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New member
Oct 7, 2009
Hi, i'm going to the doctor in the morning, what should i tell her. I already know I need HRT, how do I go about this with a doctor? Anybody that has known they need hrt before hand and went to a doctor to get it, can you give me advice. Btw, i've stopped cold turkey this last oral cycle so im feeling all the symptoms right now, im guessing im horribly low, so take that into account on what i should say when i talk to the doctor.
What was your last cycle and how long were you on it for? How old are you? Just be honest with the Dr is all I can say!
Did you go on PCT after that?
This is what I found according to Dieselbolan, I'm under the age of 21, should I use Dieselbolan?

No. In fact, you should not use any steroid or hormonal product if you are under 21.
Your body is already making plenty of natural testosterone at your age and there is no need to mess with hormonal products.

So your 20 years old and this is not for you!! :banghead:
Ive decided to just try for HRT instead of doing pct. I know taking steroids this young was stupid, its too late now though. My last cycle i didn't feel normal after pct so im guessing i may have permanently fucked my test up..
Yes, you'll never feel quite right after taking a cycle of anything. Its not because you are messed up or have low test. Its because being enhanced feels better. And there is really nothing you can tell your doc to justify putting a 20y/o on prescription test. Admitting to steroid use and having it in your medical record IMO, is also a mistake. For insurance purposes and for other reasons. Unless you are dying, in which case, yes, tell them the truth and get help.

I know HRT seems like a good idea now, but it's a mistake...Plus, barring a really bad doctor or a pituitary tumor, your doc just isn't giving a 20y/o HRT. But you want what you want, as we all did at 20. I understand, Ive been there and went ahead with some horrible ideas...and paid for them. Live and learn.

Unfortunately, how bad you want it doesn't matter, because due to your age, your Doc will try months testing to define the problem and then months of everything else but test, before giving you test for life. Remember, Bro, she/he has to answer for putting a 20 year old on HRT. They'd rather just let you hang than risk their license unless you have a pituitary tumor or some other condition that they can clearly define and justify. So, you'll likely be undergoing some brain scans to check for that. Then clomid/HcG therapy. Which could give you breasts in the meantime if they decide not to allow you an Aromatase inhibitor.

The good news is, it's really likely that you'll bounce back with some Clomid and maybe HcG, or even nothing at all. I say all this stuff, Bro, because I did some REALLY dumb shit at 20 too, followed by ZERO pct and bounced back fine...eventually. I felt like shit for a solid year.

But at 23, I was as big and strong a I ever got, without AAS. I was pudgy sure, but massive and strong. Just get some good PCT and wait it out. At 37, it's different and now I do use AAS for HRT and enhancement.

A little 5 weeker of a prohormone may shut you down at 20, but you'll recover.

Good luck!
The compounds i have used are epistane two times, beastdrol with tren-tfo and diselbolan 2 times. i started a little before i was 19. So its impossible to get on HRT at 20 even if your doc sees that your test level is really low? I really don't think giving myself clomid is going to make me feel normal at this point.
Its not impossible but will be very hard to convince the doc at such a young age. You should be in the prime years of your life stiff test flowing freely. If you are depressed tired all the time and down you might only get away with some anti depressents to treat the symptoms.

But as far as treating your temporary low t count good luck. I would not admit to use in the doctors office you might affect your future insurability or have a procedure turned down due to pre exsisting condition you caused yourself. That in your medical records can have a permenant outcome in your future. MM
i would at least try a protocol such as Dr scally's power pct (google it) before resorting to HRt at your age. Trust me i have been on HRT since i was your age due to issues from when i was born and its really not fun to KNOW you have no choice for the rest of your life.
Do you really think you need hrt or is it that you just want you doc to give you a script so you have easy access? Once you put this info on your med records there is no turning back. You are VERY young. Think about the possible consequences.

Dont take this the wrong way, im just trying to help you not make a bad decision.
Yes, you'll never feel quite right after taking a cycle of anything. Its not because you are messed up or have low test. Its because being enhanced feels better. And there is really nothing you can tell your doc to justify putting a 20y/o on prescription test. Admitting to steroid use and having it in your medical record IMO, is also a mistake. For insurance purposes and for other reasons. Unless you are dying, in which case, yes, tell them the truth and get help.

