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(Rant) The Current Male "Ideal".

sure fire way to Rock it properly and overcome the trend.

step 1. Mullet

step 2. Bandanna

step 3. Zubaz

step 4. pull those bitches like weeds
Here's one for ya. As I age, I don't look like I used too! Kinda surprising, isn't it? Anyway, I know this about me.

So, I'm at publix getting some milk and egg whites, and this fairly good looking, jail bait blond, cashier checks me out (both ways). I didn't have enough sense to realize she was hiten me up. (I don't expect it) *LOL*

My wife blessed me out as soon as we hit the door. accused me of having a "secrete" method of somehow making singles to hook up with this check out girl. Yeah, that s right. kind a shit I have to endure in my quest of about 70 to 80 or so years of pure, unquenched delight, with the joy of my life, my wife! *LOL*.

I have found that most of the yunger girls (18-25) are not as attracted to bigger guys as they are the more Ambacrombi types

I'm in my mid 30's , white , clean cut and find that women my age and older are much more attracted to bigger guys , almost like its a fantisy type thing.

And for some reason older black women are very attracted to me , not sure why but my wife thinks its funny as hell

Funny you say that...black women LOVE a jacked up white dude. Young ones too...
It's where you live. I go to school in Massachusetts and all girls want are brawly people. I live in Texas and all girls want is money, even at my age. At 19 years old, girls are looking to get into a relationship with a guy that'll make money(doctor, lawyer, etc. students. 19 years old!!!!

When I go to california 3-4 times a year girls just want the real skinny american apparrel guys. Not the lean Abercrombie guys but the american apparel guys. The best bet I can say is be damn good looking and be rich. That's my goal in my life. I'm on my way to getting rich, I just need to look better with my body, I feel face gets a lot of attention as is(no brag, no homo).
Money is a good tool if you're looking to get the girl thinking you're a long-term prospect. If you want a girlfriend or flings, then swagger is more important than any material possessions. If you fall into the latter category you're likely getting more action with far less negative ramifications to your bank account bottom line, as well.
Money is a good tool if you're looking to get the girl thinking you're a long-term prospect. If you want a girlfriend or flings, then swagger is more important than any material possessions. If you fall into the latter category you're likely getting more action with far less negative ramifications to your bank account bottom line, as well.

I just want power. I know if I look good, I can get anybody for a fling. I know if I look good and I'm rich, I can get anybody for a marriage. That's what seperates the two. Finding the right one for marriage will take time. She's got to be logical, which a lot of girls are not.

But for now I've got to get big and rich.
my 3rd unqualified opinion

The more buff the woman, the more she likes muscular guys. Maybe she's less intimidated, maybe she has more respect for the effort required. .
You've got to be doing this for yourself man.
I live in Japan and no where in the world is the contrast greater. I found an amazing woman who loves my looks - though she never dated a bodybuilder before.


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