The Old juiced Rua would have given Machida a real tough time .......but the states verson will get put to sleep in the 3rd or 4th rd imo.........Guys like Coleman ,kehr , wandeli ,shamrock, fry, mirko , were never the same in strictly tested fights........shoot Coleman ,Kehr are fighting with 50 lbs less muscle these days......preformance enhancement works and the guys that needed it and took advantage of it were obvious......yes ,some guys do have good advice and can beat the tests [have even advised some folks on this] but for most, it is too much stress and risk to be worrying about before a fight.......look at Brock ......he been hard at 305 before and now weighs 265 or so soft.....he cut the gear and is a good enough athlete to make it work...but for many like Rua it definately shows..........I like him , loved his agressive pride style .....but it is not just injuries that changed his game in the ufc......believe it or not........he is going to get picked apart and I hope I am wrong , but I am afraid not....