I'm not going to beat this up as it looks like you are taking a hit here. I can empathize. I'm 52 and I've been in numerous relationships and was married for over 15 years that ended in 2010. I've only been in love once (true love) and it lasted 2.5 years. This ended over 1 year ago,, so i fully understand the pain and I'm very sorry if your going through this. It hurts so much and the best advice I can give is to "not contact her" and stay very busy. Jump into work, kids, work out, go out with people as it helps keep your mind off it. You will sit in pain if you don't. I do NOT believe time heals anything but it does teach you how to handle the pain.
Dont date, it makes it worse. There is NO way to stop the process. It hurts and you need to let it hurt.
I'm so sorry. It takes balls to come on here of all places to share this and ask for help. Get a therapist and work through it. Lastly, your kids still need you,, so put them first and take care of them and cry when time permits. You can PM me if you just need someone to talk to. Again, after one year, I'm not over it but i picked up some tid-bits along my painful journey.