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MILK...possible to bulk without it?


FOUNDING Member / Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 6, 2002
One of the mainstays of my diet is milk,usually skim.I drink alot of it.I put it in all my protein shakes etc etc. But Im starting to think that it may be the cause of my stomach constantly feeling bloated.I fart like an animal,and my shits are always,well, really shitty.Hehe. Can someone list the benefits of keeping milk in the diet,and what positive effects there are with totally eliminating it? Alot of guys say you feel and look better without milk/dairy. But I find it hard to bulk heavily without milk and other dairy products.Is it possible to still get huge without it??? At 250,Id like to get to 300,but if I can stay at 250 without all the bloat and get leaner Id be very happy...........
I love MILK but,...

...my stomach does NOT! I used to be able to drink a gallon a day w/ no prob. Now one glass and I am at the toilet in 5min. I still drink it though cause I think milk is such a good bulking tool.

I'd imagine you could just mix your protein shakes with water and drink an extra one for added protein, but I would like to hear more opinions of the bigger guys as I am not one of them. Also usually protein makes you fart and what not but if milk does you might be lactose intolerant so try taking some lactaid it works wonders
Here's my $0.02 on milk - skim or any dairy. When I bulk, I want to put on muscle, not fat. Lactose is in ALL dairy products and in MOST protein powder drinks! Lactose is "milk sugar," in other words - it's a SIMPLE SUGAR. AKA putting fat on. Dairy also tends to give me "thick skin". While dairy doesn't do this to everyone, a LOT of people get this.

Sounds like you've developed a lactose intolerance over the years - as Ry has.

You want to get a protein drink that ONLY CONTAINS whey protein "isolate" (not "concentrate" or some fangled mix). WPI contains "very little," if any lactose. Mix it with water & as stackdizzy said, just have a larger portion or more drinks.

I've cut out all dairy in current bulk. Third week into burst (dc-style cycle) and I've gained 12 lbs while maintaining ~7% BF! Not bad for one at such an advanced stage in life :D

I have over the last few months cut out milk totally from my diet. I now feel alot better, don't feel bloated, able to eat alot more solid meals , got leaner, seem grown faster than ususal. Overall must say that don't regret taking it out even though used to drink 6 litres plus day have seen alot more positives than negatives.

You absolutely never need milk for protein or calories for adding weight it is a terrible food to add to diet especialy if your serious about adding weight. I highly doubt most pros use it except for a shake and if they tell you they do they just want you to get fat.
Re: Milk+Bulk=SUCK

Fathead said:
You absolutely never need milk for protein or calories for adding weight it is a terrible food to add to diet especialy if your serious about adding weight. I highly doubt most pros use it except for a shake and if they tell you they do they just want you to get fat.

Good advice bro! Yeah I remember SwoleCAt on the fina board saying milk is the WORST thing a BBer can drink.... There was an enormous thread on it that damn near started a war!
i found drinking alot of milk made me bloat right up to, i get gas that seems to never stop and holy shit does it ever stink. i agree that milk is more negative thing to have incorperated in the deit. i have been told by a good source that milk actually prevents absorbtion of protien into the body because it coats your system with mucas enabling alot of protien to be properly absorbed, but that is what i heard. i went off milk and i feel way better and it leans you up alot more
I think alot of adults have problems with allergy and/or intolerance to lactose. I wonder if milk is as bad as people say
for the people who tolerate it well. Also humans are supposedly
the only mammal that still drinks milk after infancy. Is that necessarly bad, I dont know?! I concur with alot of what Xcel said-gives you thick skin, that the lactose is sugar and therefore prone to make you fat. Now if you are bulking this may not be so bad-
it has calories and protein. Seems like alot of the guys here are against it.
I personally love skim milk. I have it with breakfast (2cups) and dinner (2-3cups). Along with lite (reduced sugar) yougart the 2 types of sugar Id hate to give up-pretty much have reduced my sugar drastically besides these products. Only other sugar is postworkout drink.
Good thread-and I said alot, maybe didnt add much though!:confused:
MikeS said:
I think alot of adults have problems with allergy and/or intolerance to lactose. I wonder if milk is as bad as people say
for the people who tolerate it well. Also humans are supposedly
the only mammal that still drinks milk after infancy.
Maybe our European bros can chime in on this. It's my understanding that "North America" is the only country that considers milk a "staple," one of the major food groups :confused:

I was talking to someone at work about this. I can't remember what country they were visiting, but they said the largest container you could purchase milk was one litre.

