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Question for pros:Do you believe Lee Priest?


New member
Jun 6, 2002
We all know how Lee Priest claims to only use 2cc Deca and
Primo.However,he also claimed in MD magazine that he only did GH twice,once at 2 iu and once at 4 iu.
Does this sound believable to you?I mean,I know genetics is
99% in BB but still this sounds a bit unrealistic to me.
And how about the claim he made about being hypoglycemic and
being unable to use insulin:is there such a condition that prevents
insulin use?I'm sure he could get his blood sugar up by eating more sugar.
My opinion is that he doesn't have to be using huge dosages but
also that he isn't telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
I'm especially interested in what Big A,Phil Hernon and KIWI have to say.I know it has been debated before but still...


I mean you look that AS tapes with pro! All of this guys lie there for 100%!


Ps:You can't belive how much stuff this guys take!A lot!
well, being a big lee preist fan i hope that he is not intentional lying. lol but, it is very hard for me to believe the level of development he has obtained with that small a dosage. in many interviews lee states that he hates test because of the androgenic effects but, later in the interview admits to using a50 before a show. now, he thinks test is too harsh but, has no problem with a50?? anyway, we will probably never know for certain..only lee knows.

I refuse to believe it.These guys,Priest included have to use alot of gear.Yes their genetics are superhuman BUT with that comes the ability to use as much juice as possible to become a freak.I use alot of gear and I look good,but nothing like these guys.My genetics are not ideal.These guys have receptors like sponges,I cannot fathom the possibility that a few cc's a week here and there will do it.

Trevor Smith from Nuclear used to be a big proponent of Paul Borressons, high doses all the way.He even designed a couple high dose courses for me.The guy completely believed in high dose.Do you think that has alot to do with why he is over 350lbs?YES.Matt Duvall is under his supervision now,the guy is a freak as well,Im supposed to believe he is using 1g a week?????BULLSHIT.All of a sudden though TS is saying that pros use low doses and there is no need to go high,maybe 1.5 g a week.I like Trevor and respect him,but it is my right to be skeptical.Someone please enlighten us,3-4 grams a week is a pros dose in my eyes,with GH,slin and whatever else they can cram in.I WANT THE TRUTH!!!!
who cares

it doesnt efect me.... not to sound like an ass but its just reading material and thats all...............
Well,I think it's interesting to know what is possible with 70's style juicing.Maybe GH and insulin aren't needed items for
some of these guys.
i think that he lies plain and simple why i dont know its like yea i rob banks but i dont take as much money as other bad guys lol i know he has to use some magor shit roids gh slin and probley some stuff us little roiders dont know about yet ive sceen a few pro cycles and it blew my mind how much someone could use
Well, regarding the GH part... I was told by a close friends of Lee's in Australia that since Lee was always so short, he was receiving GH on script in unlimited amounts - GH is 'easy' to get on script in Aust.

Regarding the gear - I don't know. I know some pros that use 10g per week and I also know of a top 6 Olympia finalist, competing at 240 that his bulk cycle consisted of 2 Sustanon - no shit!
I personally use 3g/week test plus 1g/week anabolics plus 100mg+/day orals plus insulin and GH.
btw i wasnt puting a flame on lee hence my name i love the guy and dam big A you must spend a mint i know what my little shit cost me lol but ive sceen your pics you are the man bro also will you be entering any magor contest this year i understand if you dont want to say take care
While it is hard to believe, it's possible. Some guys are just super sensitive to gear. That's the genetic X factor. I have a training partner like that. He swells up huge on 400 mg/wk of upjohn cyp. That's no shit. The guy gets as big and as hard as alot of pros. He's a biker with a ton of tats, that's why he stays off the stage. He just has an unreal sensitivity to gear.
Big A said:
Well, regarding the GH part... I was told by a close friends of Lee's in Australia that since Lee was always so short, he was receiving GH on script in unlimited amounts - GH is 'easy' to get on script in Aust.

Regarding the gear - I don't know. I know some pros that use 10g per week and I also know of a top 6 Olympia finalist, competing at 240 that his bulk cycle consisted of 2 Sustanon - no shit!
I personally use 3g/week test plus 1g/week anabolics plus 100mg+/day orals plus insulin and GH.

Refering to GH part, this is what I heard as well.
I look at presit 's off season pic. Defintely some Slin and test in there. Just look at his nippples and the way he got fat. Thats exacly how I ballon up when I am on heavy slin.
As far as the insulin goes, he may be telling the truth. If someone has naturally low blood glucose levels, any added insulin could put the person into a diabetic coma. No one is allergic to insulin, as it is a naturally occuring chemical.
Well I'm no pro LOL, but I've seen pics of Lee off season and he's had severe d-bol face. You don't get that from a small cycle of deca/primo IMO.....
lee's "dbol face" is probably just from eating like mad. the guy reportely eats a bucket of kfc a day and regularly eats a box of krispy kremes as a snack.

don't think so

I mean I like Lee, and it's great that he at least admits to juicing. But, the amounts....wel.....
In some Lee's offseason pic,it's clear the use of a lot of insulin.He is very fat and bloaty like only Insulin can do.I heard pros use up to 100+UI of slin per day...I don't know if it is true or not,but anyway he use insulin and I'm sure a lot of other gear.
I had the luck to talk with 2 Mr Olimpia top 10(one is top 3!;))because I have a close friend who is a client(he pays $3000per year)and trust me,they don't use 4UI of GH and 400mg of deca per week.
I cant say wheather this is true, but he was supposed to be one of the big dosers, 5g test+ wk. May be fake rumors, maybe not.:eek:
He has the myostatin gene syndrome like flex wheeler!!!!:eek: :eek:

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