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My experience and alittle advice for beginners.


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
i posted a while ago that i was going to start using 250 mg test e a week to get ready to do a heavier cycle. since then i started just like i planned and to my surprise even with much heavier cycles under my belt im growing like a weed, 15 lb in 4 weeks. this just goes to show that if your diet and training are right that this game isnt simple chemical warfare. and that the AAS are nothing more than a tool to give you a boost when you need it. so to anyone thinking of their first cycle i just want to say less can be more if your doing everything else right, i just wish someone would have told me this sooner but hey live and learn. my days of mega doses are definately over, and i feel like i will be alot healthier for much longer while still getting the results im looking for. so back to the beginners, everyone says 500mg test a week for your first cycle. im going to say try 250 first see how you respond, i think you wil be really surprised how powerful these hormones really are even at a low dose and youl be happier knowing that if you come off right with a low dose your gains will stay with you. just my 2cc.
Amen brutha, amen. :cool:
Most people forget to come off for as long a period as they have been on. If they come off long enough, then it is like running your first cycle again, and you'll get great gains.
Finally, someone that has seen the light.......good job bro. I was getting a headache from bashing my head against the wall!! :D I discovered that if I only headbutt the wall one time then it does not hurt as much as if I headbutt it ten times:) And bashing my head against the wall ten times did not make my head any harder as it did when I only do it once!!!:D :D

Keep us updated but 15lbs gained sounds pretty damn good. How do you look right now??
i posted a while ago that i was going to start using 250 mg test e a week to get ready to do a heavier cycle. since then i started just like i planned and to my surprise even with much heavier cycles under my belt im growing like a weed, 15 lb in 4 weeks. this just goes to show that if your diet and training are right that this game isnt simple chemical warfare. and that the AAS are nothing more than a tool to give you a boost when you need it. so to anyone thinking of their first cycle i just want to say less can be more if your doing everything else right, i just wish someone would have told me this sooner but hey live and learn. my days of mega doses are definately over, and i feel like i will be alot healthier for much longer while still getting the results im looking for. so back to the beginners, everyone says 500mg test a week for your first cycle. im going to say try 250 first see how you respond, i think you wil be really surprised how powerful these hormones really are even at a low dose and youl be happier knowing that if you come off right with a low dose your gains will stay with you. just my 2cc.
Sounds great, bro! What are your stats? I'm was going back and forth on how much I should start with for my 1st cycle. I guess my mind is made up now. Test E@250mgs for 8-10 weeks. Oldfella, you were right.;)
as for right now my bodyfat is alitter higher than i would like it to be which i think is from the high calorie shakes. right now im at 10% the highest ive ever been. but my bw is at 190 at 5'8". im going to clean the diet a bit which is hard because of where and how much i work and switch shakes to something with less sugar ive just added more cardio that should cut me up nice if a month or so. oh an id run the test e for at least 12 weeks at 250 mg/week.
i posted a while ago that i was going to start using 250 mg test e a week to get ready to do a heavier cycle. since then i started just like i planned and to my surprise even with much heavier cycles under my belt im growing like a weed, 15 lb in 4 weeks. this just goes to show that if your diet and training are right that this game isnt simple chemical warfare. and that the AAS are nothing more than a tool to give you a boost when you need it. so to anyone thinking of their first cycle i just want to say less can be more if your doing everything else right, i just wish someone would have told me this sooner but hey live and learn. my days of mega doses are definately over, and i feel like i will be alot healthier for much longer while still getting the results im looking for. so back to the beginners, everyone says 500mg test a week for your first cycle. im going to say try 250 first see how you respond, i think you wil be really surprised how powerful these hormones really are even at a low dose and youl be happier knowing that if you come off right with a low dose your gains will stay with you. just my 2cc.

