Most of this is not new information, buit it is good information.
Our Bodies are made up of Trillions of cells, all developed from the original single cell created when a sperm fertilized an Ovum. This one cell divides into 2, then 4, 8 and so until a small ball if identical cells has formed. Then some cells, under the control of genetic instructions found in their nucleus, start specializing and form the many types of cell – muscle, stomach, pancreas, lung and all the other cell types which make up our body. When we are born, we should have a perfect set of brand new cells. As these cells age or become damaged, they are removed and replaced by new cells. As the instructions in the nucleus have not changed – the new cells should be as good as the very first ones – provided the body has all the raw materials to create perfect cells. A Builder cannot build a perfect house without wood, bricks, nails, glass and other necessary materials. Similarly our body cannot create a perfect cell without the vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats necessary to build it. This is the basis of nutritional medicine.
In fact the news is even better, because all the cells in our bodies (apart from nerve cells) are programmed to have a limited life span after which they are removed and replaced by new cells. Sperm and white blood cells are replaced everyday, stomach cells every 2 days, colon cells every 4 days, skin cells every 3 – 4 weeks, and bone cells every 25 years. Thus every year, apart from our bone and nerve cells – all our cells are brand new. If we feed them correctly, they should be just as good as the very first cells we had when we were babies.
Importantly, if the Tissues are injured by trauma, infection or disease, as these cells are replaced, this damage can be repaired.
The cells also have specialized functions:
Making secretions like saliva and the stomach juices
Making hormones like insulin and adrenaline
Attacking invaders (viruses and bacteria) with white blood cells and the immune system, and the many other complex systems which makes us realize just what a miracle our bodies are.
For the cells to function they need nutrients, the secretions and hormones need the raw materials, the defence system needs antioxidants to help it repair oxidative damage, and the cells themselves need fuel for energy and building materials to work. Compared to the cell, a motor car is much simpler, but without oil, water, petrol grease, it may go – but not for long. Is it surprising then, that the bodies cells do not function well if they are not given all the nutrients they need?
The supporters for Nutritional medicine believe that supplying the body with a complete set of nutrients:
Will enable the body to replace its cells so that they can be as perfect as possible
Enables all the cells to function optimally as they were designed to do.
Can help us defend the body from attack by toxins and free radicals found in our modern polluted world.
1: Toxins in our world – sprays, pesticides, poisons, heavy metals, fumes, smoking and preservatives.
2: Free Radicals are molecules with only one instead of two paired outer electrons. This makes the molecule very unstable and it damages anything it touches. A free radical also attempts to steal an electron from nearby molecules, turning them into free radicals, so causing a chain reaction of damage. This process is called Oxidation.
In addition to the nutrients necessary for the normal function of the cell, our bodies need extra nutritional help to get rid of these toxins and poisons. For example to eliminate excess Lead from the body, we need additional Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin C, Flavanoids, and Chromium. To eliminate Mercury we need Selenium, Lipoic acid, Manganese, Chromium, Vanadium. Remember this is over and above our usual daily requirement.
We also know that free radicals causing Oxidative damage are the basis for the development of over 70 different degenerative disease’s, including Heart disease, Arthritis, Cancer & strokes. Antioxidants in our diet (some vitamins, proanthocyanidins and some minerals) are compounds which can donate electrons and neutralize these free radicals so helping the body protect itself.
I strongly believe (and Science strongly show’s) that the body can only function properly when it has all the nutrients it needs. I also believe that today’s polluted world increases the need for more protection, especially from antioxidants. I am also very aware of the poor nutritional content of much of our food. Many of today’s disease’s are caused or aggravated by nutritional deficiency. Improving our Nutrition first and foremost then should therefore help to improve or prevent these conditions.
Because of this I always tell people to eat as well as they possibly can, concentrating on Vegetables (green & coloured), fruits, fish, whole grains, the good fats, seeds & nuts, good quality proteins and lots of pure water. I also recommend people take a top quality Multivitamin/Multi-Mineral (Pharmacutical grade with a 100% potency guarantee) and a good quality fish or flax seed oil supplement to provide the necessary Omega 3 & 6 oils. By doing this the body will receive all the nutrients it needs, from food, supplements or both, and can eliminate what it does not require.
I do not recommend any preparation which contains Iron or Vitamin A, as the body cannot eliminate these.
Vitamin A
This is a fat soluble vitamin and its level can build up in the tissues causing skin problems, bone pain and fractures, nausea, vomiting and weakness. A good vitamin supplement will have Beta-Carotene instead of vitamin A. If the body needs more vitamin A it can convert it from the Beta-Carotene, but if not then the Beta-Carotene is harmlessly excreted.
This is frequently found in supplement tablets, and for most people it causes no problem. BUT one person in 300 has a condition called Haemochromatosis which means that the Iron will continue to build up in the body tissues, especially the Liver, Pancreas, and the Heart, leading to Cirrhosis, Diabetes and Heart failure – which can be fatal. Unfortunately only a special blood test can confirm the presence or absence of Haemochromatosis, so to include Iron in a routine supplement could potentially kill or maim one in 300. Some people do need Iron (for Anemia), but it should be taken as a separate tablet, and only after a blood test has confirmed that there is a need.
When it comes to buying Nutritional supplements, Quality is of the utmost importance. The supplement must be in a formulation which is easy to assimilate into the body and easy to eliminate if it is surplus to requirements.
This means the supplement must be carefully chosen, contain the correct amount and balance of nutrients and be in a formulation which is easy for the body to absorb and excrete. We have to rely on the Manufacturers to do this for us, and unfortunately most supplements are only Manufactured to Food grade Quality and have no Potency guarantee and only supply us with the RDA, to help prevent Acute Defiency Disease’s, RDA’s do nothing in the prevention of Degenerative disease’s.
Much of the professional resistance to the use of dietary supplements results from the use of poor quality supplements in the past. Consistently high quality supplements are available, and these do make a real difference to one’s health and recovery.
Dr Gerald Lewis MB ChB, FRCP, FRACP, MD
Dr B Monica Lewis MB, ChB