Ivan: I remember that thread back in the ol' days at fina board, when Animal was posting there. I hope this one doesn't start as much of an uproar. I believe there are more "hardcore" members here that "understand" the problems with milk, such as MikeS, yet don't need to bash the facts.

good posts

Thanks so far guys. I really like milk,and what the hell is better tasting then a box of cookies or some cake and a gallon of milk while bulking???? Almost nothing but sex,hehe. Im going to do an experiment and see what happens to me,I will go off the dairy for awhile. I also heard like Xcel that we are the only mammals that do this,and its not natural at all for us to do so.Milk is for babies like Arnold said in Pumping Iron,maybe he wasnt kidding. Im just going to add another scoop of protein to all my shakes and this will probably be alot better then the 8 grams of protein and the extra calories a cup of milk adds. Keep your views coming.....by the way,I just farted,must be the final bit of lactose leaving my system,hehe:D

Yeah BN I hear 'ya, HE WASN'T KIDDING! (Arnold)

Xcel: You might not know this but guess who started that thread?? Yep. Never expected that, needless to say I have gone pretty much milkless since then....boards have had certain influences and impacts on people/me, and for me it was the milk thread that really has helped change a few of my diet restricions. Because I learned A LOT on that and all aspects of dairy were discussed, and in depth with scientific backing...I felt like I had been lied to all these years with the Got Milk ads etc etc....

I love milk, and this was hard to give up....
MAN I just started using MORE milk in my shakes to get my calories up.

Maybe I have to rethink this.
I used to drink a gallon of milk a day while bulking......oh boy do I love my ice cold skim milk....and oh yeah with cookies and cake it's even better hehe! I had to stop drinking it because it was messing with my stomach to bad and ruining my apetite (is that how you spell it....shit I feel dumb now)! Anyway, I'll have an ocassional glass now and then, but no more mixing my protein powder with it and drinking a half of a gallon in a sitting. I stopped this about a year ago and it has made a huge difference. I have seamed to have stayed alot leaner and less bloated all the time. Xcel is correct.....it is only good for putting on fat! God....all this milk talk, I'm gonna go have an icy cold glass of skim...hehe!! Seriously though it's only an ocassional one! Take care.

I don't drink milk at all. The only times I have is if I have a craving for cereal, like I do right now LOL

Milk makes you hold water and makes you fat via the lactose content.

I drink all my protein shakes with water.
I like milk alot also. When I am at home and not on the road or working I mix half milk half water for every scoop of powder. Also when bulking like to use milk with the old style homemade protien powder (powder milk ,cream milk etc. Also for a snack the old ice cream bannanas powder milk and anything else for calories taste good as well. MM
I currently drink about 1000 calories of milk in my shakes.

My intake for the day is 5200 just to basically maintain my current weight.

The though of eating more instead of drinking it is not a fun thought.

Any suggestions what to up the calories with if I delete the milk?
Hey bro. I love milk too. But I also cant drink it.But if you
go to the healthfood store you can buy the generic brand of lactase(about 6.00 for 100 pills) take it right before you drink milk
no problems or even the lactaid milk,that works good too.

Killer-regardless lactose is still a simple sugar and will make you fat.
BN-Ive also been thinking recently of giving up milk for a trial period.
And Im hating the thought-I just love an ice cold glass of skim milk with some foods. :(

I guess that 700 calorie and 70g of protein (equivelent of 5-6 cups milk and 2 lite yougart ED)will have to come from something else, maybe a few small boxes or raisins and 3 more scoops whey protein.
hey BN have you ever tried drinking soy milk.. the soy chocolate shit is pretty damn good and might not give you the shits like regular milk. just a thouht.


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