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Pec Cramp or tear?


May 7, 2010
lately iv been starting with decline bench for my chest days and i usually warm up with 135x10, 185x10, 225x2....then do 3 working sets

with my first 2 sets i go heavy 5-6 reps and then with my last set i usually rep out 225 for 15-20. anyways my pecs always feel fine for the first 2 sets but when i start repping 225 my right pec cramps or something and it hurts. i guess i would say it tightens up. anyways i feel it through out the rest of my chest workout and i have no idea what i should do or what is causing this. has anyone had this happen to them before? i can usually feel it days after as well.

maybe do some light flys before bench to warm up the muscle?
lately iv been starting with decline bench for my chest days and i usually warm up with 135x10, 185x10, 225x2....then do 3 working sets

with my first 2 sets i go heavy 5-6 reps and then with my last set i usually rep out 225 for 15-20. anyways my pecs always feel fine for the first 2 sets but when i start repping 225 my right pec cramps or something and it hurts. i guess i would say it tightens up. anyways i feel it through out the rest of my chest workout and i have no idea what i should do or what is causing this. has anyone had this happen to them before? i can usually feel it days after as well.

maybe do some light flys before bench to warm up the muscle?

Most likely just a strain. If you tore it you wouldn't even consider continuing it would be game over. Signs would include severe black and blue bruising in the chest, sometimes all the way down to the arm.

Advice would be to ice it , rest it and do not train chest again till you have a full recovery in the area.
Most likely just a strain. If you tore it you wouldn't even consider continuing it would be game over. Signs would include severe black and blue bruising in the chest, sometimes all the way down to the arm.

Advice would be to ice it , rest it and do not train chest again till you have a full recovery in the area.

yea i knew it wasn't a tear bc you actually hear it when it happens and like you said would be black and blue...just worried if im at risk of tearing it just from how my pec has been acting.

whats weird though is that last week instead of repping out 225 i did 245 and i didnt get the strain or cramp...maybe its because with the 225 im going up and down too fast?
The good thing is you didn't tear it. Many factors can attribute. Make sure everything is warm when you resume. Plenty of warm up sets etc and you might not go to failure for a while just to test the waters.

Also bench with a range of motion which is right for you. That might mean taking the bar say a fist above your chest. Everyones anatomy is unique. About a year ago I almost tore one of mine doing a one rep max. Not exceedingly bright as I was 40 at the time and not a powerlifter. Still it did feal good to bench just over twice my body weight at the time;)

Be smart and lift safe.
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The good thing is you didn't tear it. Many factors can attribute. Make sure everything is warm when you resume. Plenty of warm up sets etc and you might night go to failure for a while just to test the waters.

Also bench with a range of motion which is right for you. That might mean taking the bar say a fist above your chest. Everyones anatomy is unique. About a year ago I almost tore one of mine doing a one rep max. Not exceedingly bright as I was 40 at the time and not a powerlifter. Still it did feal good to bench just over twice my body weight at the time;)

Be smart and lift safe.

yea, what makes me confused is with the heavy sets im fine...hell im even on winny now, but its always with that 225 rep out

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