you guys should get a kick out of this one. i got a very slight gyno lump(hardly noticiable at all) on my last cycle and i figured i would try goin into the docs office and see what they said about it and what they could do to get rid of it. i told them it was sore all the time and that i couldnt sleep on my stomach cause it hurt. well the doc didnt have a clue what the hell i had, she just looked and runned her hands over it examing it, well she went and got another doc and told him the symptoms, and first thing he asked was if i did juice, i said no. he then asked about supps and i said i had taken some andro and creatine, but i said that was a while ago and that the lump has been there a while and that it wont stop hurtin. so he says i need a mammogram,at this point i was soo pissed neither mentioned gyno or what the bump consisted of...then she started talkin about bloodwork, which was my original mission for goin cause my last shot was 5 weeks ago and i know my test level has to be next to nothing, but she didnt see a need for me to get my test levels checked until i finally was able to talk her into checkin everything just to be safe. so they are goin to check my test,lipids,estrogen,tsh,prolactin, thyroid,and a few other maybe ill get a test prescript out of this i was somewhat pleased, but then she handed me a few boxes of viox and i said what is this for she said it will make the tenderness go away(what a idiot). i then proceded to ask her exactly how it would do that and she said it was an anti-inflamitory, and i said my problem looks to be hormone related why would this help?, well she said just try anyways i got my paperwork and head to the receptionist that sets up the tests and xrays, well shes a hot little blonde and it didnt sit too well with her that a guy was gettin a mammogram and she called the nurses and asked if that was right and then i heard her say what does he need that for and then there was silence. i was pissed again to say the least. but thats the end of it for now, i got to go tommorrow to get bloodwork done.
ive got a few questions, since my last shot(250mgs test enanthate) was 5 weeks ago(by the way the cycle was about 15 weeks long 1gram test,20mg dbol ed, 50mg winny eod, and hgh), do yall think that my test levels should be below normal or will they still be high?cause clomid nevers gets me goin again very good and its been hard to get and hold a hard on this week. also what questions should i be ready to answer about the results of my blood work? and im ready to do another cycle, sould i go ahead and start it after i get my blood work done or should i wait a little longer to see how this shit works out??
thanks and sorry it was soo long
ive got a few questions, since my last shot(250mgs test enanthate) was 5 weeks ago(by the way the cycle was about 15 weeks long 1gram test,20mg dbol ed, 50mg winny eod, and hgh), do yall think that my test levels should be below normal or will they still be high?cause clomid nevers gets me goin again very good and its been hard to get and hold a hard on this week. also what questions should i be ready to answer about the results of my blood work? and im ready to do another cycle, sould i go ahead and start it after i get my blood work done or should i wait a little longer to see how this shit works out??
thanks and sorry it was soo long