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Need Advice on Anxiety Meds


Oct 26, 2004
Brothers/Sisters -

Unfortunately my happy marriage of 6 years is coming to an end. I can't even begin to explain how sad and strange and awful it is to be in my position. I know some of you have already lived through this - I envy your strength.

I am not sleeping and even eating has become a chore. I still manage to get to the gym each day as that provides me with my only hapiness right now. I am still getting in my protein and supplements, but that's about it.

On nights when I do fall asleep I often wake with feelings of extreme terror. I think these are panic attacks/anxiety attacks, and they last for anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. I have discussed this with my therapist and he will probably send my to a psych. for meds.

Anyone have any recommendations for meds. I want to avoid feeling "medicated", and I would like to avoid any sides if at all possible. I really just need something to make the terror go away because I think in time, and with therapy, the underlying cause will get better.

I appreciate all suggestions. I can't access PM from work any longer so I'll check back later tonight. Again, thanks for the help.
Same symptoms as you but due to different reasons. I had the same reservations as you about med. I use 20mg/day Lexapro now and have for over a year. If I miss a day, the nightmares return that night. Strange shit and I hope that I'll get over it one day.
have the doc prescribe you xanax for sudden onset anxiety attacks....

they will no doubt prescribe you something like lexapro or zoloft but those take time to build up and don't help when you need something immediatly like xanax.

First let me say I'm sorry for your situation. Sounds terrible. Anways, I have a condition where anxiety is a problem and my doc slowly ramped up my Xanax to where I usually take 1 mg in the late afternoon and than another 1 mg around 9 or 10 PM as needed. It's really worked well for me, takes away the anxiety and doesn't leave me feeling drugged out at all. Hope this helps and God bless you as you go through this trying time.
I've had an anxiety disorder for some time now. Your doc will probably want you to first try an SSRI anti-depressant, like Lexapro, Effexor, or Zoloft. If those work, fine. But they dont work for everyone, and they didnt work for me.
My anxiety is terrible public anxiety, paired with some pretty bad physical symptoms (rapid heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, temper, body shakes, sweating, weakness, and respiratory depression). Anxiety can be pretty bad when it hits.

The only thing that works for me is Xanax. (Klonopin is very similar but not quite as effecetive). Its very fast acting and you dont need to take it (necessarily) every day like the SSRI's. I only take it when need it. It starts working in minutes.
Dr. prescribes me 1mg, but I cut them in half, and theyre still effective.

If the SSRIs dont work for you, dont be afraid to ask your doc about benzodiazepines like Xanax, Klonopin or Valium. Many docs consider them addictive and dont like to prescribe them. But the fact is, they work better than anything else for anxiety.
as mentioned above ...

your doctor will help determine which med's are suitable for your symptoms. no one here can diagnose you. chances are, it's going to take a few tries (and different combinations) to find something that you're comfortable with in terms of medication.

while xanax may work for some, it won't work for others ... this applies to all med's.

Effexor is mainly used for anxiety.

just keep in mind that none are 'fast acting'. all of these med's take awhile to get in the bloodstream, so don't expect any big changes for 3-4 weeks.

in the meantime, i highly suggest tracking your feelings/emotions/side effects in a journal, so when you *do* see your doctor, you have a full profile of your symptoms which will help your dr determine which medications are suitable ...

Best of luck, and hang in there ... i personally know how life crippling anxiety can be. :)
xanax... "i dont give a fuck" in a bottle!!

works like a charm. i took lexapro at 10mg/day but it turned me into a zombie/retard at work. i cant have that.

got switched to wellbutrin. it works great, no side effect i feel normal without being zombie/retard. the only bad thing is if i have two beers the next day i feel "weird." so i cant really drink. that and the first week i was on in i was feeling hella suicidal :eek: it was crazy. but i knew that was gonna happen and just dealt w/ it. after that, its a great drug. i feel normal without wanting to kill my boss :)

zoloft killed my boner and sex drive so w/ that drug the side effects were worse than the sympoms i had before so i dropped it.
xanax... "i dont give a fuck" in a bottle!!

works like a charm. i took lexapro at 10mg/day but it turned me into a zombie/retard at work. i cant have that.

got switched to wellbutrin. it works great, no side effect i feel normal without being zombie/retard. the only bad thing is if i have two beers the next day i feel "weird." so i cant really drink. that and the first week i was on in i was feeling hella suicidal :eek: it was crazy. but i knew that was gonna happen and just dealt w/ it. after that, its a great drug. i feel normal without wanting to kill my boss :)

zoloft killed my boner and sex drive so w/ that drug the side effects were worse than the sympoms i had before so i dropped it.

Interesting you mention Wellbutrin.

Effexor completely killed of any chance of me being able to errr ... "complete my deed", and was then put on a low does of Wellbutrin in combination with the Effexor.
It fixed my sexual disfunction! :)

However, Wellbutrin is NOT recommended for anxiety. And not normally prescribed for that.

It's not recommended to consume alcohol on any of these medications. Chances are you'll have the side effects that LarryB just described.
I was prescribed Lexapro for anxiety and the change was like night & day. The feeling of impending doom which was constantly clouding me cleared within 3-4 days and has only returned since I quit taking it. I took it for almost 3 years with no sides or any other problems.

