The economic system of socialism inherently entails government regulation of one's possessions; this thread mentioned nothing of government intervention - so it is your logic, sir, that is flawed (you mention "illogical" behavior in a later thread). Perhaps you should do a little reading.
In what context have you studied genetics? Mein Kampf doesn't count. Terms like "polluting the gene pool," are nonsense terms that have very little relationship to any actual science, and reveals the user's true ignorance - essentially regurgitating biased rhetoric.
The fact is that some people do not have the luxuries you have, and to paint it with such a broad stroke and to dismiss those less fortunate - i.e. making references to genetics as if these people should just "die off," in your pathetic attempt at referencing natural selection - is inconsiderate and distasteful, to say the least.
Your gimick is weak, transparent, and quite depressing.