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Posing Proposition......


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Kilo Klub Member
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Verified Customer
Mar 19, 2003
I am looking for someone that can help me put together a BAD ass posing routine without meeting me in person. If no one here can do it, I want to know if you guys know of anyone that can do it. I will pay for what it's worth and if it's not cheap, that is fine.

I have a song that I want music and a routine put to that will be a little hip hop but not too much (the song is a popular eminem song form the past) but I want it to be gooood and that is what I am willing to pay for.

Basically what I need is for someone to videotape themselves doing the routine to the music and I will pay for it. That is it.

If you know of anyone, either contact me or have them contact me to talk about fees.

[email protected]

Bump, I might do the same thing. I am not too creative when it comes to a posing routine.
I know king kamali and darrem charles both do routine designs and are both pretty damn good. Id go with Darrem Charles myself, hope you can pop lock skip lol. Id guess you could contact either of them on their websites.

http://www.promuscleonline.com/ thats darrem charles

Hmm... I didn't know that. I will check them both out. Thanks.

In ALL my amateur comps I won the best posing award. Most times I even had standing ovations too. First one I had when I was 19 and I didn't even win the show! What can I say - I'm a show off!

I could probably make a kick ass routine for you but I am not filming my fat ass posing for you right now ;)
Big A said:
In ALL my amateur comps I won the best posing award. Most times I even had standing ovations too. First one I had when I was 19 and I didn't even win the show! What can I say - I'm a show off!

I could probably make a kick ass routine for you but I am not filming my fat ass posing for you right now ;)

:D :D Big A you tell me what i need to do and i will make a tape,sorry me fat tape:)
Big A said:
In ALL my amateur comps I won the best posing award. Most times I even had standing ovations too. First one I had when I was 19 and I didn't even win the show! What can I say - I'm a show off!

I could probably make a kick ass routine for you but I am not filming my fat ass posing for you right now ;)

What kind of poser are u? powerful, classical, dance, etc...? Combination?
TooPowerful4u said:
What kind of poser are u? powerful, classical, dance, etc...? Combination?

Also I have really good muscle control. I can make individual muscle fiber bundles within the muscle move independantly, etc. I have yet to see someone else able to do this :D
I cam move extremely well at any weight. In my younger days, I was working as a dancer in clubs and also I was a stripper for a while, as well as part of a male revue show. So I can definetely wiggle it ;)

All my routines are fully coreographed with a mixture of styles, voice overs, sound effects, etc.
jerrywear said:
:D :D Big A you tell me what i need to do and i will make a tape,sorry me fat tape:)

Look at that flubber go!!! ;) :D
Big A said:
I could probably make a kick ass routine for you but I am not filming my fat ass posing for you right now ;)

That's a good idea because I am sure that I could get twice what I would pay you, to post it on the internet. lol

I thank you all for the helpful info.

Big A said:
Also I have really good muscle control. I can make individual muscle fiber bundles within the muscle move independantly, etc. I have yet to see someone else able to do this :D

Please elaborate on this. Do you mean like rolling your chest striations from bottom to top?
U need to get in touch with Sparky Polaski! He is the man! u can see his work in the movie, Bring It On. I know the spirit fingers will bring home the gold!
TooPowerful4u said:
Please elaborate on this. Do you mean like rolling your chest striations from bottom to top?

How about rolling the outer quad, inner quad and calves :)
And making the fibers 'dance' in various rythms and independantly from other fibers within the same muscle.

Tyr to imagine a fully striated, flexed quad. Now imagine for example being able to keep the top quad relaxed so it looks smooth, but the bottom half flexed in such a way that the striations are fully visible, but also 'rolling' the striations just in that bottom half. That's just an example.

My girl says that it looks like the alien from the same name movie is trying to burst out of my calf, quad, or whatever I am flexing at the time for her.
big_byrd52 said:
U need to get in touch with Sparky Polaski! He is the man! u can see his work in the movie, Bring It On. I know the spirit fingers will bring home the gold!

im over here LMFAO but im also feelin like a quier for actually getting your joke.

Big A thats sick bro. Never saw anybody able to do that. Have you always been able to do that as long as u can remember, or did you develope that? Do you have it on tape for sale or whatever, this id love to see.
Big A said:
In my younger days, I was working as a dancer in clubs and also I was a stripper for a while, as well as part of a male revue show. So I can definetely wiggle it ;)

Oh no thats a site for sore eyes..BigA shaking his thang like napolean dynomite in the face of some fat chicks....lol with Phils Pump at hand...rflmfao

can u do ur stomach too. like roll it like cormier? or have u seen the guys that can collapse the outer muscles of the stomach and flex just the abs in the middle, so it looks like a spine or backbone in there?
TooPowerful4u said:
Big A thats sick bro. Never saw anybody able to do that. Have you always been able to do that as long as u can remember, or did you develope that? Do you have it on tape for sale or whatever, this id love to see.

Developed it.
It's only been happening for the last few years. It's basically just playing with the muscles.
Like I would be lying in bed reading a book and the outside light would hit just right and the legs would look good. So I would do a little flex to see what they look like and due to the good light angle I can see the fibers in certain angles. So then I try to control the fibers. Then I try to move them the way I want them too, etc. Just practice.
I'll be doing a training video after the shows in Nov and I'll make sure that that is included 'cause it looks awesome/freaky (depends who you talk to).
big_byrd52 said:
can u do ur stomach too. like roll it like cormier? or have u seen the guys that can collapse the outer muscles of the stomach and flex just the abs in the middle, so it looks like a spine or backbone in there?

I can roll the stomach. I can't make the 'T' though ( I assume lots of practice needed there). I can make a vacuum though (when I am lean).

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