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neck surgery


Mar 22, 2010
who here has had the neck fused and how long before you started working out again
Would be nice to hear some inputs from others about theirs. I will have mine done in about 3 weeks, so I will let you know.
fusion one level?

can you guys ask your doc about a artificial disc? in one level cases they are having really good outcomes with them....
Guys, is this for bulging/herniated cervical discs?

Yes it is...also I had a pinched nerve, which was causing most of the pain.

fusion one level?

can you guys ask your doc about a artificial disc? in one level cases they are having really good outcomes with them....

Correct...an artificial disc will be placed between c6 and c7, plated and screwed.
I really believe in the pro disc back to work faster, shorter recovery and keep your range of motion and most importantly less chance of adjacent level degeneration from the fusion

may want to ask about it....ask if your doc is pro disc trained first.. if he isn't he wont tell you it may be an alternative...if he is ask him if your a candidate.

regular fusion you will be out of gym more like 4-6 months before your fully fussed.

I see at least 6 of these a week...if it was me I would push for pro disc.
I really believe in the pro disc back to work faster, shorter recovery and keep your range of motion and most importantly less chance of adjacent level degeneration from the fusion

may want to ask about it....ask if your doc is pro disc trained first.. if he isn't he wont tell you it may be an alternative...if he is ask him if your a candidate.

regular fusion you will be out of gym more like 4-6 months before your fully fussed.

I see at least 6 of these a week...if it was me I would push for pro disc.

Lex, if you get a chance drop me a PM, what you are saying is totally opposite of what my Dr. is telling me. Recovery time before going back to work is 7-10 days, 4-6 weeks before going back to the gym. Thanks
well if he is saying you can workout before you fully fusing......
I am suffering from a cervical hernia myself. I recently met a guy who it also and he said he did laser surgery vs the regular stuff. Said it healed him up near instantly and he has no pain at all. He recommended laser surgery over the regular surgery. I am keeping it in mind in case my neck comes to that.
well my ins would not cover the the artificial so i had to go the synthetic route fused C 5 6 my problem was almost total shut down of my left arm shoulder, the bulge pressed against the nerve this was ongoing for about a year untill the last couple of months it started to get unbareable, the incision was through the front about 2 inch cut, few weeks out doing not to bad. doc said take about 3 months for fusion to b totally fused, thats why i asked if anybody starting working before without any problems
well my ins would not cover the the artificial so i had to go the synthetic route fused C 5 6 my problem was almost total shut down of my left arm shoulder, the bulge pressed against the nerve this was ongoing for about a year untill the last couple of months it started to get unbareable, the incision was through the front about 2 inch cut, few weeks out doing not to bad. doc said take about 3 months for fusion to b totally fused, thats why i asked if anybody starting working before without any problems

Mine is almost like yours to a T...just relax and do as the Dr. says and all will be fine. :) I will feel your pain in a couple of weeks. :(

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