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I never liked Phil as a human, but he was blessed with absurd genetics. His jump from turning Pro to Mr. O champion was incredibly fast - and seemingly effortless.

As people have said, Ronnie was blessed with outstanding genetics and outworked everyone. I don't think we will ever see another Ronnie again.
I used to think that too but I believe he was just villainized. His persona back then is nothing like who he is now and what others have claimed he was actually like back then.

Compared to Ronnie though, almost everyone can be considered a dick. Ronnie is genuinely extremely nice and the only cop I would have wanted to pull me over in Arlington.
I met Ronnie twice. The first time was before he was Mr. O when he was repping METRx. The second time, I can't remember how many O's he had under his belt then, he was guest posing 6 weeks out from the O weighing 312lbs...just WOW!
I met him in Dallas maybe around 06… he guest posed at a show my training partner was doing. If I remember he was up around 320 the MC said. There was just no one like him.

After, we went and ate at a restaurant. He showed up in an all white pimp suit lol and to this day, he’s the largest human being I’ve ever seen. Bullshitted w us for probably 20 minutes, he was down to earth and jovial and just cool as hell. I was in my mid 20’s and was in awe at this freak of nature. A young Steve Kluco was in the bar area as well. That’s when I realized genetics rule the sport and I should probably hang up the pipe dream of becoming a pro BB 🥲
The only Pro I ever met in person was Cutler. I’m 6’4 360 and obviously had hight advantage but I was completely blown away by how wide he was. He looked like he could lay on his side and still be 5’9/5’10.

That’s when I realized I didn’t have the structure to compete. To dam tall. He also ate pre prepared chicken constantly from Tupperware. Eat-Eat-Eat repeat.

I admire Luki and other tall body builders. It’s just so much harder for the tall guys.
I used to go to the Arnold expo in the late 90s / early 2000s. I remember one year (around 2000) seeing Jay Cutler standing alone, wearing a wrestling singlet, at a MetRX booth if I remember correctly. He just looked so insanely huge, ridiculous. Like painfully large (which was probably true). I think he ate a meal out of Tupperware. Just standing there alone, no one talking to him (he wasn't a very big name at the time) but he was monstrous.
About 12 years later I myself turned pro, but I sucked.. lol.
I used to think that too but I believe he was just villainized. His persona back then is nothing like who he is now and what others have claimed he was actually like back then.

Compared to Ronnie though, almost everyone can be considered a dick. Ronnie is genuinely extremely nice and the only cop I would have wanted to pull me over in Arlington.
I agree. In a recent Cutler Cast video he did with Jay and Matt he seemed very likeable and down to earth.
I agree. In a recent Cutler Cast video he did with Jay and Matt he seemed very likeable and down to earth.
He’s not a bad guy at all - he’s just blah. Anybody who watched this year’s O livestream knows what I’m talking about. Other than him being a freak bodybuilder he doesn’t have much of a personality or anything original to say…
I’m very much enjoying today’s current line up of open guys. Feels like any of the top 5-7 guys can win the O or Arnold which makes for more drama. But fuck - I don’t think any of them even hold a candle to Phil. Just saw this on IG and it blew my mind. I’ve made comments before that we took him for granted but Jesus lol… I know most consider Ronnie the 🐐 but I would have liked to see both them line up next to each other in their prime.

I love Phil’s physique but Ronnie would be straight 1s on every card. Prime Phil doesn’t even beat prime Jay but after that yea it’s hard to see anyone beat him. I’ve seen all in person too and trust me it makes a difference I agree prime Phil annihilates anyone on the stage rn no sweat.
He’s not a bad guy at all - he’s just blah. Anybody who watched this year’s O livestream knows what I’m talking about. Other than him being a freak bodybuilder he doesn’t have much of a personality or anything original to say…
Have you seen the Phil interview with Shannon Sharpe ?
They do some lifting at Golds Venice as well as some posing.
Have you seen the Phil interview with Shannon Sharpe ?
They do some lifting at Golds Venice as well as some posing.
Funny - it popped up on my YouTube as a recommended watch - haven't seen it yet. I'm more intrigued by the fact that Shannon is so fucking big and shredded at his age lol.
Funny - it popped up on my YouTube as a recommended watch - haven't seen it yet. I'm more intrigued by the fact that Shannon is so fucking big and shredded at his age lol.
Yeah. He's a beast. I do suspect though he's been a PED user since his days as an EAS athlete.
None of that takes away from his dietary discipline and work ethic.
Yeah. He's a beast. I do suspect though he's been a PED user since his days as an EAS athlete.
None of that takes away from his dietary discipline and work ethic.
Lol for sure - I don’t care if that dude is running 50iu a day and a gram of Tren - he’s a fucking lean monster for late 50s.

Ronnie early in his reign looked like a damn anatomy chart. Not only was he massive but absolutely diced. It didn’t even look human. I don’t think anyone can compare to that shot other than Samir Bannout but he didn’t have the rest of the package.
actually dorian had a better christmas tree but ronnie is up there for sure as well as flex and others

they dont call him the big nasty for nothing
phil would beat ronnie in a side tricep, and prime phil migh be able to beat 1998 and 99 ronnie in a back double bi, 2003 ronnie would destroy him though
actually dorian had a better christmas tree but ronnie is up there for sure as well as flex and others
If you have a pic, post it. I’d be curious to see a bigger more shredded back. I’m not saying he didn’t , I’ve just never seen a photo that outmuscled AND had that level of conditioning of Ronnie in that photo I posted.
I used to go to the Arnold expo in the late 90s / early 2000s. I remember one year (around 2000) seeing Jay Cutler standing alone, wearing a wrestling singlet, at a MetRX booth if I remember correctly. He just looked so insanely huge, ridiculous. Like painfully large (which was probably true). I think he ate a meal out of Tupperware. Just standing there alone, no one talking to him (he wasn't a very big name at the time) but he was monstrous.
About 12 years later I myself turned pro, but I sucked.. lol.
No- you didn’t suck. You’ve also been a wealth of knowledge on this board and that means a lot more to most of us that any of your placings. Good to see you posting again brother.
I’m with LATS. The first time I saw Ronnie it was like an optical illusion. I had seen people that big, but only morbidly obese.
He was sitting behind the counter at a supplement shop. There was a vein the size of my finger running down his arm, and when he stood up it was like he took up all the space back there.
That was 20+ years ago and I remember it clearly. He definitely made an impression.

If you ever had the chance to see ronnie up close.. 3 weeks out.. 315 pounds in shape.. its something you can't describe.. now don't get me wrong.. Phil is amazing.. everything is there and big.. but if ronnie stood on stage next to Phil it's lights out phil...


well symmetry and flow only go so far when you have THANOS in the flesh next to you.. the shock factor alone takes all eyes off phil.

That being said, ronnie had great flow and symmetry even at 300 pounds.. so it wasn't like he was missing that piece of the equation..
If you ever had the chance to see ronnie up close.. 3 weeks out.. 315 pounds in shape.. its something you can't describe.. now don't get me wrong.. Phil is amazing.. everything is there and big.. but if ronnie stood on stage next to Phil it's lights out phil...


well symmetry and flow only go so far when you have THANOS in the flesh next to you.. the shock factor alone takes all eyes off phil.

That being said, ronnie had great flow and symmetry even at 300 pounds.. so it wasn't like he was missing that piece of the equation..
Very Jealous. I’ve met Milos, Stan Efferding, and Johnny Jackson. The Rhino was the biggest of the 3 and he was MASSIVE in my eyes. That was almost 20 years ago before I really got into the scene. However Ronnie is on a different level, I can’t imagine how massive his stature was.

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