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painful lump under nipple


New member
Nov 8, 2008
hey guys a little worried ive been on a deca/test cycle for around 3 weeks and just noticed a lump under my nipple ....pretty painful if i touch it....what do you suggest ...i have never had this issue before with this....any imput would be really helpful and appreciated at this point thank you...
Ive tried many methods when ive been in this postion and to be honest nolva has worked the best by far. I tend to run it at 20mgs ed for a week then drop it to 10mgs ed for the cycle duration....

Works every time for me....
thanks man it hurts pretty bad........this was the first time i had this issue....freaked me out a little and my girl....lol
if the nolva dosent work its prolly from the deca and is due to increased prolacton. you will need dosinex, or primi. deca and tren give me gyno like that lumps in the nips and they hurt like hell so i try to stay away now.
Does anyone know the rules about articles online?

I've just stubled upon this site **broken link removed**, could I just borrow the technical
information from the site or do I need some kind of permission?. I'm doing a project for school.

Sorry If I come across as an ass, but how do you not know how to treat/prevent gyno?
if the nolva dosent work its prolly from the deca and is due to increased prolacton. you will need dosinex, or primi. deca and tren give me gyno like that lumps in the nips and they hurt like hell so i try to stay away now.

Yeah i only ever get gyno issues when on tren or deca and nolva still works very well...
Sorry If I come across as an ass, but how do you not know how to treat/prevent gyno?

I dont know if you were talking to me but ive never had this issue and ive used deca and test and a little tren ......mulitiple cycles without this issue...im even using a low dose ......so thats the only reason kinda new to me as far as what it is and....to be honest it freaked me out because it is a pretty painful little lump....
Sorry If I come across as an ass, but how do you not know how to treat/prevent gyno?

Bro, we are here to help one another, and not to put brothers down, your comment is very unkind, why even post crap like that? It doesn't help anybody. Our bro is simply asking for a solution to a problem he never had before. And concerning the lump, it has been said to take 20 mgs of Nolvadex to prevent estrogen build up and throw Dostinex in the mix at .5 mgs twice a week, and maybe .25 of Adex EOD if nolva , Dostinex combo doesn't work within 2 weeks. God bless you my friend.
Thanks bros for your input im in the process of getting those items gathered ....i should have had them on hand but oh well ....really appreciate the help guys!!!:D
Ive tried many methods when ive been in this postion and to be honest nolva has worked the best by far. I tend to run it at 20mgs ed for a week then drop it to 10mgs ed for the cycle duration....

Works every time for me....

X2 on trying Nolva. I personally have never used/needed nolva, but I have 2 friends that have had the same symptoms "tender lumps" and used it exactly the same as above and it worked for them. Plus it's a cheaper alternative to other more expensive gyno solutions.
hey guys a little worried ive been on a deca/test cycle for around 3 weeks and just noticed a lump under my nipple ....pretty painful if i touch it....what do you suggest ...i have never had this issue before with this....any imput would be really helpful and appreciated at this point thank you...

I personally would have used an AI or some other type of anti E starting day #1 of this cycle to avoid these issues from verey happening. Tough lesson learned for some. I still would begin an AI immediately.
I personally would have used an AI or some other type of anti E starting day #1 of this cycle to avoid these issues from verey happening. Tough lesson learned for some. I still would begin an AI immediately.

I know man i usually do have this stuff on hand and this is the first time that i havent had the issue.......in that regard i should have kept some around.....but i def learned my lesson friend trust me....

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