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Opinions on Masteron over 600mg?

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Hmmm…I’m wondering if I should up my Test to 1.5g now.

You feel any huge difference with Test at 1.5g versus 1g with the Deca and Mast at 750mg?
bro I have no idea what you look like , how much muscle you have, cycle history, etc. I would be ignorant to tell you what you should do. But to bluntly answer your question, yes the higher test you run, the bigger you will get. there's a huge difference. GRANTED YOU HAVE GOOD HEALTH GENETICS AND DON'T HAVE ANY SIDES. I could do 5000 test no sides. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT
bro I have no idea what you look like , how much muscle you have, cycle history, etc. I would be ignorant to tell you what you should do. But to bluntly answer your question, yes the higher test you run, the bigger you will get. there's a huge difference. GRANTED YOU HAVE GOOD HEALTH GENETICS AND DON'T HAVE ANY SIDES. I could do 5000 test no sides. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT
Hahahaha!! Damn! Got Tren? Lmao
bro I have no idea what you look like , how much muscle you have, cycle history, etc. I would be ignorant to tell you what you should do. But to bluntly answer your question, yes the higher test you run, the bigger you will get. there's a huge difference. GRANTED YOU HAVE GOOD HEALTH GENETICS AND DON'T HAVE ANY SIDES. I could do 5000 test no sides. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT
Yeah, I was merely just typing out what I was saying to myself as I read that and realized everything is different for each person, which I know.

Just more of a general question on weather or not you noticed a huge difference in the extra 500mg.

For shits and giggles, I’m 6’2” 235 with last Dexa January 16th at 11.9% BF.

I don’t have perfect genetics with Test and need my AI & Nolva for anything over 600mg, but I’m good with that and know how to manage it while blasting high versus TRT.
Yeah, I was merely just typing out what I was saying to myself as I read that and realized everything is different for each person, which I know.

Just more of a general question on weather or not you noticed a huge difference in the extra 500mg.

For shits and giggles, I’m 6’2” 235 with last Dexa January 16th at 11.9% BF.

I don’t have perfect genetics with Test and need my AI & Nolva for anything over 600mg, but I’m good with that and know how to manage it while blasting high versus TRT.
Amigo I think he’s pissed off now lol probably better to cool off and come back to it later haha
bro I have no idea what you look like , how much muscle you have, cycle history, etc. I would be ignorant to tell you what you should do. But to bluntly answer your question, yes the higher test you run, the bigger you will get. there's a huge difference. GRANTED YOU HAVE GOOD HEALTH GENETICS AND DON'T HAVE ANY SIDES. I could do 5000 test no sides. EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT
On a serious note snapping on him was unnecessary and kind of rude
On a serious note snapping on him was unnecessary and kind of rude
why would you think I was snapping? cuz of all caps? it's the internet bro..
Yeah, I was merely just typing out what I was saying to myself as I read that and realized everything is different for each person, which I know.

Just more of a general question on weather or not you noticed a huge difference in the extra 500mg.

For shits and giggles, I’m 6’2” 235 with last Dexa January 16th at 11.9% BF.

I don’t have perfect genetics with Test and need my AI & Nolva for anything over 600mg, but I’m good with that and know how to manage it while blasting high versus TRT.
I just sent you a dm bro
Yeah the caps mean you’re yelling
Well I don't know anything about him....how would I know if he should be doing 1.5g of test? I have no idea what he looks like or his his history. LOL. What do you want me to say. ya bro go for it!
Well I don't know anything about him....how would I know if he should be doing 1.5g of test? I have no idea what he looks like or his his history. LOL. What do you want me to say. ya bro go for it!
No but just be gentle about it. You already look like the Incredible Hulk don’t act like him
I'm actually interested in running mast primo and test. I can run large doses of test with out estro sides besides bloat maybe. It's almost like I need super high dosages at this point for drive. I would run test at a gram no problem, but if I was adding in mast and primo would I lower the test? Curious what yours looked like.
If you can run large doses of test without bloat or estro issues, I would increase the Test to the highest amount you can handle with a set dose of Primo/Mast.
Definitely don’t lower the test as you will lower your E2. I aromatize a decent amount, not crazy, but I run 700 test, 700 Primo. You may feel good on 1gram test, 6-700 Primo
Find the ratio where your E2 is in range
Well I don't know anything about him....how would I know if he should be doing 1.5g of test? I have no idea what he looks like or his his history. LOL. What do you want me to say. ya bro go for it!
He asked you whether you felt a big difference between 1gram and 1.5grams. What difference the extra 500mg makes. Not if he should run that
He asked you whether you felt a big difference between 1gram and 1.5grams. What difference the extra 500mg makes. Not if he should run that
for sure bro, in which I answered..

" But to bluntly answer your question, yes the higher test you run, the bigger you will get. there's a huge difference. "

difference being..you'll get bigger.
for sure bro, in which I answered..

" But to bluntly answer your question, yes the higher test you run, the bigger you will get. there's a huge difference. "

difference being..you'll get bigger.
Yeah you’re right, my bad
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