Where do you buy your suits for stage? And do you recommend certain colors for certain skin tones, shape etc? Please let me know how you go about purchasing a suit. Thanks for your help in advance
Where do you buy your suits for stage? And do you recommend certain colors for certain skin tones, shape etc? Please let me know how you go about purchasing a suit. Thanks for your help in advance
The thread that mo linked to is pretty helpful.
There are some colors that look better on some but not others. Suit makers usually try to steer you away from lighter colors as they show tan better when it gets on them. Contact them and ask them what they think, they should be able to help with choosing a color for the individual's skin tone.
As far as time, I start getting a hold of them anywhere from 10 to 15 weeks out. Suit makers can get pretty busy during the competition season and will stop taking orders some times.