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Recertifying @ISSA after many years

Muay Thai

Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 25, 2008
I decided to get recertified @ the fast track course, and get back in to the corporate gym field in PT not @ sales.

I will post the curriculum PDFs here if anyone wants to read/study them why not? nice refreshers, I go back and reread old threads. I don't remember the material being this comprehensive 15 years ago lol.

Does anyone have ISSA here? I had NASM way back too but I opted for this as it was more economically viable and feasible. stay tuned

or perhaps someone can after studying all this material, avert having to pay for the curriculum and possibly only pay for cert test.

cpr and aed is in here and I am glad as I administered cpr 2 years ago and saved a dudes life it was crazy but need refresher
I decided to get recertified @ the fast track course, and get back in to the corporate gym field in PT not @ sales.

I will post the curriculum PDFs here if anyone wants to read/study them why not? nice refreshers, I go back and reread old threads. I don't remember the material being this comprehensive 15 years ago lol.

Does anyone have ISSA here? I had NASM way back too but I opted for this as it was more economically viable and feasible. stay tuned

or perhaps someone can after studying all this material, avert having to pay for the curriculum and possibly only pay for cert test.

cpr and aed is in here and I am glad as I administered cpr 2 years ago and saved a dudes life it was crazy but need refresher
I’ll definitely follow along!
I decided to get recertified @ the fast track course, and get back in to the corporate gym field in PT not @ sales.

I will post the curriculum PDFs here if anyone wants to read/study them why not? nice refreshers, I go back and reread old threads. I don't remember the material being this comprehensive 15 years ago lol.

Does anyone have ISSA here? I had NASM way back too but I opted for this as it was more economically viable and feasible. stay tuned

or perhaps someone can after studying all this material, avert having to pay for the curriculum and possibly only pay for cert test.

cpr and aed is in here and I am glad as I administered cpr 2 years ago and saved a dudes life it was crazy but need refresher
When I did ISSA the final exam was online and you could literally Google every single answer, lol. I assume that's why some gyms won't hire an ISSA pt.
I decided to get recertified @ the fast track course, and get back in to the corporate gym field in PT not @ sales.

I will post the curriculum PDFs here if anyone wants to read/study them why not? nice refreshers, I go back and reread old threads. I don't remember the material being this comprehensive 15 years ago lol.

Does anyone have ISSA here? I had NASM way back too but I opted for this as it was more economically viable and feasible. stay tuned

or perhaps someone can after studying all this material, avert having to pay for the curriculum and possibly only pay for cert test.

cpr and aed is in here and I am glad as I administered cpr 2 years ago and saved a dudes life it was crazy but need refresher
I had 3 ISSA certs years back but didn’t keep up with having them renewed after I got my degrees as I had no need.

I’ve always been far more impressed with their curriculum than the other ones out there.

It’s awesome you’re getting re-certified. Def keep us posted on the new content.
i enjoyed this one

– Spinal nerves: bundles of nerves connected to the spinal cord carrying information toward
the periphery
– Afferent neurons: send information from the body toward the CNS
– Efferent neurons (motor neurons): carry signals from the CNS to the muscles to generate movement
• Somatic nervous system: the part of the nervous system controlling voluntary movement
• Autonomic nervous system: the part of the nervous system responsible for involuntary
functions and movement
Sympathetic nervous system: the autonomic system responsible for “fight-or-flight”
Parasympathetic nervous"
Hey @Muay Thai, I used to be certified with Issa , and let them all expire. I think I was called a “master trainer” at one point??? I had 2 or 3

Literally this week my fiance wants me to re-up. She’s making a website/blog for women wanting to get into fitness (endurance specifically)….like for real life. Moms with jobs, etc. and I have to be a “hypertrophy coach” lol.

I’m in. Hell let’s knock this bitch out.
Hey @Muay Thai, I used to be certified with Issa , and let them all expire. I think I was called a “master trainer” at one point??? I had 2 or 3

Literally this week my fiance wants me to re-up. She’s making a website/blog for women wanting to get into fitness (endurance specifically)….like for real life. Moms with jobs, etc. and I have to be a “hypertrophy coach” lol.

I’m in. Hell let’s knock this bitch out.
sweet brother, i will be posting the FAST TRACK courses in SEQUENCE. these are a special section for those who want to test out (they are guidelines/cliff type notes for testing out and getting cert immediately)

also that is cool of her and sounds genuine and authentic. those people need help too and sometimes an extra push.
I’m NASM certified along with their nutrition certification. Thinking about finally doing something with it this year.

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