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PCT Advice

Johnny Mix

New member
Mar 27, 2010
Will be running 300mg test-e for 12 weeks. Was originally gonna use 6.25mg aromasin ED and clomid 50/50/25/25/25 for PCT, but after reading some of Macro's posts I am thinking that might be overkill.

Now I am thinking I'll go with clomid 25/25/25 while keeping the aromasin.

good move?
ur probably not going to need aromasin at only 300mgs of test-e. bump that to 500mgs.
ur probably not going to need aromasin at only 300mgs of test-e. bump that to 500mgs.

Right. Up your test to 500mg and then incorporate aromosin on cycle.
Is PCT needed for someone finishing a cycle when they are on HRT and will be continuing Cyp injections or even Testim cream forever?
Nothing you listed is good at all. Not even your cycle.
Nothing you listed is good at all. Not even your cycle.

do you think the dosage is too low? to be honest I'm not sure how you're able to come to that conclusion since I didn't post any info about my self.
Most will recommend "NOT" to use an AI during cycle, which is absolutely fine, but IMHO I think you should monitor your progress with periodic blood work just to be on the "sure" side and then determine whether you should or shouldn't use an AI during cycle.
i thought using an AI during the whole cycle is a better idea so ur natural test levels are always high,and estrogen is down,yeah u may not gain as manylbs,but ur muscle will look a whole lot better
do you think the dosage is too low? to be honest I'm not sure how you're able to come to that conclusion since I didn't post any info about my self.

300 mgs is just about HRT. So unless you weigh 100 lbs for me its too low. You are going to run it for 12 weeks and be nothing more than a pin cushion. You might gain 5 keepable pounds if you are lucky. But thats just my opinion.
and i am assuming your aromasin dosage is a typo ;)
Will be running 300mg test-e for 12 weeks. Was originally gonna use 6.25mg aromasin ED and clomid 50/50/25/25/25 for PCT, but after reading some of Macro's posts I am thinking that might be overkill.

Now I am thinking I'll go with clomid 25/25/25 while keeping the aromasin.

good move?

honestly i wouldn't up the test dosage ... i highly doubt this is going to be your last cycle (which means you are going to have more than enuff time to increase your dose down the road) so keep the dose at 3-350mgs/wk (which is like 100x what your body produces naturally) ... if you are dead set on running aromasin on cycle 12.5 mgs EOD should be enough (if you feel you are holding to much water around week 5 or 6 then bump the dose to 12.5mgs ED) as far as PCT goes i would run Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5 and Clomind 50/25/25/25 ... make sure your diet is on check and there's no reason why you shouldn't make great gains on this cycle .... just my 2 cents
Most will recommend "NOT" to use an AI during cycle, which is absolutely fine, but IMHO I think you should monitor your progress with periodic blood work just to be on the "sure" side and then determine whether you should or shouldn't use an AI during cycle.

i thought using an AI during the whole cycle is a better idea so ur natural test levels are always high,and estrogen is down,yeah u may not gain as manylbs,but ur muscle will look a whole lot better

well from what I've gathered there is a school of thought that those using lower than 450-500mg don't need an AI during cycle because estrogen sides are unlikely to be an issue at a dose that low. still I would rather be on the safe side as I don't see a huge issue with using aromasin
300 mgs is just about HRT. So unless you weigh 100 lbs for me its too low. You are going to run it for 12 weeks and be nothing more than a pin cushion. You might gain 5 keepable pounds if you are lucky. But thats just my opinion.

and i am assuming your aromasin dosage is a typo ;)

no typo. didnt want to completely obliterate my estrogen since the planned dose was only 300mg. since this will be my first cycle my plan was to start lower and assess my gains during the weeks 2-6ish before deciding whether to up the dosage or leave it the same.

I have heard plenty of people advising me to start at 500mg which would obviously result in great gains, but I have also heard from an almost equal number of people that they started at a lower dose for their first time and managed to keep a solid amount of muscle.
honestly i wouldn't up the test dosage ... i highly doubt this is going to be your last cycle (which means you are going to have more than enuff time to increase your dose down the road) so keep the dose at 3-350mgs/wk (which is like 100x what your body produces naturally) ... if you are dead set on running aromasin on cycle 12.5 mgs EOD should be enough (if you feel you are holding to much water around week 5 or 6 then bump the dose to 12.5mgs ED) as far as PCT goes i would run Aromasin 25/25/12.5/12.5 and Clomind 50/25/25/25 ... make sure your diet is on check and there's no reason why you shouldn't make great gains on this cycle .... just my 2 cents

I will almost certainly be running many more cycles (just being realistic) so that's why I was thinking of starting lower. I'm pretty sure aromasin is best run ED not EOD which is why I plan on running 6.25mg not 12.5. I could always up to 12.5 mg/day if needed. I am dead set on using aromasin after reading through the RS/Macro thread on it.

As of now I plan on running:

Wk 1-12: 400mg test e/wk
Wk 1-14: 6.25 or 12.5mg aromasin ED
Wk 15-18: 12.5 mg aromasin ED
Wk 15: 50mg clomid ED
Wk 16-18: 25mg clomid ED

what is your opinion on this kscowboy? (I know it's not 500 but it's a start)
I see what you are saying now about the aromasin. I thought you were going to run 6.25 mg ed. LOL

As far as the cycle goes 400 (Even though not much more) is way better. I think you will notice a huge difference between 300 and 400. You can even bump it up half way through if you decide to. The rest of it looks good as well.
I see what you are saying now about the aromasin. I thought you were going to run 6.25 mg ed. LOL

As far as the cycle goes 400 (Even though not much more) is way better. I think you will notice a huge difference between 300 and 400. You can even bump it up half way through if you decide to. The rest of it looks good as well.

I am going to run 6.25mg ED... what did you think I was going to do?
I read through the researchstop AI thread again and I'm inclined to run 12.5mg ED now.
I read through the researchstop AI thread again and I'm inclined to run 12.5mg ED now.

12.5 is the better way to start, but I would personally do it EOD to start with and then bump it up to ED if you see the need to at a later date. You don't want to overkill it. I also wouldn't even bother with it until after the end of week two. Just my 2 cents.
12.5 is the better way to start, but I would personally do it EOD to start with and then bump it up to ED if you see the need to at a later date. You don't want to overkill it. I also wouldn't even bother with it until after the end of week two. Just my 2 cents.

yeah the only thing is the half life is 27 hours so I want to avoid taking it eod and rollercoastering my estrogen levels. I'm gonna stick with 6.25 the first 2 weeks then bump it up to 12.5 starting week 3. I can always go up or down if I get bloated or notice joint pain/boner problems. this is my first cycle so I'm gonna be somewhat of a human guinea pig till I figure out what works for me.

i appreciate the input man

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