As in the above post, only a doctor can diagnose & prescribe something for you & it may very well take more than one try. I hope you get relief on your first try. Good luck.
I have had great results with Zoloft but as previously posted different ones work for different people. So you may get put on one and then need to change to another. good luck and post often.. we are here to listen
Sorry to hear of your current situation but I may be able to shed some light since my situation mirrors yours with the exception that it happened about 7 years ago for me.

Well, not to sound harsh but there's probably not much you can do about your divorce at this juncture BUT there are a few options regarding your current anxiety/panic attacks.

Most are correct in saying that MOST Dr's will recommend some type of SSRI (Paxil, wellbutrin, celexa etc) and although they do work for some, the less prescribed, more addictive benzodiazepines are much more effective for the relief of sudden onset anxiety, as you will no doubt soon discover. Xanax (alprazolam) is probably the most effective for the type of anxiety that comes about without any type of warning, (sounds like you have this based on your description). Alternatives are Klonopin (Clonazepam), Ativan etc...

I was on anxiety meds for almost 6 years and have been off now for almost 2. The protocol that worked best for me was Paxil 40 mg BD, Klonopin 1 mg TID and Xanax 0.5 mg prn for acute anxiety onset. This worked great for me and believe me, I've taken EVERY anxiety med that was FDA approved over the past 6 years. Yes the benzo's can be addictive but like I said, I was on them for 6 years and had NO problem coming off! The Dr's who are hesitant about prescribing benzo's are the ones with little or no experience with prescribing them effectively, so find a Dr. who knows the specifics of anxiety disorders. More important, don't let the physician dictate what meds you can or cannot take. Take whatever works for you! You have to live with the terrible effects of this disorder, not your Dr.

10 mg Valiums

I get wierd anxiety at times, then i get major muscle tension in the back. my doc put me on valium and it really helped. I fortunately have not had any issues with them, but becareful if u getthem. They can have a high abuse rate. Does anyone know if benzos can influence higher estrogen levels and slow your metabolism down?
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Try niravam, it's a fast acting xanax. This will work in a few minutes and not leave you groggy the next day.:)
Thanks so much for the very informative stories and experiences. I am hoping the doc is on board with not prescribing anything that I will need to take daily, but rather only upon the onset of the panic/anxiety symptons.

I really hate the idea of a daily pill that can potentially have severe sides, when in reality my attacks are not frequent enough (in my opinion, anyway) to necessitate being constantly "medicated". For example, Wednesday night I was up all night suffering literally crippling symptons, but last night I slept like a baby. Days are fine, for the most part - it's really just the nights that trouble me.

My appointment is Monday evening. Thanks again for the info. I will be printing this thread out for reference while discussing meds with the doc!
ativan or xanax

ativan and xanax both are very good.
I like ativan and xanax lol both of them. Xanax is very good but highly addictive.
Ativan is also addictive but you can control addiction and you dont need it daily. while using xanax you need it daily
At age 40 I suddenly started getting anxiety/ panic attacks. My MD proscribed Paxil and it worked like a charm. No side effects that I noticed.

Best of luck. I'll keep you in my prayers!

your brother in Christ,


PS I am 6 years post end of my first marriage and have been happily married now for3+. Happiness can be yours again, just hang in there!!
On 20mg of lexapro like BigA. It takes a couple of weeks for it to kick in, but its really helped me with some things here recently. I first got put on this stuff b/c I was waking up with real bad panic attacks. Haven't had one since getting on this stuff back in Oct.. It does sort of make you like a zombie for the first month or so but then your body gets used to it. The only trouble...kills orgasms..hahaha... Anyone know of anything that can help with that?
Just recently I have went through a series of what the doctor desribed as panic atttacks and then I would hyperventalate.....He said its from being stressed and so big and also having a upper respiratory infection....Just kinda a perfect storm of problems that would cause my breathing to get a fudged up to the point I was having pins and needles in my face and extremeites and almost pass out....

I have had problems falling asleep for the last two years......i have stopped taking ephedrine almost a year ago now and only use green tea and caffine but I was still not getting to sleep....So a few mnonths back the doctor perscribed me Tramadol.....I fall asleep and stay asleep and now am rarely having any bad dreams......Its not habit forming either as I am the same way as you coopie in I hate being medicated.....Sorry to hear about your problems and I too don't think that medication is the way to go....If you were happy before you had marrige problems and didn't show any signs of depression then from my non doctor opinion I don't think you need them.......just my two cents...
I was talking to OTH about this before. I told my doctor that I was having anxiety at night and wasn't able to sleep after OTH helped me cut down drastically on the alcohol. The doc prescibed Lexapro. I never did take one and still have the whole bottle. I used my mind to overcome the anxiety in a different way. When I had anxiety, I stopped fighting it, got up and did something constructive. Now I have no problems again, and the drinking is still under control. I personally think sometimes people do not look at the mechanics of the problem at hand and rely on a quick fix like a med, as so many of us do with gear. When it comes to my mind however, I put it through the paces before I medicate it (outside of the past alcohol problem).

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