, he treats people and people are different and have different [psychological] needs, where does the patient feel best. I don't even know if I'm kidding.
I felt best on 900mg of test 🤔… although not sure if that would be the same long term😄.

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