Allright guys, came off my last cycle about 3 months ago-give or take-Got up to 225lbs but a lot of water and a substantial amt. of fat--the last 5 weeks or so leaned out and ended around 213 or so with 11-12% bodyfat. Anyway, it is now 3 months later, and I'm sitting around 210(w/ a little less bf)It was my best PCT(out of 3)Felt pretty shitty around the week I started PCT, but after that week, I tuned down volume and frequency of training, started more strict compound movements, such as deadlifts--just went heavy as hell(my idea of heavy anyway)I contribute keeping my gains to this, that is the more powerlifting type of training, heavy lifts, less sets and reps, more time out of the gym, and keeping cals relatively high, but clean. I now am getting ready to start my next one and am just excited to start, but really I could take a couple more months off, I fell great, test seems to have completly recovered, and strength is right up to par.
Last Cycle consisted of...
Wk 1-10
750mg Test/week
500mg Eq/week
Dbol 1-4 @40mg/ed
Wk 11-14
Test prop @100mg/ed
Nolva 10mg/ed throughout
Arimidex .5mg/ed throughout
PCT(started 3 days after Prop)
Clomid 300/100/50(300 for 1 day, 100 for a week,50 for 2 weeks)
Nolva 40mg for 1 wk/then 20 for 2wks
Tribulus @ 4 grams ed for entire PCT
Guys, especially those that have been in the "game" for awhile, share with us "eager to learn" fellas your best Post cycle recovery story's. I hear and see so many guys crash hard and lose all they gained due to lack of knowledge, so let's share(those that take time off anyway ....)
Last Cycle consisted of...
Wk 1-10
750mg Test/week
500mg Eq/week
Dbol 1-4 @40mg/ed
Wk 11-14
Test prop @100mg/ed
Nolva 10mg/ed throughout
Arimidex .5mg/ed throughout
PCT(started 3 days after Prop)
Clomid 300/100/50(300 for 1 day, 100 for a week,50 for 2 weeks)
Nolva 40mg for 1 wk/then 20 for 2wks
Tribulus @ 4 grams ed for entire PCT
Guys, especially those that have been in the "game" for awhile, share with us "eager to learn" fellas your best Post cycle recovery story's. I hear and see so many guys crash hard and lose all they gained due to lack of knowledge, so let's share(those that take time off anyway ....)