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No cardio if you do manual labor??


Jan 1, 1970
So I took this new job where im fucking busy all day. Working for a contractor so im doing landscaping, electrical, mild construction,etc.. B/f this I was just watching tv all day and would do my cardio in the mornings and then was completely sedentary the whole day other than training. Anyway, now that i'm working hard for like 8 straight hours i presume im burning a shitload more cals than normal, so is there even a need for cardio?
Fourthgen, I do manual labor 8 hours a day as well. Although you will be burning calories during the day theres no substitute for cardiovascular activities such as running,jogging, or walking ;)
Fourthgen, I do manual labor 8 hours a day as well. Although you will be burning calories during the day theres no substitute for cardiovascular activities such as running,jogging, or walking ;)

you said it doomed. i also do labor
To me, I would think cardio wouldn't be necessary at first. If you are up on your feet all day, lift odd objects and really active, you will be burning a lot of calories as is. Once your body adapts say after a month (or if bodyfat comes creeping up) then I would say start cardio slowly again. If you are as busy as I was working with a contractor, you will barely have the energy to workout the first six weeks or so...
i used to think the same way,im a contractor also but i finally added cardio in this past year and i look and feel better..
plus it is good for your heart.
my gains have not slowed,im just not as big and fat as i was.
i used to think the same way,im a contractor also but i finally added cardio in this past year and i look and feel better..
plus it is good for your heart.
my gains have not slowed,im just not as big and fat as i was.

Then your one of few lucky few that can get away with it or your
not into heavy labor (not meant to be smart ass). I run a
landscape business and sometimes put in 10 12 hoiurs a day, and
because this am always overtraining, and on busy weeks lose alot
of size and strength. Problem with this kind of work
the lack of time you have to get the right amount of food it takes
to keep your hard earn muscle and the fact your using your muscles
to push, pull and lift all day. So for me cardio would definitly be out
of the question.
I also think that this is something the body will not get accustomed
to if you add cardio if anything you will drag your self down to
the point where getting out of bed would be a chore. Believe me,
I've been doing this for 35 years.
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I definitely agree, even though you are burning calories you definitely can't substitute good ol' cardio. Now it depends on what types of manual labor your doing but if you are training hard 5x a week there's a good chance you could run into over training as well so I would definitely recommend increasing your calories (lean sources of course) as you may run into that and I would gradually add in the cardio and see where you can find that happy medium where your burning fat but not doing too much where your over working and begin to get fatigued and tired all the time as your right you will of course be burning more calories as opposed to you sitting down all day watching t.v. good luck!
Body Fat

I think If your Bodyfat is low like 6-8 then you should be ok to cut back. I think it's harder for people to go without cardio when they eat like shit all day and are in higher Bodyfat range. Just remember to Watch your diet and eat clean through out your days and get in your good fats like avocado's........ When your in the gym you could maybe still do cardio but cut back on the weights and just try and keep tone.
The primary reason of doing cardio should be to keep your cardiovascular system in shape. With a 10-12 hour manual labor job (specially if youre not used to it) your diet will also be taking a hit, you cant just do your job on energy drinks..you need higher amounts of carbs and fats. So keep the cardio and drink your water.
The primary reason of doing cardio should be to keep your cardiovascular system in shape. With a 10-12 hour manual labor job (specially if youre not used to it) your diet will also be taking a hit, you cant just do your job on energy drinks..you need higher amounts of carbs and fats. So keep the cardio and drink your water.

