Ok B&S why did u want a stronger neck, so u could wear a heavier helmet? No, so your body could absorb the shock of a helmet to helmet hit. (which btw has left some players paralized). Back in the 50's there was a boxer name of Nino Valdez, Hvywt, who could take a punch and just keep coming. The announcer at that time claimed it was from years of carrying 100lb bags of sugar on his head when he worked the docks of Havanna.
All this talk about achieving a Look and working the traps instead, nobody ever said work neck not traps. Work them both, this is bodybuilding not bodyshaping. I started this looking for a neck enthusiast to pass along an idea for a peice of equipement. So far a neck strap(harness) has been the only thing available. Arthur Jones had a neck macine as part of his Nautilus line but most gyms got rid of it, afraid of lawsuits. Most Chiro's wont work on your neck unless requested, same reason. Almost all bodyparts assist in other exercises and therefore receive some stimulation and respond to a degree. Only the neck needs specific work. Think about it. Keep Pumpin.