Thanks Boo
I appreciate your kind words.I work my ass off for these arms.I have not used Syntherol in over a year if not more.My arms are still at or near 21 inches,with no lumps or anything like that.But Syntherol was not the only reason.I barbell curl 185 for reps.I do alot of heavy rowing movements and back work as well,believe me many hours have gone into my arms.As for my upper tris,thats all from pushdowns,close grips,and every other pushing exercises I can do as heavy as possible.
BBJ is right,I had a nice syntherol article posted on the UG but I do not have it anymore.Run a search on this site,someone recently posted an entire log book of bicep injections,it was very informative.Also BigA has an article on syntherol as well,its where I learned the basics.You cannot go wrong with his advice.The main points are stretching ALOT and massaging the injection sites deep and often.If you have any further questions,PM me brother.I will try to find the pic of when I was featured member,it gives a good idea on how my bi's look.