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Phil's Clients..


New member
Jul 20, 2008
I'm looking for some new meal ideas or any thing new to spice things up a bit.

Of course i'm not asking for anything detailed as far as macros since that is all based on the invidual, but just meal combinations and things of that nature.

It's nice to have a group of people going through the similiar diet/training.

If you rather PM me that's fine
LBA, non fat milk, olive oil

It doesn't get much simplier than that..protien,fat and carbs in a quick drink! Depending on how many carbs one is allowed a bannana would go great with that!
Hey! Phil trains me also. I really try and keep things simple i.e. Chicken, Tuna, bananas and thats about it! lol:eek: Hot sauce does wonders for spicing things up, and it also has 0 everything, except for a little sodium...so I just douse everything in hot sauce! It's even good with bananas! Sorry I can't help you more...I keep things very simple diet-wise. -StOrY
Classic Phil! Get that Ali?
Hey! Phil trains me also. I really try and keep things simple i.e. Chicken, Tuna, bananas and thats about it! lol:eek: Hot sauce does wonders for spicing things up, and it also has 0 everything, except for a little sodium...so I just douse everything in hot sauce! It's even good with bananas! Sorry I can't help you more...I keep things very simple diet-wise. -StOrY

Yea i'm the same way. I keep things very simple and easy to take with me to work. Chicken, Fish for protiens and of course fruits for carbs. I guess i'm just looking for new combinations or ways to cook the food, or any LBA recipes with diet drinks
meal 1

bananas/apples or i use orange juice.

meal 2

green veggies (brocoli, sugar snaps, beans)
orange juice, or apples/banana's
olive oil

and i use the above meals quite alot.

i primarily use apples/banana's because its easy and i know exactly how many carbs are in them.
For protein i stick to chicken. But i do switch quite often to salmon or steak. I also like eggs very much so i eat about 6 a day.

just keep it simple. to make things different i use a lot of herbs/spices. just makes your chicken tast differently every time you eat it.

Yea i'm the same way. I keep things very simple and easy to take with me to work. Chicken, Fish for protiens and of course fruits for carbs. I guess i'm just looking for new combinations or ways to cook the food, or any LBA recipes with diet drinks
Hey Ali, did you check the recipes section? I found good stuff in there with LBA's and others. We bake or grill, and saute using all kids of herbs. Do you eat vegetables?
Hey Ali, did you check the recipes section? I found good stuff in there with LBA's and others. We bake or grill, and saute using all kids of herbs. Do you eat vegetables?

I haven't had a chance to really dive into the recipe sections, but I have veggies as carbs sources the big man wants me to get in. I usually get them in more towards the evening meals. Honestly, Veggies are not very calorie dense so to get the amount i need for carbs i would have to eat a BOAT LOAD of veggies to get 50grams carbs...unless someone knows of a calories dense veggie lol.

I usually end up mixing carbs/veggies so maybe some broccoilie and a apple.
what are you putting the olive oil on? the chicken?
extra virgin olive oil is best right?
what are some good ways to use the olive oil?

yes, i am a phil trainee as well. -STEELE

EVOO is what I use. I eat my protein, then carbs, then just take a tbsp. of EVOO after. It's kind of gross but you get used to it. This is just so I know I'm getting exactly the fat I need per meal. -StOrY
what are you putting the olive oil on? the chicken?
extra virgin olive oil is best right?
what are some good ways to use the olive oil?

yes, i am a phil trainee as well. -STEELE

So...how does olive oil become EXTRA Virgin? I have allways wondered that. :D
EVOO is what I use. I eat my protein, then carbs, then just take a tbsp. of EVOO after. It's kind of gross but you get used to it. This is just so I know I'm getting exactly the fat I need per meal. -StOrY

I do the same thing. Cooking with olive oil or pouring on something seems like a inaccurate way to measure how much fat you will consume in that meal, since you may not get it all. Unless you drink it, or pour it in a drink
For me its very similar to Patrick's...and I also just pour the EVOO on the veggies.

For me its very similar to Patrick's...and I also just pour the EVOO on the veggies.


Don't you feel like your not getting the actually amount of EVOO you wanted for the meal when pouring it on foods? Maybe i'm being to anal about it, but any time ive every tried to cook with it or pour it on food so much of it stays on the plate or pan. Mabye i'm overanalyzing lol

Anyone have any good spices or herbs to cook veggies with? I honestly haven't tried too many types of veggies, but the main one i do is broccoli or lettuce but lettuce is so hard to use as carb source you need so much of it.

What types of veggies is everyone using?
i almost always use an oil in milk at every meal, but lbas make about 75% of my protein intake, i zero in on a certain meal and usually do it for a month before i have to change it, right othe than the shakes, i do deli turkey, spinach, walnut oil, red wine vinegar, ff milk, and some fruit. not fancy but its serves it purpose
Anyone have any good spices or herbs to cook veggies with? I honestly haven't tried too many types of veggies, but the main one i do is broccoli or lettuce but lettuce is so hard to use as carb source you need so much of it.

What types of veggies is everyone using?

Spinach, broccoli, squash, bell pepper.....ect

I love veggies. I make stir-fry all the time with olive oil.
You can't beat chicken and pineapple!!! It felt like I was cheating when Phil told me I could eat pineapple during my prep
I eat pounds of brocolli at a time, love my veggies. My girl hates me for it tho, she's been asking me lately when I'm gonna end my apple and brocolli diet. :rolleyes: I also drink my oil with most meals. I like cooking my chicken in coconut oil lately. Try sprinkling garlic and herb seasonings over your veggies with the evoo or sauteing them like someone else mentioned. I cook my eggs with a little splenda and cinnamon for a change every once in a while and then drizzle lba on top....
You can't beat chicken and pineapple!!! It felt like I was cheating when Phil told me I could eat pineapple during my prep

sounds tasty. Were you doing pineapples from a can or fresh pineapple??

and for fat were you just using Olive Oil in this meal. Great combo!

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