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PLEASE Remember those who are Less Fortunate during the Holidays

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Kilo Klub Member
Feb 26, 2008
The food banks are having a hard time keeping up all over the country because of the amount of familys looking for help this year.

If your able to, please help out if you can... a small donation of food or a few dollars can really help some familys in your area.

thats all
what are we...socialists?

every man takes care of himself....handouts only prolong the end of the week....or pollute the gene pool.

you want to give money to poor people, suit yourself...but telling someone else they should feel obligated....is completely immoral

yes i'm an objectivist.
To each his own i guess.... ^^^^^

I vowed this year to give 5 bucks to every single Salvation Army person I pass over the holidays ringing the bell.

Its getting expensive, their everywhere haha....
To each his own i guess.... ^^^^^

I vowed this year to give 5 bucks to every single Salvation Army person I pass over the holidays ringing the bell.

Its getting expensive, their everywhere haha....

god bless you bro... thats going to add up real quick
what are we...socialists?

every man takes care of himself....handouts only prolong the end of the week....or pollute the gene pool.

you want to give money to poor people, suit yourself...but telling someone else they should feel obligated....is completely immoral

yes i'm an objectivist.

The Holidays are a time of giving and the holiday spirit. Each of us that partake in that type of thing do it in our own way and in no way does it have to be financial or anyone's way over the other. I don't see anywhere in Ndoodle's post where he mentions anyone's obligation. Not to speak for him but he seemed to only be saying where his heart is during the holidays.
The food banks are having a hard time keeping up all over the country because of the amount of familys looking for help this year.

If your able to, please help out if you can... a small donation of food or a few dollars can really help some familys in your area.

thats all

I don't see anywhere in Ndoodle's post where he mentions anyone's obligation. Not to speak for him but he seemed to only be saying where his heart is during the holidays.

bold above.....pretty close.

but i wont argue it anymore....do as you wish
The food banks are having a hard time keeping up all over the country because of the amount of familys looking for help this year.

If your able to, please help out if you can... a small donation of food or a few dollars can really help some familys in your area.

thats all

I hear what your saying good call!:)
Its nice to see that there are selfless people left in the world and I for one will diffinetley be doing something to help the less fortunate this year at Christmas even though Im not where you guys live....I for one will donate for sure,njpooldude just let me know the details of where to donate to in your area and consider it done!! I for one will certainly feel a better person for it!!
I hear what your saying good call!:)
Its nice to see that there are selfless people left in the world

the fact that there are any is quite terrifying....How and anyone possibly be dumb enough to not put themselves first? That's illogical....and as such, very dangerous...especially when the christians have to tried to make a herd mentality of it. All selflessness leads to is slavery of the free to their 'fellow man'. It's bone chilling to see how far we already are upon the path as a planet....do you want someone else to tell you what to do with your money and your labor? Tell you that you must do what is best for everyone? because that's where this mentality leads
the fact that there are any is quite terrifying....How and anyone possibly be dumb enough to not put themselves first? That's illogical....and as such, very dangerous...especially when the christians have to tried to make a herd mentality of it. All selflessness leads to is slavery of the free to their 'fellow man'. It's bone chilling to see how far we already are upon the path as a planet....do you want someone else to tell you what to do with your money and your labor? Tell you that you must do what is best for everyone? because that's where this mentality leads

Way to take a shit on a good thread dude:rolleyes: Handouts only prolong the end for the weak? Wtf? We are in the midst of worst economic downturn in decades.........3 + million people lost their jobs in the US alone last year. Have a fucking heart grinch!
Way to take a shit on a good thread dude:rolleyes: Handouts only prolong the end for the weak? Wtf? We are in the midst of worst economic downturn in decades.........3 + million people lost their jobs in the US alone last year. Have a fucking heart grinch!

so...what, you think that I or anyone else has some sort of obligation to someone i've never met because they lost their job and didn't plan for that eventuality?

oh and in nature....they eat the weak...they don't give them food and money
so...what, you think that I or anyone else has some sort of obligation to someone i've never met because they lost their job and didn't plan for that eventuality?

oh and in nature....they eat the weak...they don't give them food and money

sounds like someone that has zero responsibilities in life and probably lives at home with mommy and daddy....so what did you ask them to get you for christmas???
You can think anyway you want, but don't expect help from anyone someday if you ever really need it...financially or not. Oh and by the way, your whole "are we socialists" comment really makes no fucking sense. This isn't the government telling you to give up your hard earned money, its just some average dude asking you to do it so the government doesn't have to make you do it.
sounds like someone that has zero responsibilities in life and probably lives at home with mommy and daddy....so what did you ask them to get you for christmas???
You can think anyway you want, but don't expect help from anyone someday if you ever really need it...financially or not. Oh and by the way, your whole "are we socialists" comment really makes no fucking sense. This isn't the government telling you to give up your hard earned money, its just some average dude asking you to do it so the government doesn't have to make you do it.

no lol..it's the little cut you have AFTER the government has already taken damn near half your hard earned money and given it away.
so...what, you think that I or anyone else has some sort of obligation to someone i've never met because they lost their job and didn't plan for that eventuality?

oh and in nature....they eat the weak...they don't give them food and money

If you ever end up on the street, have an accident, get sick.. or whatever else.. remind me not to help you.
But being a Christian "slave to the herd mentality", I probably will anyway.

