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o/t every one has changed or maybe I have


New member
Oct 20, 2002
tonight I hung out with all of my old friends from back in hs, god it was to wierd. We all had these big dreams and it seems like all of them have simply either failed or given up its sad. These girls who wouldnt even give me the time of day are grabbing at my arms. Its like iam suppose to forget that they were bitches to me for 4 years of my life. I dont know its hard to explain I think some of the younger members might though, I wonder if ive changed or maybe iam still the same.
dude i can relate to your situation,i myself have changed a great deal since h/s,now when i see my old friends its like we are totally diffrent in every aspect,i would say maybe you changed
but for the better & they just might be the same,as for the women
bro i would get what i want while im on a gram of test :D or just blow them off its your choice
i know exactly what you mean...

i love it when they get fat and used to be pretty and everyone kissed their ass... now they're fat and ....... well..... fat

so then they HAVE NO CHOICE but to be nice... and guess what?? its too late for that in Mr Pickel's world honey...

i love it... just blow 'em off or ass fuck the hell outta 'em.... rectum or damn near kill'em , i dont care......

no respect for me then = no respect for you ever

beat it bitch

ps.. i'm bitter
I know what you mean bro. In high school, I was the small (between 145-150#), bitter one and got a bit of shit for my Asian heritage.

Since I've been bodybuilding (1985), going back to reunions has been a kick in the ass. Beauty attracts beauty, just like misery attracts misery. All the chicks that took care of themselves were hanging all over me. I can see why for those that had spouses had let themselves go. Maybe they were trying to make a point to their spous that it's better to be/stay in shape?!? Naw - they just wanted my body - LOL.

Snobs (both female and male) that ignored me before are coming up talking to me. It's certainly been worth it to me!

whoa!! Hey dude stick this chicks while you can! The only reason I see that your not is that you are scared if you get close to these chicks they will hurt you yet again, just guessing bro! But hey dude everyone has that chick in hs that never seemed to give them the time of day and if I ever had a chance at that bro I would live that fantasy just for real! In fact i did have the chance and I already did it! So hey dude you an either live with the resentment you have for these woman or you can make your peace with them and get to sticken! I say get to sticken bro you only live once!! Take the fantasy out of your head and live it dude you'll be much happier at it will boost your confidence that will only lead to more and more sluuuuuuuts! The choice is yours dude but you know what I would do!!!!! If anything dude I would tell em that you didn't appreciate them of treating you like shit and then slap that ass with your balls :D :D
stack bro u are right, I dont know what got into my head last nite I think it was for some reason i felt like i was that same 17 year old kid. Since iam home I might as well enjoy the benifits
I know what u mean, every one had these big dreams some went to play major leuge ball ( ended up getting cut) some went to college and ended up dropping out. Others just went no where. Then they ask me what iam doing they just kinda stare in disbelief like iam supposed to fail like they have.
I think that people tend to stay in the past and you bettering yourself through training has changed you whether you noticed or not. There are so many people who live off of what happened and don't set out to make things happen in the now. I had a 5 year high school reunion last summer and everyone looked the same or worse. When I showed up most people didn't recognize me and all I heard all night was how big I was and all that typical bullshit. But, changing yourself physically and showing that you have the dedication and desire to change yourself for the better says, "I'm doing something with myself, what are you doing?"
wow JBK you are big

:) Yea JBK but you are huge a huge greasy, striated, muscle bound wop. Everyone from my class are the same way they look at me in a different light but that is ok. I no longer spend my days and nights in a bar drinking and smoking away my life trying to get that drunk chick in the corner. The guys I used to hang out with are still the same. Dont get me wrong I still care for that gang and wish them the best in life, but I no longer want that lifestyle and am glad I have met the "meatheads" and the gym rats that I have, there is a reason for everything in life you may not understand why or how come but there is a reason why you no longer interact with the old gang.
Do the girls then blow them off. Some people never grow up the goof balls class clowns that got some attention still live at home with mommy and daddy where I am from. Its a nice feeling to set goals and attain them bodybuilding in my mind has always given me a strong drive to succeed. MM
crackerjack414 said:
tonight I hung out with all of my old friends from back in hs, god it was to wierd. We all had these big dreams and it seems like all of them have simply either failed or given up its sad. These girls who wouldnt even give me the time of day are grabbing at my arms. Its like iam suppose to forget that they were bitches to me for 4 years of my life. I dont know its hard to explain I think some of the younger members might though, I wonder if ive changed or maybe iam still the same.

Some people mature and others dont. Since I went into the Marine Corps, I havent seen nor talked to anyone I hung out with in High School (4 yrs+), but I imagine I could go back to the same places we used to hang out, and they would be there.

As for the girls...do the H & D (hump/dump)...:D

xcelbeyond said:
I know what you mean bro. In high school, I was the small (between 145-150#), bitter one and got a bit of shit for my Asian heritage.

Since I've been bodybuilding (1985), going back to reunions has been a kick in the ass. Beauty attracts beauty, just like misery attracts misery. All the chicks that took care of themselves were hanging all over me. I can see why for those that had spouses had let themselves go. Maybe they were trying to make a point to their spous that it's better to be/stay in shape?!? Naw - they just wanted my body - LOL.

Snobs (both female and male) that ignored me before are coming up talking to me. It's certainly been worth it to me!

watch out for the males bro they might want more than advice lol:D

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