feelnfit said:is a 22g x 1.5 to big for your arse using eq?
BigBoyJ said:I always use 23 g one inch. I don't shoot the ass though. I use quads, delts, bi's, tris and calves.
Jrflex10er said:One of these times I'll stop being a pussy and try my calf also....
DaRooster said:Just a funny or maybe not so funny side note: I ran out of pins a couple of years back. All I had where 18g 1 1/2 OUCH!! now that takes some balls to stick yourself with a 18g harpoon. LOL
BigBoyJ said:Hehe, when I first juiced I didn't know where to get needles. The guy I bought the juice from gave me one syringe with my order. I used that same syringe for every single shot throughout the whole cycle. By the end, that needle looked and felt like a sewer pipe. Good lord, I look back of some of the stupid shit I did and I wonder how I'm still here. My mom always told me that God watches over idiots.
See abovefeelnfit said:i never had a 50mg/ml This is the amount of gear in mg for 1ml (1cc) -10ml This is the total amount in the container vial before and wanted to make sure it was the right amount. i could just space it over 4 days This all depends on what it is since i have just 1-vial?