I know nothing about the motion this machine does but I agree with Gundhill (although I've never thought of it this way).
My spotter agrees with me a high level black belt karate instructor that's 5'8" and 250 lbs and can still do the splits! He says your strength comes from the inside - arms towards inside of body. All power hits come groom this motion. There is not not near as muck power in a rounhouse punch.
Now as this relates to bench press. As I've stated before, I learned bench press techinque from someone that hold at least three state bench records in different weight classes. He said to do this (for power/heavy weights):
1) Medium width - shoulder width or a tad more grip on bar
2) Keep elbows in when lowering and raising
3) As weight is lowered, squeeze your lats and use them to assist the press upward.
4) Lower weight to bottom of chest
Try this example, just sitting at your somputer - as you can "feel" how my point is demonstrated. Put your arms straight out in front of you, as you do at beginning of bench press - using 1) above. Keeping elbows against your body, bring your arms towards your body (at lower chest), as in lowering a bar. Notice how your lats should be squeezed, and there's not much pressure on your shoulders.
From this position, bring your hands towards upper chest or neck (if you can). You can feel how pressure is take off lats and more pressure it put on shoulders.
After YEARS of benching like most people do, it takes a LONG time to train your mind to do this. But I've managed to increase the amount of weight used drastically over the conventional method.