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Jun 6, 2002
is a 22g x 1.5 to big for your arse using eq?
I always use 23 g one inch. I don't shoot the ass though. I use quads, delts, bi's, tris and calves.
BigBoyJ said:
I always use 23 g one inch. I don't shoot the ass though. I use quads, delts, bi's, tris and calves.

One of these times I'll stop being a pussy and try my calf also....
Jrflex10er said:
One of these times I'll stop being a pussy and try my calf also....

Yeah, I haven't been doing calves for too long. I put a post on here about it before I started and a few people encouraged me to try it. Everyone said the outer head was easier and less painful, so I shot the inner heads. I figured if I was gonna do it, I wanted to get the painful part out of the way. You gotta go in slow and easy with the calves, so you can feel it if you're about to jab a nerve, or vein. I can always tell when I'm about to poke something that doesn't wanna be poked. It's scarey the first few times, but after a while it's no worse than anything else. I never really experienced any pain any worse than anywhere else either, it's just that since the pain is in the calves, you have to walk a little bit funny. After a few shots though, the pain goes away.
23-25 gage 1 " would be fine if ya don't have a fat ass, if yau gotta fat ass ya need 1.5" .. I can't reach my ass i use quads all the time, pretty soon I'm gonna work up the balls to do my shoulders :D
I say unless you've got a skinny ass (which I know you don't), use a 1.5 inch pin. I like to use a 25g - why use anything larger? Sure stuff takes longer to get through it but you you shouldn't be injecting faster than 1ml per minute anyways. ;)
I use 23g, 1" for oils in the ass, and 25g, 1.25" for water based.

Jerry and Xcel, how do you get something like Test Prop through a 25g? I just tried getting it out of the vial and couldn't even do it.

I would love to use a 25g since I bought 50 syringes with 25g needles and have been switching to 23g to draw and then another new 25g to shoot.

On another note, I used to do 30 seconds per ml then someone said they thought having the needle in for a minute I was probably tearing up stuff inside.

So I tried going faster at about 30seconds for 2 ml and have had less soreness so who knows maybe I was moving the needle and didn't know it.

Just a funny or maybe not so funny side note: I ran out of pins a couple of years back. All I had where 18g 1 1/2 OUCH!! now that takes some balls to stick yourself with a 18g harpoon. LOL
DaRooster said:
Just a funny or maybe not so funny side note: I ran out of pins a couple of years back. All I had where 18g 1 1/2 OUCH!! now that takes some balls to stick yourself with a 18g harpoon. LOL

Hehe, when I first juiced I didn't know where to get needles. The guy I bought the juice from gave me one syringe with my order. I used that same syringe for every single shot throughout the whole cycle. By the end, that needle looked and felt like a sewer pipe :D . Good lord, I look back of some of the stupid shit I did and I wonder how I'm still here. My mom always told me that God watches over idiots.
BigBoyJ said:
Hehe, when I first juiced I didn't know where to get needles. The guy I bought the juice from gave me one syringe with my order. I used that same syringe for every single shot throughout the whole cycle. By the end, that needle looked and felt like a sewer pipe :D . Good lord, I look back of some of the stupid shit I did and I wonder how I'm still here. My mom always told me that God watches over idiots.

That brought tears to my eyes bbj ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
pickup some 25 g x1.5 today. now let me ask cc/ml/mg.
i know if i was to use 250mg a shot and my vial was 250mg/ml-10ml this would be 1cc =250mg right? then what if i had 50mg/ml-10ml and wanted 250mgs a shot? would i use 5cc a shot?
Id do two 2 and 1/2 ml shots instead.
I wouldnt put 5ml in the same injection.

Ive always used the 23g 1" for most everything.
I just shot prop in the Bis with an insulin pin yesterday though...
Ive also been doing the hgh-Igf-r3 mixed in the bis with insulin pin.
i never had a 50mg/ml-10ml vial before and wanted to make sure it was the right amount. i could just space it over 4 days since i have just 1-vial?
feelnfit said:
i never had a 50mg/ml This is the amount of gear in mg for 1ml (1cc) -10ml This is the total amount in the container vial before and wanted to make sure it was the right amount. i could just space it over 4 days This all depends on what it is since i have just 1-vial?
See above
xcel it is eq. i got 2 -250mg/ml-10ml and 1-50mg/ml-10ml
It sounded like you wanted to take 250mg (a week or what?). 4 days at 62.5 (1.25cc @ 50mg/ml) would equal 250mg. But if you're taking 500mg per week, there's not 8 days in a week :eek: :p ;) :)

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