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Pre and Post Nutrition: Current Science?


New member
Aug 5, 2007
This is what an experienced trainer has me doing:
pre-workout drink: non-acidic drink/juice (i use white grape juice) with distilled water and 1/2 tbls of creatine and 1 tbls of glutamine and 1/2 scoop of carb-powder or dextrose.
post-workout drink: same drink but with 1-1/2 tbls of creatine and 1 full scoop of dextrose.
*can i replace carb-powder (malto-dextrin) with dextrose or is dextrose better because it is faster acting. is it bad for your teeth?--i worry about this.
half hour later i eat or drink protein, complex carbs, vegetables.
should i be drinking a dilluted protein shake in distilled water during my workout?
thanks for any advice! much appreciated.
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I still think that the best pre, peri and post workout nutrition protocol is dextrose, maltodextrin, hydrolyzed whey, leucine, creatine and beta-alanine.
IMO Your current regimen sucks and is coming from someone that doesn't know much about exercise physiology. In order to recommend a program I would have to know what your goals are. Simple carbs preworkout are not good for most. Much better off with some various aminos, eaa's, glycine, alanine, leucine etc.
I agree that simple carbs preworkout do not work for most. This is due to the hypoglycemic response. This is why the same solution should be ingested during workout as well. This will help you avoid the crash in blood sugar. Also, the increased insulinlevels help promote great pumps.
Well the pre/post training stuff you are doing just seems kinda dated to be honest. However some people still like doing things that way. There isnt a right or wrong way to do things but rather a better way of doing things. Depending on what Im doing, I don't have a shake that I'll do pre-training particularly in the off-season. Now post training I'll do 60-80 grams waxymaize w/ 10 grams glutamine and 6 grams BCAA's. I'll do about 40 grams of isolate when I get home and the about an hour later I eat a meal. I always used to hammer the protein hardcore after I trained but I think more importantly restoring muscle glycogen is more important which is why I changed things up a bit. Its working much better. Do some research on high molecular weight carbohydrates and then ask your trainer what he or she thinks.
if I do this then for sure I get hypo while I'll be training
a mixture of
Pepto Pro (non bitter casein hydrolysate)
waixy maize
Di creatine malate
Instantized BCAA's and arginine and glutamine if I am in the mood.
I always drink around 30 grams of whey mixed with milk *before* training.. since I’ve been doing this every workout I’ve had better growth… my weight has gone up 10 pounds in a short time.

Protein Before before before… its had an awesome impact on my development.

Interesting, how early do you drink this? I have always had the understanding that you shouldn't have protein before working out as it takes blood flow away from the muscles being worked and redirects it to the protein. Well at least 30-45mins before anyway.
30 minutes preworkout: 50g maltodextrin, 30g whey, 1 scoop Anatrop
during workout: 50g waxy maize starch, 1 scoop Anatrop
post workout: 80-100g waxy maize starch, 25g whey isolate, 1 scoop Anatrop
20 minutes later: 50g complex carbs (oatmeal), some raisins, 30g whey
1 hour after that: whole food meal (chicken, vegetables, rice cakes)
30 minutes preworkout: 50g maltodextrin, 30g whey, 1 scoop Anatrop
during workout: 50g waxy maize starch, 1 scoop Anatrop
post workout: 80-100g waxy maize starch, 25g whey isolate, 1 scoop Anatrop
20 minutes later: 50g complex carbs (oatmeal), some raisins, 30g whey
1 hour after that: whole food meal (chicken, vegetables, rice cakes)

Does all that not bother your stomach or give you the poops?
Anatrop is a blend of BCAAs, leucine, creatine, and taurine. It's available at www.troponinsupplements.com

Or, you could just buy it all separately and mix it yourself.

I've never noticed that "protocol" bothering my stomach at all.
Interesting, how early do you drink this? I have always had the understanding that you shouldn't have protein before working out as it takes blood flow away from the muscles being worked and redirects it to the protein. Well at least 30-45mins before anyway.

Apparently, the effect is only minimal, plus carbs plus protein leads to an increase in insulin levels which increase pumps. So the benefit outweighs the negative. Numerous studies have stated that pre-workout nutrition is just as if not more important than post.
Liquid Beef Aminos

After years of screwing around with "exotic" blends pre and post wo, I am trying something new- LBAs pre, during, and post (with gatorade or somesuch post to wash down the LBAs). And then a good meal post.

Not being a shill for the stuff - I have not been consistant enough as I dislocated my shoulder 5 weeks ago and am being careful (and light) on many lifts. But I get sick of breaking out the blender 4 times a day and mixing my magic potion. This seems simple w/o too many variables and I can add supps back in as necessary.
After years of screwing around with "exotic" blends pre and post wo, I am trying something new- LBAs pre, during, and post (with gatorade or somesuch post to wash down the LBAs). And then a good meal post.

Not being a shill for the stuff - I have not been consistant enough as I dislocated my shoulder 5 weeks ago and am being careful (and light) on many lifts. But I get sick of breaking out the blender 4 times a day and mixing my magic potion. This seems simple w/o too many variables and I can add supps back in as necessary.

Same here. I mix up about 30 grams worth in water, and sip on it at the start/during my workout finishing it as I leave the gym.

I am very happy with the results so far, and it's the only supplement I'm taking.
After years of screwing around with "exotic" blends pre and post wo, I am trying something new- LBAs pre, during, and post (with gatorade or somesuch post to wash down the LBAs). And then a good meal post.

Not being a shill for the stuff - I have not been consistant enough as I dislocated my shoulder 5 weeks ago and am being careful (and light) on many lifts. But I get sick of breaking out the blender 4 times a day and mixing my magic potion. This seems simple w/o too many variables and I can add supps back in as necessary.
Since you don't want to be a "shill" for LBA's I guess I'll do the honors:D . Liquid beef aminos pre and post are the way to go. You can also drink them with water during as well. You are flooding your body with all the right aminos. Your energy and strength will go up after only one dose. Great product and I still can't believe more guys, and gals are not including this in their supplement regiemen. But hey I do and I firmly believe in this stuff. Contact Phil Hernon if you want LBA's.
You take the waxy maize first w/ the creatine malate, bcaa's, etc? Followed by the protein 15-20min after. Or just mix all together?

Nope mix them all together it always has worked for me.

Too much "thinking" goes into these things.

I don't like malto or dextrose, it's either vitargo CGL or waxy maize and it used to be a simple ion whey pre and BCAA's after with more carbs but now I do the Pepto pro which is 10 grams is equal to 30 grams of whey and it goes into solution like water into water.

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