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(Rant) The Current Male "Ideal".


New member
Jan 9, 2010
Is anybody else sick of this? I'm 210-220lb. at 5'10'' and I've been told I'm "too muscular" by several gals. Why do guys need to look like Michael Cera to be attractive to girls in there 20s? I guess all you have to do nowadays is not eat anything and wear the tightest shirt you can find.
Women outnumber men. Theres plenty of women who love a muscular man. Ive got my girl, and many of the bro's on this board got thiers.

Just keep looking bro, they are out there.
You're right bro... girls seem to be into this metrosexual fucking faggot look... And I'm short yet thick with long hair and everyone assumes I'm a frickin hippie.... I'm totally fucked... Luckily I've got a decent collection of porn. There's always the mail order bride option...
You've got to be doing this for yourself man.
I live in Japan and no where in the world is the contrast greater. I found an amazing woman who loves my looks - though she never dated a bodybuilder before.
i agree you need to do this for yourself not to get girls. if i wanted girls i would stop taking AAS and either be a metro-twink and start shaving/plucking my ass 5x a day, or be a thug and go around with a gold medallion around my neck and a shirt and baggy jeans 2x too big. thats alot easier then bodybuilding:banghead:
Move to Europe. They have a different outlook here and they love mucles for the most part. I never had such a good response until I moved here.

But, yeah, when in the States, its different and can be difficult for us. It helps to get into the fitness "lifestyle". Go to competitions, expos, figure shows, whatever.

In the US, I had to look and look and ended up dating trainers and fitness chicks. Better, but like everyone, they come with their own set of issues. But at least they're hot.
You want to know the secret? They are intimidated and I don't mean in the way that another guy might be, but more in a jealous way. Women are, for the most part, often insecure about their bodies. When a guy has a good physique that can scare a lot of them off because they are afraid of how they'll compare.

I dated a "cerebral narcissist" woman awhile back and she continually made an issue about my body because it threatened her. Even though she was successful in her career etc she'd say things like, "Too much muscle isn't good you know..." and invariably put my masculinity down every chance she got. The funny thing was that I wasn't and am not an overly macho guy. I'm smart, sensitive and have a good sense of humor. But all she could see is what she was lacking. She was a good 30-35 lbs overweight.

Either find a woman that is secure in herself and her apearance or, if that fails, find one that is half-way confident and build them up. Women thrive on compliments and affirmations the same way men thrive on challenges.
"Nice" girls like me when I'm off...and when I'm on I get VERY aggressive girls. But the "Nice" girls shy away.
Being In shape makes a lot of people insecure about their body... This is why everyone brings up diet and exercise around you.
like qbkilla said, who cares - do it for yourself. If a girl doesnt like me for who i am then thats not the girl i want in my life. There's nothing worse then doing something JUST to impress a girl, youll probably just get fucked over in the end if thats the case
Not making any assumptions here.

Were often stereotyped as ego freaks. Natrually we're very self confident cuz after all, we do look great:cool:

But u guys know these bro's who say all of 5 words and totally turn the ladies off? I have a buddy like this. He blames it on his braces (teeth). I tell him constantly," Im approached by some seriously hot women asking about him" But as soon as he starts talking..... he ruins it.

As I said, not making assumptions, but no woman would be turned off by a huge dude. Even then, as the rest of the fellas pointed out, Women out number men, plenty for the taking.
Is anybody else sick of this? I'm 210-220lb. at 5'10'' and I've been told I'm "too muscular" by several gals. Why do guys need to look like Michael Cera to be attractive to girls in there 20s? I guess all you have to do nowadays is not eat anything and wear the tightest shirt you can find.

You mean the skinniest jeans you can find. I kid you not we have guys who come into the tattoo studio wearing their girlfriends pants "Because they fit tighter" (that was actually what some kid said to me when I asked him why)

It seems like women (in there early to mid 20s) no longer want a MAN they want someone who is as soft and feminine as possible.
Not making any assumptions here.