May I ask what line of business are you in ? So the man says he does
landscaping which consists of pushing wheel barrels up and down hills.
carring block and pavers up and down hills across yards with lumber in
hand and so on and so on during the summer heat, not in a air conditioned
gym by the way and you are saying this would not sufice
as a replacement cardio workout. No offence but I say BS.
Fourthgen, do what you feel is best for you brother but I guarantee you throw in
a good cardio workout after a long hard day of manual labor
you'll see thoughs gains shrink before your eyes that is if your into
building muscle tissue.
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i quit doing cardio since i have a manual labor job all day (from 6am to 3pm) , i burn so many cals during my job, i just dont see a need to do it anymore. I'll hit some up if i have an off day sometimes. Id say i burn 1,000+ cals more on an average day than i did before.
i quit doing cardio since i have a manual labor job all day (from 6am to 3pm) , i burn so many cals during my job, i just dont see a need to do it anymore. I'll hit some up if i have an off day sometimes. Id say i burn 1,000+ cals more on an average day than i did before.

Thankyou. Far as I'm conserned if you have enough energy to walk
in that gym and add cardio to your program and get results. Then
your not putting in a good hard days work.;)
thanks guys. I just started this, and im so beat i can barely train 3x per week now. Im just gonna leave cardio out till i get a routine going.
Listen to your body, if your tired there's a reason.
Overtraining basiclly is a built in safty system we have
to let us know when enough's enough. without it we
would do so much more damage to the point of injury.
Hope things go well with you job.....
Yea when I work i move around all day and transfer patients so im lifting and walking all over the place..but i dont consider it as part of my cardio personally
Yea when I work i move around all day and transfer patients so im lifting and walking all over the place..but i dont consider it as part of my cardio personally

Lifting what ? Your patients. Your job I would guess is healthcare.
Whole deferent line of work. Spend a day on my job then we'll talk.
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landscaper..i'm sure your doing alot more manual labor and tough work then i am..that's a tough job...i do have a job where i can eat every three hours so thats a plus..our workload is way different so i can see the diffrence there.
Then your one of few lucky few that can get away with it or your
not into heavy labor (not meant to be smart ass). I run a
landscape business and sometimes put in 10 12 hoiurs a day, and
because this am always overtraining, and on busy weeks loose alot
of size and strength. Problem with this kind of work is
the lack of time you have to get the right amount of food it takes
to keep your hard earn muscle and the fact your using your muscles
to push, pull and lift all day. So for me cardio would definitly be out
of the question.
I also think that this is something the body will not get accustomed
to if you add cardio if anything you will drag your self down to
the point where getting out of bed would be a chore. Believe me,
I've been doing this for 35 years.
Steveo you sound really defensive. Besides my advice was directed towards Fourthgen not you, if you dont feel like doing cardio then dont! Im not trying to persuade you to do otherwise. Im also not going to go into what kind of work I do as I am not trying to compare my line of work to yours, but even firefighters and military personel try and fit some cardio into their work schedules..even the more reason to keep your cardiovascular system in top notch condition. Fourthgen Im sure it will be difficult for you to adapt to that kind of work..specially since you would only watch tv all day. Take it one day at a time and like Stevo said do what works best for you. IMHO
well bro, let me give you an example of what i did on friday (which are almost always easy days)

I had to take 2 500 pound safes up to the o-3 level on an aircraft carrier, all the way from the pier (like 200 yards, and 6 flights of strairs)

Then i had to get about 40 boxes of toilet paper to the same place..... now after this, your spent man. I dont even think about doing cardio, im drenched in sweat and its like 15 degrees outside.

Plus i had a fire drill that day and had to put a fire suit on and drill for an hour.....

This isnt including all the other bs i have to do all day/walking around ect. Now i dont know why i would need cardio? DO you really get more benefits of cardiovascular health by walking on a treadmill? I personally do not think so.

Also fourthgen, i would try training in the mornings before work, so your fresh and ready to train. opposed to after when your tired.
landscaper..i'm sure your doing alot more manual labor and tough work then i am..that's a tough job...i do have a job where i can eat every three hours so thats a plus..our workload is way different so i can see the diffrence there.

I wish I could get in some cardio at the end of the day to be behonest
with you. And to be able to eat every three hours is definitly a big
plus. I guess the big thing with me is I fired most my workers for reasons
and do the work myself now. :)

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