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Rear delts are more important than lats for non-competitors

Actually saw a guy in the gym yesterday who was a good example of this. Short guy, pretty lean, good shoulders, pecs, arms, and back, but not necessarily big. But sick rear delts. When you saw those it was undeniable and unmistakable that he was a bodybuilder.
When I watched the video posted I thought the round the world exercise looked a little silly, like some pt stuff. Tried it today, not gonna lie, I felt it in the Rd more than reverse pec dec. I guess you would call that a concentric only exercise...there is really no lowering you just pull back hit the rear delt then circle it vs just lower and repeat.... either way no eccentric portion, but I do feel it more when doing the circle motion. Never seen these done in a gym probably a good thing lol
When I watched the video posted I thought the round the world exercise looked a little silly, like some pt stuff. Tried it today, not gonna lie, I felt it in the Rd more than reverse pec dec. I guess you would call that a concentric only exercise...there is really no lowering you just pull back hit the rear delt then circle it vs just lower and repeat.... either way no eccentric portion, but I do feel it more when doing the circle motion. Never seen these done in a gym probably a good thing lol
@qbkilla ... you'll start seeing gym rats doing the "around the world" excercises.
You'll start thinking they must be ProM members.

@qbkilla ... you'll start seeing gym rats doing the "around the world" excercises.
You'll start thinking they must be ProM members.

IMO gym rats must be following Paul Carter and that n1 dude. Months ago every kid skinnier then me was doing one arm cable long head kickback. Now they are all doing some sort of unilateral back pull down lying on an incline bench...secrets of the pros. Also noticing tons of people hitting lateral raises daily...like 8 dudes and girls were doing side delt raises yesterday...no idea who they got that from...5 years ago you'd barley see anyone hitting side or rear delts
Competitors, almost without fail, have shot their delts to shit so it doesn't matter how they train. It's like one third of the delt is scar tissue.
Very true. The biggest difference in 90s bodybuilders to today is delts. Because guys now shoot so much SEO and gear there. The delts on these guys have almost no feathering yet there so lean their glutes are dug out. The delts on these guys now are almost comical sometimes. Your medial delt simply does not get that big without shooting loads of shit in there.
A large muscle like the lats will always look more impressive in a t-shirt than a small muscle group like the rear delts.
And shirtless, backs are still more impressive than rear delts, mainly because almost no one has a lack of deltoid development on the pro circuit.

Some say Rubiel needs to improve his shoulders, that's fine, but it doesn't seem like too much of a problem to me.

When you see Tyler commenting on what improvements athletes need to make, he almost always talks about chest, back, quads or hams. Rarely talks about shoulders, arms or calves (and I think it's a shame that these muscles are being overlooked).
Arnold, 7 Olympia wins with not the best delts and no rear delts really…great front lat spread, but good luck finding rear lat spread pics for comparison. I’d say that his lats were pretty dang good tho, and his opposing group to the lats; pectorals, were some of the best in history…

Huge chests and huge biceps = always a winning look 🏆🥇
When I watched the video posted I thought the round the world exercise looked a little silly, like some pt stuff. Tried it today, not gonna lie, I felt it in the Rd more than reverse pec dec. I guess you would call that a concentric only exercise...there is really no lowering you just pull back hit the rear delt then circle it vs just lower and repeat.... either way no eccentric portion, but I do feel it more when doing the circle motion. Never seen these done in a gym probably a good thing lol
The guy in the video is Ryan Humiston and actually IMO has some great exercises posted on his YT channel, as well as IG. He does a lot of testing with computer to see which angles activate the best, etc. Doesn’t mean it’s 100% accurate, but I have tried some of his shoulder exercise, like the around the worlds and rear delt barbell raises, which I know he didn’t invent, but brought to my attention as I had not done them is at least a decade and were lost in my arsenal of things to rotate in and out.
The guy in the video is Ryan Humiston and actually IMO has some great exercises posted on his YT channel, as well as IG. He does a lot of testing with computer to see which angles activate the best, etc. Doesn’t mean it’s 100% accurate, but I have tried some of his shoulder exercise, like the around the worlds and rear delt barbell raises, which I know he didn’t invent, but brought to my attention as I had not done them is at least a decade and were lost in my arsenal of things to rotate in and out.
He seems pretty good. Best thing for Rd I've found is just focus on rvpd and hit them 2-3 times a week

2 high rep sets reverse flys to get blood in
2 drop sets on rvpd
Finish with another delt machine high reps or a few heavy sets of rear delt rows
He seems pretty good. Best thing for Rd I've found is just focus on rvpd and hit them 2-3 times a week

2 high rep sets reverse flys to get blood in
2 drop sets on rvpd
Finish with another delt machine high reps or a few heavy sets of rear delt rows
Yeah, he has some good research behind his stuff and why other stuff “may” not be working as well as other angles or exercises.

I have to hit mine a little harder and more often, because it’s not my strong suit on growth, like some other areas. I have some friends that were gifted with quick growing traps and shoulders and I am unfortunately not one of them.
Yeah, he has some good research behind his stuff and why other stuff “may” not be working as well as other angles or exercises.

I have to hit mine a little harder and more often, because it’s not my strong suit on growth, like some other areas. I have some friends that were gifted with quick growing traps and shoulders and I am unfortunately not one of them.
Man it took me a lifetime of reading forums and watching YouTube videos to finally discover how to properly connect and stimulate arms and delts but I think I finally got it down... credit to this forum too.

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