xcelbeyond said:
Yea, but getting smoked can make you do one of two things. Give up, quit, throw-in the towel or make you want to train harder (do the things it's gonna take) so you can be at the top.
That's what makes the diference between winners and loosers in a race for a professional carreer.
I guess what Phil is trying to say is that there are lots of bodybuilders out there who don't have a clue what it is and what it takes to be and stay in the best shape you can. All the pressure that it takes, sweat, time, money, health risks, etc.
Many who have competed in "Mr. No significant" shows, that don't even qualify, live this unrealistic dream. OH but there's no way they will use Sust " cause it husts!" or wont take orals "cause it's liver toxic". Or dont do lunges "cause they are hard", or dont stick to a harsh diet for 16 weeks.
Many think that the Pro Card will make them famous and rich, right away (HAHAHAHAHAHA !!) Good luck !
And if you compete at the top level and are gifted enough to make it Pro, that's when you realize that it starts all over again.
I have many friends that have a Pro-Card.........in their pocket. For them it was a dream come true (that's it A DREAM) Some of them don't compete anymore, others compete and tie # 25 with 30 other guys around the world. They keep going..............Keep trying (are they winners or loosers?)
I have competed for many years (since I was 14 --31 now--) winning most of my shows, national (not US), and International.
I did my first Pro Qualyfier a few years ago (came in 2nd place)
Going from middle to light heavy to heavy weight, dieting several years "cause you have to be in top shape", shows guest posings, photoshoots.......I bust my ass, like many bro's here to be my best. And always come across people that say (I'ma compete next year....I'ma get me a Pro Card) GOOD LUCK !! Maybe its for sale some where!
Sorry for all that Guys!
It kind of gets to me that some think this is a game for us (an easy one).
Cheers all !