HIT training
i have done a lot of reading lately ion HIT training and spent a lot of time on the HST site. i want to make sure i am interpreting the HIT methods right...
at first, i would EOD hit weights and focus on 2 body parts max, doing 4 sets of incline, flat bench, pec deck and a decline version using cables, then go do 4 sets for lets say shoulders or back, usually 4 exercises with 4 sets each, the weight going from low warm up to max weight on last set of every exercise...
as i would go along, my breaks between sets would increase to 3-4 minutes so as not to fatigue myself and have my breath as proper as possible for the last big max weight set of each exercise, my workout would take 1 hour or more...
please correct my ass here if i am doing HIT incorrectly, with HIT, i go EOD, i rotate thru chest, back, tris, bis, delts, and legs... thing is, i might do a warm up with just the bar then go to a weight just under my max for 2 sets of 10, with less than a minute break between each set, also, i only do 2 exercises for chest, 2 for back, an so on with changes in exercises for these body parts to come the next time i lift....
the way i read HIT and HST was less sets, less break time between sets, increased intensity and getting the hell out of weight area in under 45 minutes if correct.
is it true we recover better this way? less sets but greater intensity and less overall time on wieghts with at least one day off and never lifting 2 days in a row...
i know there is a post somewhere here on this but this is what is off the top of my mind, your comments, as always are always much appreciated and respected....