There is ALOT of info on this over at animals board. Brooklynjuice has many threads on this and was extremely experienced. But unfourtately he can't help as he has passed away. There are several that have taken up the research.
There is ALOT of info on this over at animals board. Brooklynjuice has many threads on this and was extremely experienced. But unfourtately he can't help as he has passed away. There are several that have taken up the research.
Brooklynjuice passed away..... jeeze!! I have PM's and orderd from him quite a few times..... it's been a while though. What was the cause? And when? Do you know?
Brooklynjuice passed away..... jeeze!! I have PM's and orderd from him quite a few times..... it's been a while though. What was the cause? And when? Do you know?
Go to Animals board. That's about all I can say cause if I spell it out for you it's going to get erased since it's not a sponsor. Talk to Instynct he runs TLR