Keep in mind that not everyone has the ability to save money for future events, no matter how badly they want to. Especially in todays economic climate.
what are we...socialists?

every man takes care of himself....handouts only prolong the end of the week....or pollute the gene pool.

you want to give money to poor people, suit yourself...but telling someone else they should feel obligated....is completely immoral

yes i'm an objectivist.

The economic system of socialism inherently entails government regulation of one's possessions; this thread mentioned nothing of government intervention - so it is your logic, sir, that is flawed (you mention "illogical" behavior in a later thread). Perhaps you should do a little reading.

In what context have you studied genetics? Mein Kampf doesn't count. Terms like "polluting the gene pool," are nonsense terms that have very little relationship to any actual science, and reveals the user's true ignorance - essentially regurgitating biased rhetoric.

The fact is that some people do not have the luxuries you have, and to paint it with such a broad stroke and to dismiss those less fortunate - i.e. making references to genetics as if these people should just "die off," in your pathetic attempt at referencing natural selection - is inconsiderate and distasteful, to say the least.

Your gimick is weak, transparent, and quite depressing.
nobody owes anyone anything ..I'm not asking anyone to do anything..with that said when I've been drowning in shit I've had people I barely knew reach out a helping hand to me. If you've ever been down and had someone help you with no promise of personal gain it can be an enlightening experience. I don't give bums or orgs $$. I don't know where it will go or what it will buy. But I am fairly certain that if I donate food to a food bank it will help to feed those who live in that area. I am happy to donate food to those less fortunate. Must suck if due to hardship you have no tree or gifts for your kids and worry only if you can feed your family.
the fact that there are any is quite terrifying....How and anyone possibly be dumb enough to not put themselves first? That's illogical....and as such, very dangerous...especially when the christians have to tried to make a herd mentality of it. All selflessness leads to is slavery of the free to their 'fellow man'. It's bone chilling to see how far we already are upon the path as a planet....do you want someone else to tell you what to do with your money and your labor? Tell you that you must do what is best for everyone? because that's where this mentality leads

Well each to their own!!..I was not brought up to be selfish. Nobody tells me what to do with my money Im just the kind of person that likes to reach out and help people and in my world theres diffinetley nothing wrong with that..Its just what I would do..It does nt mean everyone else is expected to do the same!!
Believe what you will ruhlfreak. As we all do. But IMO you sound like a jerk right now. Way to ruin the holiday spirit buddy.
what are we...socialists?

every man takes care of himself....handouts only prolong the end of the week....or pollute the gene pool.

you want to give money to poor people, suit yourself...but telling someone else they should feel obligated....is completely immoral

yes i'm an objectivist.

LOL, scared of life a little? Heres a hint, BRO, dont spend your money on stupid things and you will have plenty left over to share, piss on, do whatever the fuck you want.

Technically, the fact that you are on this site, society would say YOU have a drug problem, and are "weak"
The economic system of socialism inherently entails government regulation of one's possessions; this thread mentioned nothing of government intervention - so it is your logic, sir, that is flawed (you mention "illogical" behavior in a later thread). Perhaps you should do a little reading.

In what context have you studied genetics? Mein Kampf doesn't count. Terms like "polluting the gene pool," are nonsense terms that have very little relationship to any actual science, and reveals the user's true ignorance - essentially regurgitating biased rhetoric.

The fact is that some people do not have the luxuries you have, and to paint it with such a broad stroke and to dismiss those less fortunate - i.e. making references to genetics as if these people should just "die off," in your pathetic attempt at referencing natural selection - is inconsiderate and distasteful, to say the least.

Your gimick is weak, transparent, and quite depressing.

So the gov't doesn't control and TAKE almost half of anyone's money they make in the US and perhaps more elsewhere..and all for the 'greater good,' which is the scariest phrase in the universe.

who said I have luxuries? people are less fortunate because they choose to be, no one is keeping them from rising above the station 'society' apparently slaps on them.

And the weak are meant to die off...that IS natural selection. Trying to change the rules of the game will only result in disaster, and the collective majority being so ignorant that the trend perpetuates itself.

LOL, scared of life a little? Heres a hint, BRO, dont spend your money on stupid things and you will have plenty left over to share, piss on, do whatever the fuck you want.

Technically, the fact that you are on this site, society would say YOU have a drug problem, and are "weak"

That's why i don't belong to this pathetic 'society' of which you speak.
Only if every single person that walked this planet had the mindset of RuhlFreak would it be a great and humble place to live. :rolleyes:

Ruhl, I'm not going to debate this with you, because it would take a fool not to realize you wish to believe and listen to nothing, unless it comes from your mouth. But, I ask you one thing, are you always like this? I have much sympathy for you man.
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