Here's my info:
I am 31, 5'4, about 107, high metabolism, eat pretty much what I want but I enjoy the healthy foods more than junk. If anything, I can't seem to get enough in me and I am exhausted by the time I am finished with an hr work out. I am focusing on more protein and carbs since I am trying to get gain some size, strength, and definition. I will start a cycle (first one) in a few weeks when I heal from wrist surgery.
I work out 4-5x weekly and do a little on abs each day. A variety of crunches. Get in about 150 on an average day. I do about 50 leg lifts to work the lower. I have a weak/injured lower back (from years ago)and the machines seem to irritate it so I have stayed away. Again, it may just be my form or trying to do more than I should. The crunches are doing nothing at this point. I may have to suck it up and deal with the back pain to get the results I want.