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MK-2688 imo is essential


New member
Aug 29, 2010
This stuff is living up to the hype for me.Running it p.c.t. along with peps and haven't lost a lb.Leaning out as well and great boost of energy and sense of well-being.And I am only researching 10mgs a day.Must have for p.c.t. IMO.And right now a great sponsor on this board,Chemx, is running a great sale on it..I will never go w/o it again.I will report back in a few weeks with more updates..most importantly if it is affecting recovery.

From what I read it doesn't cause shutdown if kept at a lower dose and so far I can feel that I am recovering during p.c.t. The other sarm andarine supposedly caused shutdown at higher doses not to mention the vision sides..never tried it for that reason and the price on it is dropping since it is obviously inferior to mk-2688..I would contact chemx before placing an order and let him know what's up.
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Thanks fork. How far in to PCT are you?

Have you run this same PCT including the peps but without the Ostarine before? How did it work vs WITH the Ostarine?
Thanks fork. How far in to PCT are you?

Have you run this same PCT including the peps but without the Ostarine before? How did it work vs WITH the Ostarine?

I am a week and a half in and this is my first time running any sarm..also first time doing pct for first time with peps..will keep on doing the peps for now on but will run the mk for 75 days(10mg) til it's gone..working like a charm so far along with clomid..cut out nolva after the hcg cleared.
im using Ostarine in pct right now as well. what peptides are you using ?
I am cycling IGF-1LR3/MGF on w/o days and on off days GHRP-6,2/MOD GRF 1-29..what about you..I definitely like how the peps kept me lean through my last cycle.I usually gain alot of fat and water with what I used but no so much this time..my abs stayed visible throughout my weight gain.And the ostarine is leaning me out more..if I have lost anything it has been water, and have more veins popping out since starting it.
Have been using this during PCT as well. Have only lost a couple pounds of water and look a little flatter but have not lost any strength. Solid tool.
Has anyone tried running a pct using this sarm and d-aspartic acid?
i think the Ostarine is fine without having to add DAA. i'm actually going to buy some DAA from ChemX once im done with pct just to hold me over for a month or two before i get back on.
Has anyone tried running a pct using this sarm and d-aspartic acid?

I'm going to be using both in like 4 weeks when I start my pct. I already know that DAA is great for pct but adding the ostarine will make it much better from what I've read.
how do you feel while on it? difference in feeling of well-being?

just curious.....
I have been taking this for about 3 weeks now and am very impressed. The main thing I have noticed is the BIG strength increase. Haven't really noticed much as far as physical changes (ie. leaner, bigger, etc...) I had a little bit of an agitated feeling for about a week, but that passed and I am very impressed with the overall product.
i think the Ostarine is fine without having to add DAA. i'm actually going to buy some DAA from ChemX once im done with pct just to hold me over for a month or two before i get back on.

I got DAA from ChemX and just to give you a heads up it tastes of citrus. I was planning to mix it with my protein which is chocolate flavor and it tasted horrible. Now I mix it with 4oz of OJ and it tastes fine. You might be able to mix it with protein if you have a orange creamsicle flavor but with chocolate it is nasty.
Definitely going to be an addition to my next pct.
Would also make a good alternative to using orals at the beginning of a cycle..and I bet with a little proviron would be make you hard as a rock.I am getting a leaning effect and a boost..I would usually feel like crap by now.I wish someone would get their bloodwork done while on this stuff to truly see if it shuts you down..it feels like anavar to me.I would but I'm a broke ass.
I'm a new sponsor on the board and I'm happy to say we plan on staying awhile so support us and we will take care of you and support the board...

We have 100% real Mk 2866 also known as OSTARINE

Osta-gain is for research purposes only and not intended for human consumption
Hey Fork

I am a week and a half in and this is my first time running any sarm..also first time doing pct for first time with peps..will keep on doing the peps for now on but will run the mk for 75 days(10mg) til it's gone..working like a charm so far along with clomid..cut out nolva after the hcg cleared.

I appreciatte the info really, but can you keep us updated as you get further along? Cuz a week and a half is not enough to tell, IMO.
anybody wants to do a higher dose as an anabolic and not for PCT usage?

like 100mg/day or so?

'more is better' will apply here like AAS in my opinion. S4 was contaminated and gave vision issues but if Ostarine is much more anabolic and pure format then why not ?
anybody wants to do a higher dose as an anabolic and not for PCT usage?

like 100mg/day or so?

'more is better' will apply here like AAS in my opinion. S4 was contaminated and gave vision issues but if Ostarine is much more anabolic and pure format then why not ?

I think the reason people aren't using higher dosages is mainly because clinical dosage in the trials was only 3mg/day. I'm curious if it's going to be twice as effective at 50 rather than 25, or 100 compared to 50...

I only ran it at 25mg/day and I'd compare it to a low dose of tbol or var.
thank you for the info, at least someone is adventurous

well, clinical data,,,as long as the volunteers did not have any adverse reactions or side effects ( i do not know havent read up on SARM after s4), and we know the compound is pure, should be okay to try bodybuilder dosage whatever that maybe...

one more q, ennui,,,YOUR view of low dose tbol or var, dosage?

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