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Nicked a vein :(


New member
Oct 21, 2017
Hi guys,

I had a quick question regarding injecting. Today while injecting i noticed a small coughing coming on after i pinned my first compound, then i injected tren a. After i took the needle out, i was coughing so hard, i could not breathe and it was scary. I read it could be the higher content of benzo alcohol, nicked a vein, and rushed the injection itself.

I buy my stuff from the same source (not from a online forum) and has the same issue using Npp. This is the 2nd time this has ever happened. I injected using a slin pin because its tiny and easy.

Could it only be the benz alcohol or i am just lucky hitting a vein every so often? I been on this sources gear for a full week and my source tells me its the tren but at only 200mg week, i would say not so much..Thoughts. :eek:
if you think it has a higher percent of benzyl alcohol then you could try evaporating some off. Put it in a pot of near boiling water and heat the vial up and puncture it with an 18g needle to vent it. The benzyl alcohol should evaporate off.

Be careful not to evap too much off because this can cause the solution to start crashing.

One time I injected and pulled out and a bright red spurt of blood squirted out a few feet in the air and hit my cabinets. Crazy shit we do man :)
Ya I'm not too experienced doing something like that but if I did how long would do that for?

Should I expect the same with that here with the approved sources?

But I am right in saying that the higher content of the alcohol is causing me to coughing very harsh?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Professional Muscle mobile app
First always make sure you asperate to see if you are in a vein. But as far as the cough, that definitely does happen every now and again with tren. Shit is ruthless... I start sweating like crazy and can barely breath for a few mins along with a cough that feels like I swallowed a frog. Now you've popped your tren cough cherry and next time at least you know your not gonna die and it will pass :D
You just experienced tren cough.....fun...isn't it? :D
Could be high ba with the npp, I've personally never had it happen with any other compound but tren. Was this time worse then when you had it with just npp? Tren cough there is no mistaking it. It is that exact moment when you know you fucked up.
Umm I would like to say this was the worse time but pretty similar with the npp.

The suffocating was harsh. But I had the moment of like oh shit I'm gonna die haha.

My coach thinks my source is trash and we're thinking it's that so he suggested me to come here. I'm gonna do blood work probably this coming Monday to see if it is or not.

Sent from my Pixel XL using Professional Muscle mobile app
Used to get it when I first started running tren....it goes away after awhile I have found unless I pin directly into scar tissue and you can tell that by the crunch when you push in the needle
if you think it has a higher percent of benzyl alcohol then you could try evaporating some off. Put it in a pot of near boiling water and heat the vial up and puncture it with an 18g needle to vent it. The benzyl alcohol should evaporate off.

Be careful not to evap too much off because this can cause the solution to start crashing.

One time I injected and pulled out and a bright red spurt of blood squirted out a few feet in the air and hit my cabinets. Crazy shit we do man :)
I have had the same issue of squirting blood out after pulling the needle out . Mine tends to happen when I inject into my right quad no other place where I inject ( werid) .
Well I cannot say if your source is trash or not but if you are set on running tren you will have this issue come up every now and again. Usually very rarely. If it's happening every time you pin and even with the npp then yes it is possibly your sources recipe. Lots of good sources on here if you decide to make the switch. Best of luck to ya
I also have had the coughing happen a few times but not tren as I have never used it , mine came from injectable anadrol . The times it has happened coughing , loss of breath and the feeling of getting hot and kinda tingly.
Why do Brewers put so much alcohol if it's a known issue? Or is it done by poor measurement?

Sent from my Pixel XL using Professional Muscle mobile app

Well, it is a way to try and make up for less than optimal sterility in the homebrew environment. Its not like your beakers are put into an autoclave etc. Youre using a dishwasher at best probably. Some boiling water after that but not the same standards.
So is it a good idea like someone else suggested to heat up the vials and let out of some of alcohol?

I just want to avoid the suffocating cough. But I'm gonna try to mix my compounds in the same needle and pin slowly. Probably need to aspirate

Sent from my Pixel XL using Professional Muscle mobile app
I've injected stuff into a vein, even high BA gear. The cough from that is nothing compared to trenA cough. This is why it's called tren cough not BA cough. Even getting near a vein and you'll get it. It's not the Ba..This is always discussed.
I've gone through a vein shooting 1cc of my script Watson test and had some seep into the vein.
It just ends up passing a little oil through your lungs causing the cough. In my experience it was a little different than tren or BA cough as I could not taste it and it seemed to linger for a bit longer.

Kinda freaked me out so I called out medic and he said it would pass after 15-20 min , no need to worry
First always make sure you asperate to see if you are in a vein. But as far as the cough, that definitely does happen every now and again with tren. Shit is ruthless... I start sweating like crazy and can barely breath for a few mins along with a cough that feels like I swallowed a frog. Now you've popped your tren cough cherry and next time at least you know your not gonna die and it will pass :D

haha this made me laugh hard, swallowed a frog lol. I am going to use that one

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