Some years ago, I was experiencing back pain. I noted when it occurred, and what it felt like, and all that kind of stuff.
I went to an osteopath. He briefly examined me, told me I was overexerting, that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with my back, and that I should just up the dosage of Advil to manage the pain.
After continuing to struggle, I went to a chiro. After a brief manual exam, he told me that it was obvious there was something very wrong with my back, and ordered x-rays.
Turns out that I have wedged vertebrae, a disease called DISH, severe arthritis of the hips, and severely degenerated lumbar discs.
I went back to the osteopath, with radiologist report in hand, and told him he missed something. He said, "No, I did not. There is nothing wrong with you."
I told him I went to a chiro...he immediately stopped me, and said "That's a joke, they're not trained."
I said "Well, that's odd. He was trained enough to order films, and here's the report."
His response "Well, a chiropractor can't help you with any of this, you have to stop lifting and any exertion. You have serious structural issues."
My next strongman comp is in 2 weeks. I just nailed a PR in the 18" DL the other night. Couldn't have done this without my chiropractor.