hey bro i have same problem bro for about 2 years now sweat like crazy an overheating wherever i go an my forehead gets real warm , even if i go into a store to get something i start weating it starts at my forehead an works its way down to my lower neck, people ask me whats wrong all the time, i could be around 50 other people outside an i am only one sweating from my forehead , i have to carry a cloth to wipe sweat off over an over again, same problem im seeing an endrianogologist right now doing all kinds of tests on me real pain in ass , ill let u know what i come up with bro wont know what it could be from till atleast another few weeks , but im like this all time an when im on it gets alot worse seat all day bro, ill let u know whatdoc comes up with ill keep u posted bro im just hoping it is not something to bad, good luck bro ill keep u posted sounds like u have same problem