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Police raid organic food store with guns drawn

And that's the Federal govermernt probably telling the local police what to do.
Well...This is obviously a left leaning tv station trying to prosecute the police. No one knows the intel that the police recieved prior to the raid. A lot of these companies may have employees that would fight for what they believe is right. Guns drawn is an intimidation tactic to ensure no one acts crazy and tries to shoot at an unready cop..etc. Was it scary looking ? yes. Was anyone shot ? no. Its simply a tactic to ensure the safety of everyone involved....police and workers. The police have a very hard job and i am so tired of the liberal media making law enforcement out to be the bad guys. Yes some are bad, but the majority are regular guys with families that want to go home at the end of the day w/o shooting or being shot at. I dont know all of the details of this raid and im sure that this news channel only included details to make the cops look bad. They have a very tough job and certain tactics must be used to preserve everyones safety.
^^^^^ Thank You!

I'm tired of all the hatin' going on about the police. Who wouldn't get a bit negative dealing with the scum of the earth on a day to day basis?
^^^^^ Thank You!

I'm tired of all the hatin' going on about the police. Who wouldn't get a bit negative dealing with the scum of the earth on a day to day basis?

Ok... So are you implying they should kick down the door on every annonymous tip they recieve?!

In certain areas, certain judges, are far too happy to sign warrants based on far too little...IMO
Ok... So are you implying they should kick down the door on every annonymous tip they recieve?!

In certain areas, certain judges, are far too happy to sign warrants based on far too little...IMO

Where did she imply that?

Judges are cops? Who are you upset with, the government and laws in which the judges uphold in court...or the cops doing their jobs as they are told?
the employees of an organic foodstore are not the scum that the police deal with on a day to day basis and it is highly unlikely that a crazed organic produce manager is going to leap out from behind a counter wielding a pointed carrot!! this was overkill through and through and somebody, left right or center needs to police the police these days.
Libertarian = leave me the fuck alone and let people do whatever they want just as long as they aren't PURPOSELY doing harm to others.

I don't care if somebody's selling fresh cow shit seasoned with pig vomit. If that's what you want to eat, or think you should eat, EAT IT! Let natural selection take its course.

I'm mean though.
So the cops are just a bunch of poor defenseless little do-well kittens that wish to save the world?

I wont go about my passionate hate for most of them, but drawn guns can and do unintentionally go off at times. Theyre lucky their dumbasses didnt have that to deal with instead of just looking generally foolish this time..
the employees of an organic foodstore are not the scum that the police deal with on a day to day basis and it is highly unlikely that a crazed organic produce manager is going to leap out from behind a counter wielding a pointed carrot!! this was overkill through and through and somebody, left right or center needs to police the police these days.

Uuuuhhh.... what exactly are you basing this on? Its a damn food store not an executive position at JPMorgan. They hire felons at 99% of these places. Some of you really need to get a clue. Yes our government is corrupt, but at this level its pretty straight forward. Judges don't award search warrants on a whim.... none of them. If you want to bitch about govt look no further than Congress, the Senate, and our wonderfull President. Healthcare costs have soared and coverage for the working class has plummetted. We will also be paying SUBSTANTIALLY MORE in taxes due to the expiration of our prior tax relief program.
Do you guys seriously think cops are like that? You think you're qualified to critique the culmination of an investigation based on a news media's coverage of the event??! Hate to break the news to you, but its all about sensationalism. Bad cop stories draw more attention than good ones especially when the specifics can't be released for weeks after the actual raid.
Why the hate against the news anchors, they are absolutely right in this case, just simply speaking the truth, they are an organic food co-op with Raw milk, give them a fucking break, them pigs have not a clue whats right and whats wrong they should be in the city busting crack heads.
They bust in on a farm, and figure since its a farm there may be guns, well duh..... but really?
most cops are ridiculous most of them are fucking pussies hiding behind glocks, wonder how many of them substitute heavy roid use for muscle tissue and cant even put up 300 lbs.. eat your donuts boys, no wonder they are against eating healthy, fast food america is their number one sponsor
Uuuuhhh.... what exactly are you basing this on? Its a damn food store not an executive position at JPMorgan. They hire felons at 99% of these places. Some of you really need to get a clue. Yes our government is corrupt, but at this level its pretty straight forward. Judges don't award search warrants on a whim.... none of them. If you want to bitch about govt look no further than Congress, the Senate, and our wonderfull President. Healthcare costs have soared and coverage for the working class has plummetted. We will also be paying SUBSTANTIALLY MORE in taxes due to the expiration of our prior tax relief program.
Do you guys seriously think cops are like that? You think you're qualified to critique the culmination of an investigation based on a news media's coverage of the event??! Hate to break the news to you, but its all about sensationalism. Bad cop stories draw more attention than good ones especially when the specifics can't be released for weeks after the actual raid.

as for policing the police i'm talking about out of control brutality and extreme abuse of power as demonstrated by the guns drawn approach to these deadly harvesters of organic foods. do a google search for taser brutality and you get a boatload of examples.....here ya go...........

taser brutality - Google Search
Where did she imply that?

Judges are cops? Who are you upset with, the government and laws in which the judges uphold in court...or the cops doing their jobs as they are told?

It was implied that the cops are the "good guys" and in this situation I do not find that to be true. IMO too often they seek warrants that are not based on enough FACT.

These warrants are then signed by judges...

Am I saying that I hate cops and the judicial system? Hell no, I respect police for what they do and feel there is a definite need for them, I just do not agree with the fact that SOME have a habit of doing things in an unjust and unconstitutional mannor.

Alot of the fault I believe lies in the fact that in many major cities there is a shortage of police, which in turn makes police departments willing to hire less than ideal candidates just because they are willing to risk their life for little money.
Libertarian = leave me the fuck alone and let people do whatever they want just as long as they aren't PURPOSELY doing harm to others.

I don't care if somebody's selling fresh cow shit seasoned with pig vomit. If that's what you want to eat, or think you should eat, EAT IT! Let natural selection take its course.

I'm mean though.


C'mon Dave...Are you really suggesting that we be responsible for ourselves? That we can have...what's that stuff called...it was real popular back in the day...um...FREEDOM?

But this means that we'd have to be RESPONSIBLE for our actions! That's just CRAZY!!

Where would we be if no one were here to tell us that eating 1000 Tylenol is BAD? Or that smoking for 30 years is harmful, or that being Obese is dangerous? I mean, they all feel so great...who knew?

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