With a lil one on her way, I'd stop gambling and start saving money if I were you...
No seriously thanks for the concern, Shelby.
Well... over the years I've tried pretty much everything, from awfully complicated training methods to crazy exotic diets... to finally come to the conclusion that by keeping things as simple as they need to be - "basics" as they say - you obtain the best results.
As long as your workouts are intense enough but not that hard they put you in a state of overtraining, I feel you're on the right path.
Nothing really exciting to describe here... key exercices for less sets per session but more frequently, different bodyparts trained in the same workout, 7-10 reps usual range, drop sets, rest/pause, staggered reps sometimes included to shock muscles and repeat, over and over again...
A back/chest workout can be something like pull ups followed by incline barbell presses for 3 effective sets each, then bent over rows and flat dumbell presses for 3 sets again. Repeat 3 days later preferably picking up other exercices.
It can also very well be a chest/shoulders or chest/tris or back/shoulders or shoulders/bis... I TRAIN QUITE INSTINCTIVELY. Provided that a given muscle has recovered enough from a previous session, I work what I want when I feel like doing it... this way workouts are much more enjoyable. And when you find pleasure doing something you progress much faster IMO
Amongst the innumerable things I've learned from Phil, the main one, the mother of all should I say, is that bodybuilding doesn't have to be as "sophisticated" as we often try to make it... keep it simple, stay focused, consistent, and progress will come all alone... without having overstressed your body with heavy bulking or drastic famine diet phases coupled with coutless hours of cardio
Now don't get me wrong... in practice I do just the opposite to what I'm preaching here...
I gorge myself with bad food most of the year and when it's time to shed all the excess bf I've gained I rely on massive amounts of drugs to avoid dieting harder