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Qv prop.....OUCH!


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 22, 2002
MY GOD, this stuff leaves a calling card. Christ, even 1cc of this stuff makes my whole shoulder ache like it was hit by a bat!

Anyone else experience this?:confused:
I seem to remember mentioning something about that to ya when we were just bullshitting about gear a while back. That stuff is notorious for that. QV = Pain and/or severe knotting.

Some batches aren't bad, others well... you just sell to the newbie at the gym who is too young to be on the gear, but too dumb to listen when we tell him so. That'll teach him. lol.
it was very smooth when i tried it no pain and worked nicely.is it legit. my bro just recieved some and is relectant to use it becauseit has no V slits on hologram , but im not sure if they changed to not include it anymore because the hologram pic on their website does show it.
Qv prop Works niceand smooth for me , no pain or lumps from it . Best prop i ever used besides the korean prop that was around a few years back.
teh prop by itself hurt like a bitch, i took 1cc in the glute and i couldnt kickbox the next day, after that i just mixed it with my cyp and deca
Nothing but pain with QV prop for me and it also makes me feel like shit the day after shooting, which was every day. I dont like it at all.

I love that stuff. No pain what so ever. I enjoyed my experience with it very much

I have experinced pain, then no pain with the stuff, I have an electric massaser I use on my injection site that seems to help. I would say try to water it down with some sterile oil or something, or mix it with something with less ba. Baking it might be helpful as well.
Ivan try this!

as the beast said the hail test prop is awesome as is the testolent and the viromone test prop! but if all you have is the q.v. mix 1/2 to 1 cc of e.q. with the test prop as it will really cut down o nthe pain. later bro wyldeone.
Yes the only QV stuff with reputation for pain is the 50ml enanthate. Some are more sensitive to prop/BA so its and individual thing. Its minimul in the QV prop, but still hurts some folks. No pain for me. As Wylde mentioned, I also mix my IP susp/prop 1/2 and 1/2 with other gear like enanthate and deca-now thats some high BA stuff! The only stuff I ever reacted badly to was the IP stuff.

Tell me about it, I once shot 3 cc of IP sust 300 in my glute, I was crippled. But this QV stuff hurts for 2 days like hell, then knots up, and goes away.

Wylde: will try that, thanks man --- and everyone else that replied.

The pain always seems to disapate after a two pokes in 1 area.
There ya go... mix it with some eq. Wink wink nudge nudge.
Prop and phenylprop sometimes give me a kick - but only lasts a day or so.

If you really want a KICK, shoot some boldenone base. This stuff put me outta commission for 7-10 days! I even tried taking another shot at one site and it almost doubled the pain at that site! :eek:

Ya Tadger

I will come BS with ya today alright? what time you gonna be around?

If I see your bike, or you see mine, just knock buddy.

Xcel --- you trying to kill me?!:D ;) :p
The QV prop does the same thing to me but after a couple of pokes gets less and less each time. But it makes me feel like I have the flu the next 2days fever also. MM
i just did a bi. inject with QV entha. hurts pretty bad.. are u guys saying mixing a deca or EQ will reduce the pain in site injections..

mix the deca or equipoise with the test. cuts down the pain

i use qv prop this summer along with fina. shoulder shots were the worst. it hurt to lay on my side when i was sleeping. Sometimes i'd rub icy hot all over shoulder cuz i couldn't sleep. But it wasn't anything too bad that i couldn't handle. i would still use the stuff again

I really did love to shoot the prop and fina in my triceps. made them swell up for three days. looked pretty cool.

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