This is going to be my next cycle which will be ten weeks long.... i also agree with the less effect.........but one of my posts they tell me to up the doses and i think i am going to use this cycle first since reading this post........this is cycle number 3 for me. Thank you for your insight and i am glad to find others who see things as i do.......and it is a little cheaper as well!:D

Sustanon 250: 250mg per week for 10 weeks
Enanthate: 250mg per week for 10 weeks (500mg total per week)

Dianabol: 10mg daily for 4weeks, then 20mg daily for 4 weeks, 10mg daily for the last 2 weeks

Nolvadex or Clomid: 20mg for 15 days

In conjunction with proper diet and exercise.::eek:od-smil ::port-smi

Didn't I said go to beginner forum... and ask those question...
whats your stat% ht/ wt/ goal? r u playing with these substances.... because I really don't know why you are running dbol for almost 10weeks... you most not know it should be run for 4 weeks max... I'm done.... maybe if you stat what you training for ... or are you going for the looks..? just say what ur intent is and maybe you will get a proper response... how rude is it to steal someone elses thread with your ignorant question..... :mad:

Main Goal: Transform My Body
Weight Goal: I want to LOSE 100 lb
Bodyfat Goal: 10%

Height: 6'3.0" (1.91 m) Waist: 42" (106.68 cm)
Weight: 310 lb (140.9 kg) Thighs: 27" (68.58 cm)
Bodyfat: 35.0 % Calves: 18.5" (46.99 cm)
Chest: 54" (137.16 cm) Forearms: 14" (35.56 cm)
Arms: 17" (43.18 cm) Shoulders: 20" (50.80 cm)
Hips: Neck: 19" (48.26 cm)

First and fore most i do not follow orders from one who's nads are the size of peas.......beginners forum is for beginners i am 35 and have been lifting since i was 19 ..........also i have done research on AAS as well as using them for sometime .........and who are you to tell me how long i should run something in my body anyways. Where's your PHD in chemical engineering?or your MD ? As for my stats that is my business and not yours ...........the only ignorant questions are the ones you do not ask and besides i wasn't trying to steal anyones thread with my post i wanted to find out from someone who feels the same as i do about AAS if he thought this to be a good cycle but here's another thing for you my friend ..........I do not need your approval or your opinion .....you guys think you know so damn much, are you in the arnold classic? Olympia? no your some wanttabe trying to prove how bad you are and getting approval on your little pea brain thoughts from other pea brain people...do not come to me with your macho image i am not impressed...peace!!

Chemical engineering.....who's going to work at a refinery????
Easy on the clomid!

This thread is funny. While not everyone here at ProMuscle is a pro or even a top level amateur, I don't know of many with 35% bodyfat who call themselves bodybuilders. That is not 'size', it is downright unhealthy. I also don't think it requires an MD or a 'chemical engineering' (lol @ Manuel) degree to know that it is not wise nor it is advisable to use dianabol for long periods of time, i.e. longer than 4 weeks. Also, normal font sizes usually suffice to get one's point across unless one is overcompensating for the lack of size elsewhere!
I better start using large fonts cause my nuts are the size of pea's. My brain must be too cause I don't know how to change the font size.:D :D
Can't we all just get along? Leave the negative posts for another forum.
chill demonox

I didn't think much about it when you posted the negativity. But I was looking at another post, and there you are telling someone else to go to the beginners forum. Maybe you could let the moderators handle everybody. People are here to talk about the gaining muscle and learn from one another. I'm sure being 22 years old you have "some" expirence. But being negative isn't good for anybody.
Only because I have such incredibly hard head and thick skin and I enjoy busting my noggin against the wall so much that I will retype what a first cycle should look like.

If only I could get the fonts a little smaller. I hate yelling as it gives me a headache so I'll whisper so our local LE doesn't hear me:
First cycle NO more than 500mg test/wk, No orals and no longer than 12 weeks! Get your diet in order and drink more water than normal.

For those in less than good physical fitness or condition I suggest a quick 6 week crash course on improving your cardiovascular fitness before pumping any compounds into your bodies, unless you like High Blood pressure and high cholesterol. Oh and if you enjoy strokes and heart attacks then go right ahead. Now before some smart ass jumps in here and accuses me of saying that aas will cause strokes and heart attacks.........Wrong! I never said that. But carrying around large %'s of BF, which I can only assume you have been doing so for a while now, would already put you in the higher risk category of such things. So you then start using compounds known to increase blood pressure, increase ldl and decrease hdl and your risk can become reality in a damned hurry. So think about what you are doing and go see your doctors and get a health check first. You may not be as healthy as you think you are!!!!

P.S. If you can't read that then get some fucking glasses!!
I better start using large fonts cause my nuts are the size of pea's. My brain must be too cause I don't know how to change the font size.:D :D
LOL since when does font size reflect on testicular size or function??:p :D
Only because I have such incredibly hard head and thick skin and I enjoy busting my noggin against the wall so much that I will retype what a first cycle should look like.

