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Question for those that use the slingshot


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Verified Customer
Oct 11, 2009
I just ordered one of these to help my smith pressing as i have iffy shoulders.Do you guys use it when doing pressing on machines also?
I would only use it on presses, and not too often, I have never seen anyone using it on machines.
I’ve used it on smith inclines.
The problem for me is it makes my shoulder worse, not better. For example w out it I’ll get 275x 10 reps. With it 315 x 10.
The few times I’ve used it and done the 315x10 it killed my shoulder for days after.
I just ordered one of these to help my smith pressing as i have iffy shoulders.Do you guys use it when doing pressing on machines also?
I assume your main issue is with the lowest position of the press I.e. nearest the chest? Have you thought about range of motion change or using chains or bands to reduce weight
@danieltx uses it on many things.

I use it on flat bench, and slight incline 15-30* in the rack.

Do you have the light/medium/heavy/super heavy slingshot?
To be honest I don't see the use of a typical slingshot in bodybuilding training because it relieves you of a large part of the load in the position of maximum stretching which is where we have the most hypertrophy.

It’s helpful for guys who have limited chest pressing machines. You can only do so much DB pressing, and then kicking up the db becomes dangerous for the bicep and shoulder.

It allows to flat barbell or barbell incline to become safer (pec tears). But yes, you do miss loading the stretch.

1)let the barbell “die”. The SS can store a fuckton of elastic energy if you touch and go.

2) you can short stroke the barbell press if your 100% Hypertrophy driven. As this limit tricep fatigue. (Triceps usually are the limiting factor with SS)

3) the next exercise or before your finished should be a loaded stretch movement. Pec deck, DB fly, dumbell press, dips……dips…..umm….dips.

4) buy the weakest slingshot. We just want to keep the shoulders stable, elbows at 45*, and protect the bicep tendon and boobs.

Like my buddy I program for in his garage….

BB flat press….work up in 6 reps to a really hard top 6-7 reps. Add sling shot…..keep going up to a max effort 6 reps with a long paused bench. Done.

Slight incline DB press…work up to 10-12 rep top set. 1 backoff set to failure …in same rep range.
— straight to 1 fail set of dumbell flys

Weighted dips….1 rest pause set.

Chest done, with plenty of loaded stretch…and triceps are pretty fucking fried also.

It’s not optimal for Hypertrophy….but neither is a pec tear.

Would an Atlantis converging incline press be better? 100%. But the nearest gym to me that has one is 3 hours away lol

Edit: I can’t spell this morning
I've used it on everything I could make it work on - Smith flat bench, Smith incline bench, Smith military press, all kinds of seated chest and shoulder machines. The only limitation if if you can get your arms in proper starting position.

It’s not optimal for Hypertrophy….but neither is a pec tear.
This is why I use a Slingshot. With all the years of extremely heavy pressing I've done I've never had a tear, joint issues, nothing, and I credit a lot of that to the Slingshot.
I've used it on everything I could make it work on - Smith flat bench, Smith incline bench, Smith military press, all kinds of seated chest and shoulder machines. The only limitation if if you can get your arms in proper starting position.

This is why I use a Slingshot. With all the years of extremely heavy pressing I've done I've never had a tear, joint issues, nothing, and I credit a lot of that to the Slingshot.
Thanks bro that's answers my question.
It’s helpful for guys who have limited chest pressing machines. You can only do so much DB pressing, and then kicking up the db becomes dangerous for the bicep and shoulder.

It allows to flat barbell or barbell incline to become safer (pec tears). But yes, you do miss loading the stretch.

1)let the barbell “die”. The SS can store a fuckton of elastic energy if you touch and go.

2) you can short stroke the barbell press if your 100% Hypertrophy driven. As this limit tricep fatigue. (Triceps usually are the limiting factor with SS)

3) the next exercise or before your finished should be a loaded stretch movement. Pec deck, DB fly, dumbell press, dips……dips…..umm….dips.

4) buy the weakest slingshot. We just want to keep the shoulders stable, elbows at 45*, and protect the bicep tendon and boobs.

Like my buddy I program for in his garage….

BB flat press….work up in 6 reps to a really hard top 6-7 reps. Add sling shot…..keep going up to a max effort 6 reps with a long paused bench. Done.

Slight incline DB press…work up to 10-12 rep top set. 1 backoff set to failure …in same rep range.
— straight to 1 fail set of dumbell flys

Weighted dips….1 rest pause set.

Chest done, with plenty of loaded stretch…and triceps are pretty fucking fried also.

It’s not optimal for Hypertrophy….but neither is a pec tear.

Would an Atlantis converging incline press be better? 100%. But the nearest gym to me that has one is 3 hours away lol

Edit: I can’t spell this morning
Same here bro.I've had a pec tear and bicep tears.Thank bro!
I just ordered one of these to help my smith pressing as i have iffy shoulders.Do you guys use it when doing pressing on machines also?
Let us know what you think of it.

I primarily used the slignshot when i was PLing, not doing BBing stuff. So only on pressing movements as I too have 1 iffy shoulder.
But you know what helped my shoulders the most? I stopped OH pressing.

Im assuming your shoulder is hurting you on anyyy pressing movement then right?
To be honest I don't see the use of a typical slingshot in bodybuilding training because it relieves you of a large part of the load in the position of maximum stretching which is where we have the most hypertrophy.
I'm 51 and have have a pec tear so anything that can somewhat keep me safe in a help.I understand your point brother.Thank you
Let us know what you think of it.

I primarily used the slignshot when i was PLing, not doing BBing stuff. So only on pressing movements as I too have 1 iffy shoulder.
But you know what helped my shoulders the most? I stopped OH pressing.

Im assuming your shoulder is hurting you on anyyy pressing movement then right?
Correct bro.I started oh press when i first began .lifting with a bb and worked up to very heavy weight.So i'm sure that played a roll in it.For sure ill post up when i use it.
I’ve used it on smith inclines.
The problem for me is it makes my shoulder worse, not better. For example w out it I’ll get 275x 10 reps. With it 315 x 10.
The few times I’ve used it and done the 315x10 it killed my shoulder for days after.
I'm not going to add much weight too fast.Going to add 10 pounds every two weeks or so.If i can lol.
I would only use it on presses, and not too often, I have never seen anyone using it on machines.
Thanks bro that's the plan but i may use it on a machine to try out.
Another point I'd make is don't get silly with the weights just because you have a Slingshot on. You should still be just as careful as you normally are - proper set up, controlled negative, controlled positive. A Slingshot is for injury prevention - not to let you pile on weight and get an injury.
Another point I'd make is don't get silly with the weights just because you have a Slingshot on. You should still be just as careful as you normally are - proper set up, controlled negative, controlled positive. A Slingshot is for injury prevention - not to let you pile on weight and get an injury.
💯 brother no way I'll get loose with form or pile on weight.Thank you.
I use it a lot. Rotators in both shoulders are destroyed. Without this I would have a really hard time training chest. It helps me where it kind of acts like the ligaments that are missing. I have no stability in the lower portion of any presses. It’s been a lifesaver for me. One of the my best training devices out there in my opinion.
I used the Sling shot often when powerlifting. High chance of straining my pec going over 365 and it was a great overload tool.
Since switching to bodybuilding I dont really use it as Luki mentioned it deloads the position most advantageous for hypertrophy. But coincidentally used it today as way to increase volume, rather than load. I usually work up to top set then do a back off set. Today after my top set on incline I did an additional set at the same weight as my top set. Kept it very controlled and slight pause at the bottom.

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