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Rambo's Log with Stealthgroup

Today I did something a little different. Woke up shot slin (nov R), 30 mins later had a meal. Waited an hour dosed 4ml of synthetine. 15mins later, trained chest and back (I changed my split/training style starting today as well). I'm going to be doing a 3 day split going forward chest/back, legs, & shoulders/arms. I'm focusing on heavy compound movements mostly. Heavy weight. Low volume.

Chest & back

Decline barbell bench press 4 sets
Incline barbell bench press 3 sets
Lat pull downs 4 sets
Hammer strength rows 4 sets

I haven't barbell benched in a while so I had to get used to things a bit. I loved the pump and the sweat was intense. I was surprised since I was doing lower reps but I did go as heavy as I could. Still will need to work on figuring out where I am strength wise so I can focus on being in the 6-12 rep range. Time to pack on thickness!!!

I was very vascular from the synthetine combined with slin, I sipped on a carb shake intra. Postworkout I dosed ghrp2, cjc no dac, and bpc157 subq; then had a meal 15-20mins later. I'm following a clean and basic diet, that is high protein, high carb, and moderate fat.

Leg press 4 sets
Hack squats 4 sets
Standing calf raises 4 sets
Kneeling leg curls 4 sets

Rep range was 6-14 reps, heavy as possible. Worked up an amazing sweat and pump, time to relax and eat my postworkout steak, potatoes, and rice.
I like how in your thread your posting what your meals are Ill be watching .
Last night's workout

Shoulders and arms

Overhead shoulder press (smith machine) 4 sets
Seated db press 4 sets
Db shrugs 4 sets
Db skull crushers 4 sets
Hammer curls 2 sets

This combination of supps and training style is incredible. I literally grew during this session, with every rep my entire upper body was getting fuller and more vascular. Had to cut it short towards the end, my wrists and hands were almost completely numb and I couldn't grip the weights anymore. I'm pounding down the food and loving it. Just got in some whey, haven't used whey in months. Adding 3 shakes a day on top of what I am eating now.
Chest and back

Incline bench press (smith machine) 4 sets
Incline dumbbell flies 4 sets
Seated cable rows 4 sets
Hammer strength front pulldowns 4 sets

Nice heavy weights, burned up a great sweat. Post workout meal was a cheat tonight, a double whopper with cheese, 2 original chicken sandwiches, a medium fries, and a coke zero :) from burger king. Then I had two bowls of ice cream for dessert. Full and very vascular right now.
Hairy ab shot [emoji4] excuse the my weird hallway lighting lol.


Leg press 4 sets
Hack squats 4 sets
Seated calf raise 4 sets
Seated leg curls 4 sets

I really went as heavy as possible. Sets were 14, 12, 10, 6-8 for the most part. Having a goal number of reps to go for helps me push things to the extreme to try and hit those reps. Once it becomes easy to hit that rep, I raise the weight. I'm feeling this is very effective so far. I am having some of the best workouts I've ever had and it boggles my mind because I was always a high volume guy.

The gear from steathgroup has been nothing short of great. The proof is right here in the log. I have to be honest, with so many sponsors it's hard to figure out who to trust and I was skeptical of SG myself. They have gained my trust and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them.

Looking good Rambo and that post workout meal don't look bad either, keep up the good work and nice log.
Todays workout

Shoulders, biceps, and triceps

HS shoulder press 4 sets
Lateral dumbbell raises 4 sets
SM Barbell shrugs 4 sets
HS seated curls 4 sets
Rope push downs 4 sets

The pump was intense. I exploded during the workout, I was soo full and pumped.

Postworkout was chicken, pasta, and broccoli.
Looking good bro ! Solid progress and leaning out nicely ! Keep up the good work !:headbang:
Today's workout

Chest and back

Barbell decline bench press 4 sets
Incline dumbbell bench press 4 sets
Hammer strength rows 4 sets
Close grip lat pulldowns 4 sets

I've lowered my doses in half the past couple weeks and I'm still gaining strength and size. Today I loaded up 320lbs on the hammer strength row, 160lbs on each side and pulled it for reps. 160lbs on v-bar close grip lat pulldowns for reps, felt great. I was smoked.

Postworkout was a cheat meal of chinese food :)
Nice progress and determination! You can clearly see that your adding mass while leaning out. Milk it for all its worth as your hitting on all cylinders right now!

Sent from my LG-D850 using Tapatalk

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