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Featured Member
May 12, 2010
First of thank you to all on this site who have supported me and been awesome in receiving me to this site you all are my true brothers and sisters!

After JR. Nationals Dave Palumbo from RXMUSCLE.com approached me about doing a story for them about my bone disease. From there the rest is history. If you all do not mind please go to the site and read it. John Romano did a fantastic job with his penmanship.

Thanks again and I promise come tomorrow with 5 weeks til Nationals I will do my best to make this site proud at Nationals!

God Bless.
Wow! I just read it. Its unbelieveble what you've been through. That is true passion and will brother. i'll be pulling for you come Nationals. :headbang:
wow i dont know what to say... except your the man, very inspirational!
Very cool, Jeff.

I hope everything is going well with you.
Thx for all the touching responses. I am on cloud 9.
Shelby - I am doing great Just trying to get some Shelby condition for Nationals. I will send You pics after I Take them this weekend.
Thx for all the touching responses. I am on cloud 9.
Shelby - I am doing great Just trying to get some Shelby condition for Nationals. I will send You pics after I Take them this weekend.

Wow Jeff...AMAZING. I have to admitt I was having a pitty party for myself lately after my back surgery and all I have lost , thinking I would never compete again. here you are at the national level kicking butt, truly a inspiration and reminds me things could be much worse!!!!! KEEP IT UP!!

--years back I blew out 2 disc...fast forward..the L4-S1 all collapsed on top of one another then the L5 slide into the spinal colum. All fixed and healing..painfully...but I can't even imagine having a ongoing problem that at anytime you could break something... TRULY A INSPIRATION TO ME!!!
awesome story!
It's been said over and over, but your story is truly inspirational. To think, I've been pretty annoyed for the last few weeks about a bicep tendon that hurts a little bit. To read what you've gone through in training and competition and to know that you pushed through it all, it's just amazing. Awesome, Bro.
Wow your determination and heart are just amazing. First good luck with the nationals. Second I was wondering if you could write my mother and tell her your story in a email. She works with and takes care of special needs children all the time. Some of them she has cared for in the past have had the same type of bone issues. However the approach is so different from what you have been able to do its just almost a miracle and just so great. You look bad azz and I wish you all the best of luck. If you have a email or just PM I would appreciate it you give hope to alot of others that may not think its possible. Good luck. MM
Bro I would gladly email her my story..just pm the email and I will send her the link and what I wrote John Romano. I willl do my best to help her convey a great message for what a great career she pursues.
Hey man great story! I was just at the OI conference the second week of July....This time it was in Portland, Oregon. The next conference will be in Washington, DC in 2012....It would really be great if you could attend....You would be such an inspiration to everybody there, especially the kids!! Good luck at the Nationals!!!

Great read, glad they published it.
So much respect for you! your determination is something I really admire!

99.9999999999% of the people in the world would have given up doing what you do.

With those hurdles, its crazy you have built such a great physique too. Good luck at Nationals!
You know the biggest gratification I get at the end of the day is knowing I get to live a life that others said would not happen or would be close to impossible. I can see how people get beat down with life because there is just SO much negativity that creeps in daily...I remember as a kid going through all this being rather lost and just praying for some type of sign, just anything. A few years back I ran across the doctor who did 16 of the 18 operations while treating me for my bone disease and he was impressed with how I proved him wrong. Just sad to me that rather than say well live a life and that is worth living the approach is often a just survive approach.

And Bio I got your PM and will be responding...that would be great to be a part of. I hope I can convey to these kids growing up that this disease is not the end of the world like some make it out to be. Rather that any life can be lived if you choose to just go ahead with it and know there will be high points and low points, progression and set backs.
I shot some footage of me training today. Goto YouTube and type in Jeff Black 5 weeks out from Nationals. Thanks to my trainer Tony and his wife IFFBB figure pro Valerie Haines for shooting it. Hope you all enjoy it. This is just one part the whole thing should be on rx soon

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