Were often stereotyped as ego freaks. Natrually we're very self confident cuz after all, we do look great:cool:

But u guys know these bro's who say all of 5 words and totally turn the ladies off? I have a buddy like this. He blames it on his braces (teeth). I tell him constantly," Im approached by some seriously hot women asking about him" But as soon as he starts talking..... he ruins it.

As I said, not making assumptions, but no woman would be turned off by a huge dude. Even then, as the rest of the fellas pointed out, Women out number men, plenty for the taking.

LMAO! You are so right, bro! Can't count the number of times I've eyewitnessed this!

Remember the comments, "Man, how can he get em, he looks like shiat and ain't got no's money, either"! *LOL*. He can tap that mind, tho! HaHa!

This is one benefit of being happily married, and in my mid forties...watching the youngin's go through this. The biggest thing I have to deal with is my wife's friends, telling her to get me, to get their husbands eating right and working out as well.

OP, you'll find a chick that digs the muscles...there are more out there than what you think.
This is one benefit of being happily married, and in my mid forties...watching the youngin's go through this. The biggest thing I have to deal with is my wife's friends, telling her to get me, to get their husbands eating right and working out as well.

HAHAHAHA I am going through this right now
This is one benefit of being happily married, and in my mid forties...watching the youngin's go through this. The biggest thing I have to deal with is my wife's friends, telling her to get me, to get their husbands eating right and working out as well.
OP, you'll find a chick that digs the muscles...there are more out there than what you think.

Just whip out the ole manhood, and let em know their ain't no substitute, and ain't gonna be! *LOL*

This is one area I'm kind of happy to be 40. Girls close enough to my age to date appreciate it. They like that you aren't out of shape in middle-age like their friends husbands.

It's funny, growing up when I did, the movie stars were Stallone and Arnold and the girls were femenine and slim. I bet the average difference between male stars and leading ladies was like 80 lbs. Now you have a bunch of guys who weigh 155 and the girls weigh 150. I talk to young guys and they are chasing girls that are 30lbs too heavy for my taste. I blame it on the big ass J Lopez look that has continued since that point.

I watch something like Jersey Shore and the guys are all in good shape and the girls are all fat to me. Meh, a matter of personal taste I guess.
I'm married and I found a woman that loves it. Here's one thing I found out about younger women though. They are scared that you will spend more time at the gym than with them, and they want you to be with them all the fucking time. Which is very fucking annoying. They don't want to compete with the gym for your time. But, like the others said, there are plenty of women out there. There are younger women that don't mind you going to the gym. Don't worry about it. Train for yourself and no one else.
I have found that most of the yunger girls (18-25) are not as attracted to bigger guys as they are the more Ambacrombi types

I'm in my mid 30's , white , clean cut and find that women my age and older are much more attracted to bigger guys , almost like its a fantisy type thing.

And for some reason older black women are very attracted to me , not sure why but my wife thinks its funny as hell
I agree to just whip out your peter and tell her it's all good. LOL!!

And God forbid for a man to have any body hair. Chest and back need to be smooth as a babys ass nowdays.
You've got to be doing this for yourself man.
I live in Japan and no where in the world is the contrast greater. I found an amazing woman who loves my looks - though she never dated a bodybuilder before.

Bro... you live in japan... I bet to them you are HUGE! When you walk down the street do they run away and say "Godzirra's comming! Godzirra's Comming!"

to the OP... you have to take the bad with the good... what are you looking for in the relationship...

It may not be the muscles... It may be the presentation... if your game is up to par then you shouldn't have a problem... period...

On a whole, chicks do dig the the faggotty little wormy guys because they can relate...And they are safe... But when they want some protection they need a real man with some size and strength... Don't go to the club wearing a shirt that looks like you borrowed it from your little brother... THATS what they don't like... It makes you look like a douche... especially if you have a guido hairdo...

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