I know HRT seems like a good idea now, but it's a mistake...Plus, barring a really bad doctor or a pituitary tumor, your doc just isn't giving a 20y/o HRT. But you want what you want, as we all did at 20. I understand, Ive been there and went ahead with some horrible ideas...and paid for them. Live and learn.

Unfortunately, how bad you want it doesn't matter, because due to your age, your Doc will try months testing to define the problem and then months of everything else but test, before giving you test for life. Remember, Bro, she/he has to answer for putting a 20 year old on HRT. They'd rather just let you hang than risk their license unless you have a pituitary tumor or some other condition that they can clearly define and justify. So, you'll likely be undergoing some brain scans to check for that. Then clomid/HcG therapy. Which could give you breasts in the meantime if they decide not to allow you an Aromatase inhibitor.

The good news is, it's really likely that you'll bounce back with some Clomid and maybe HcG, or even nothing at all. I say all this stuff, Bro, because I did some REALLY dumb shit at 20 too, followed by ZERO pct and bounced back fine...eventually. I felt like shit for a solid year.

But at 23, I was as big and strong a I ever got, without AAS. I was pudgy sure, but massive and strong. Just get some good PCT and wait it out. At 37, it's different and now I do use AAS for HRT and enhancement.

A little 5 weeker of a prohormone may shut you down at 20, but you'll recover.

Good luck!

Bump! Great post!
First of all, did you have low test before using the prohormones or are you just feeling shitty after a cycle? A person your age can have a legitimate need without AAS use but is this you? I had low T in my early 20s and the doctors were retarded. I'm on HRT now but looking back I think I had elevated prolactin that fucked up my hormone levels. That would have been an easy fix as opposed to HRT that I'm now on for life. Do a solid PCT, not some over the counter shit, and wait it out. If you think you have a real problem get all the labs done and look at all possible causes and try to deal with them. HRT feels real nice for a guy with low T but having naturally decent T levels feels even better in my opinion. I'd much rather not be on test all the time. For me too many factors throw off the "success" of my treatment and it's a constant struggle.
I havn't felt really normal for a long time. My last cycle i did a 8 weeker of an oral and then did pct and after pct i really didn't feel right..I didn't feel optimal on this cycle that i just did either. So im guessing i may have messed something up doing than 8 weeker before. Btw what about all these bodybuilders, don't tell me they do a 10 week cycle of an injectable and call it quits and go on pct..allot of thoughs guys im sure are on TRT and there going to be forever. TRT can't be much of a bad thing if you look at though's pros. And also getting it from a doctor you don't run the risk of getting a seizure warning or a call from you know who from getting it UG. I don't think i can trust these sites that sell them because I've heard of lots of stories about never getting there stuff and there goes there money. Or they get it like a couple months later. I'm not saying that online is a total no no but i don't know if i trust it.
You would have been better off, taking REAL gear. PH while there are some decent ones, the positives are outweighed by the negatives.
i feel dumber for reading this thread to the end

I havn't felt really normal for a long time. My last cycle i did a 8 weeker of an oral and then did pct and after pct i really didn't feel right..I didn't feel optimal on this cycle that i just did either. So im guessing i may have messed something up doing than 8 weeker before. Btw what about all these bodybuilders, don't tell me they do a 10 week cycle of an injectable and call it quits and go on pct..allot of thoughs guys im sure are on TRT and there going to be forever. TRT can't be much of a bad thing if you look at though's pros. And also getting it from a doctor you don't run the risk of getting a seizure warning or a call from you know who from getting it UG. I don't think i can trust these sites that sell them because I've heard of lots of stories about never getting there stuff and there goes there money. Or they get it like a couple months later. I'm not saying that online is a total no no but i don't know if i trust it.

Hey understand your frustration but your still a kid. Hey the pros dont go up and down like yo yo's they stay on year round. Its how they put food on the table. Its their career job and financial means of making a living. You have a long way to go dont stop just do it right it if you need to. Dont worry grasshopper it will come. You might want kids one day or the girl you are with might. MM:lightbulb:
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Bottom line, Bro, you're gonna have to find an alternative.

The only good thing coming out of this Endo appointment is gonna be the blood work. See how (if) you are messed up and take steps to correct it.

I'd start researching PCT, or take what the Endo gives you like Clomid/HcG (if anything). Get more bloods done in the next appointment and see where you stand.

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