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My Cycle


Aug 27, 2010
HI guys.
Just starting my 5th cycle,
Im 6ft 1, 240lbs about 13% bf.

Previously i ran 600mg test, 300mg tren and got tender nipples..but after prami and letro they were fine.

Just coming to the end of my 3rd week in my new cycle which is just 900mg test, 600mg eq with 30mg dbol first 4weeks....havent got any tenderness in the nipples which i though i may have due to getting tenderness before..

Only think i have noticed is my weight has gone up...but as of yet...im not sure whether the gear is fake or not..my strength has gone up but i put that down to the dbol.

I drop dbol next sunday.

SO would you say if in 2weeks time my strength is going down..then the gear is fake?

HI guys.
Just starting my 5th cycle,
Im 6ft 1, 240lbs about 13% bf.

Previously i ran 600mg test, 300mg tren and got tender nipples..but after prami and letro they were fine.

Just coming to the end of my 3rd week in my new cycle which is just 900mg test, 600mg eq with 30mg dbol first 4weeks....havent got any tenderness in the nipples which i though i may have due to getting tenderness before..

Only think i have noticed is my weight has gone up...but as of yet...im not sure whether the gear is fake or not..my strength has gone up but i put that down to the dbol.

I drop dbol next sunday.

SO would you say if in 2weeks time my strength is going down..then the gear is fake?


Your on dosages like that all your asking questions that... shocking. Where do these people come from.

If this is your fifth cycle I am sure you are aware that it may take 3-5 weeks before you start feeling the full effects of your injectables. You should feel it straightaway but it can take a few more weeks at times. By the sounds of it your experieincing all you should. Your weight and strength has gone up from the water from the dbol. What did you expect to happen? How long did you wait between your lst cycle and this?

By the way I know we never truly know (without testing) but why would you buy gear from someone you don't fully trust. You should use a board sponsor ike Alin.
whats Alin?

my 1st cycle was 2years ago.

He is a board sponsor that has been around for years and is tried and tested. Just look at the banners there are many sponsors here.

I meant how long has it been since you finished your 4th cycle and started your 5th.

Just keep going and wait a few more weeks... then you will know how you feel.
Just starting my 4th week.

Whats weird is last cycle i ran 600mg test, 300mg tren and got sore nipples..etc.

This time im running 900mg test and my nipples are absolutely fine!

Its test enanthate im running so i guess im still early on in the cycle...but i dont feel any different to being off cycle so to speak.

Is it possible some people just dont respond well to test?
Patience man. 4 weeks is not enough time to assess. Sometimes takes me 5 weeks to feel the E. Sore nipples from last go round not a good indicator whether gear fake or not. Different blends and brands hit differently. Your receptors are also different now since this is your 5th cycle. You will know soon enough whats up.
you got tender nips from the tren buddy, its prolactin related.

You sound like an inexperienced kid for having done 5 cycles:rolleyes:
you got tender nips from the tren buddy, its prolactin related.

You sound like an inexperienced kid for having done 5 cycles:rolleyes:

This kid is on a couple of other boards and in each one he posts different cycles and different stats. He's a bullshitting newbie who feels that he has to lie about his history in order to get "respect". I hope this thread gets locked, just like his did on another board.
This kid is on a couple of other boards and in each one he posts different cycles and different stats. He's a bullshitting newbie who feels that he has to lie about his history in order to get "respect". I hope this thread gets locked, just like his did on another board.

Don't know the OP but that happens all the time. Worse when those people give advice. I tell people all the time to AT LEAST check someone's past posts before you listen to their advice. All the time I read poor advice on a board and check the posters history and see them asking for first cycle advice a week before. At least he is just asking and not advising.
Stick with it ans eat big. The first thing I notice when on is my sex drive goes through the roof, usually takes 2 - 3 weeks on test e though.
Previously i ran 600mg test, 300mg tren and got tender nipples..but after prami and letro they were fine.

Just coming to the end of my 3rd week in my new cycle which is just 900mg test, 600mg eq with 30mg dbol first 4weeks....havent got any tenderness in the nipples which i though i may have due to getting tenderness before..

I'm baffled as to why you would jump from 900mg/gear a week on a previous cycle to 1710mg/gear a week on your next.

Did you ever consider what your dosages are gonna look like 5 years from now and the expense of it all?

What kind of diet are you following?
I'm baffled as to why you would jump from 900mg/gear a week on a previous cycle to 1710mg/gear a week on your next.

Did you ever consider what your dosages are gonna look like 5 years from now and the expense of it all?

What kind of diet are you following?

Exactly what i was thinking! I think often times if we dont get what we want out of our last cycle we tend to try and take higher doses instead of looking at the real problem 99% of the time. Diet/training/diet.
guess it must be legit, starting my 6th week now...weight still going up,
dumbell shoulder press has gone up about 7-10kg each arm, bench up by 15kg, deadlift up by 30kg....so this stuff must be working!

must feed the furnace!
what your ugl gears from?

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