If only I could get the fonts a little smaller. I hate yelling as it gives me a headache so I'll whisper so our local LE doesn't hear me:
First cycle NO more than 500mg test/wk, No orals and no longer than 12 weeks! Get your diet in order and drink more water than normal.

For those in less than good physical fitness or condition I suggest a quick 6 week crash course on improving your cardiovascular fitness before pumping any compounds into your bodies, unless you like High Blood pressure and high cholesterol. Oh and if you enjoy strokes and heart attacks then go right ahead. Now before some smart ass jumps in here and accuses me of saying that aas will cause strokes and heart attacks.........Wrong! I never said that. But carrying around large %'s of BF, which I can only assume you have been doing so for a while now, would already put you in the higher risk category of such things. So you then start using compounds known to increase blood pressure, increase ldl and decrease hdl and your risk can become reality in a damned hurry. So think about what you are doing and go see your doctors and get a health check first. You may not be as healthy as you think you are!!!!

P.S. If you can't read that then get some fucking glasses!!

good post. alot of guys already have high bp/cholesterol... you can see it in their red, puffy faces and bloated bodies. then they throw test and dbol (for example) in the mix, suffer some health problems, and we have a new poster boy for the effects of those evil steeroids. ugh.
ok.......enough of the cut downs and crap..........so you found out my stats.....good job.........as for telling me to lose the weight that is a goal.........before my cycle starts.........the cycle starts in march and i am in the process of dropping the weight as it is mostly holiday weight and a large lay off from the gym due to ACL repair i had done......which this is an easy task for me anyways.....when i was 18 i dropped from 275 to 192 in 6 months and that was without even trying.....now the point of me posting was not to steal anyones thunder.....i agree that less is more as well and as far as running d-bol for longer than 4-6 weeks you should look at the dose once more as it is very low as well (10mgs) per day with a bump to 20mgs for a month..........this cycle centers around the effects of what sustanon does and the long term effects of enthanate and d-bol as a supplement to the both of these..........and the fact that this is my limit financially........for now.
i grow pretty well with less than most as i am a Mesomorph and gain muscle easily................so my apologies if i stole this thread from the original poster and will in the future be aware of this happening and i recant my degrading remarks to all.............i understand you guys are only trying to give advice and i do respect all of you both old timers and newbies.............with much respect...............peace!
Last edited:
This thread is excellent...and as the title suggests is for beginners.
Chenbst, you may have something else to consider here. 4-6 weeks is the general rule of thumb for doses in the 40mg range per day and up of dbol. However, I have known people to go 10 weeks with no changes in liver values. To be safe, why don't you get some bloodwork done after 4 weeks and see how it looks.

The thing is, this compound also causes water retention and bloating for many people which will lead to increases in BP. Not to mention. It flat out sucks being bloated all the time. Due to your size, and even if you drop 20-40lbs by march, I would stick with compounds that don't cause excessive bloating. The Test E. may also cause you some bloating as well. I would add in some Arimidex when you feel you need it, and don't go hog wild on carbs.
Personally, I would probably only ingest carbs before a workout if I were you. This will help you through your workouts and help keep the bloating down.
Good Luck!
This thread is excellent...and as the title suggests is for beginners.
Chenbst, you may have something else to consider here. 4-6 weeks is the general rule of thumb for doses in the 40mg range per day and up of dbol. However, I have known people to go 10 weeks with no changes in liver values. To be safe, why don't you get some bloodwork done after 4 weeks and see how it looks.

The thing is, this compound also causes water retention and bloating for many people which will lead to increases in BP. Not to mention. It flat out sucks being bloated all the time. Due to your size, and even if you drop 20-40lbs by march, I would stick with compounds that don't cause excessive bloating. The Test E. may also cause you some bloating as well. I would add in some Arimidex when you feel you need it, and don't go hog wild on carbs.
Personally, I would probably only ingest carbs before a workout if I were you. This will help you through your workouts and help keep the bloating down.
Good Luck!

thank you and i shall consider your advice as well.........as i stated i use a certain supplier and thier supply is limited to certain things so if they do not have it i cannot use it and like i said my finances are limited to a certain amount as of right now and i am trying to figure out the best AAS for the money i can spend...........sust i know works and test E is long acting........d-bol is just a supplement to this for me............i have really never had much prob with orals and i never excede the max dose recommended........i actually stay under such most of the time............peace!

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